Dee Gatrell visits today with a fun interview that offers a peek into her life and her writing process. Her newest release, SWEET SUNSET, is a later-in-life romance between a psychologist and a woman with too much going on in her life. Please welcome Dee Gatrell!
Why did you choose this genre?
I like to read many genres, but I noticed over the years that I do not do well with he said/she said books. I always have more people in my stories. Probably because I have always been surrounded by aunt, uncles, cousins, and now my four children and 12 grandchildren.
Did you always want to be a writer?
Yes. As a child I wrote a lot of things, like fan letters to my favorite cowboys, letters to pen pals, family and friends. I loved getting mail. No email back then. In high school I wrote skits for the pep rallies. And in my senior year my English teacher loved the story I wrote with my weird sense of humor.
Was there anything unusual, any anecdote about this book you’d like to share?
Many, but I have to say one of my favorite scenes was when the three women took the mothers and Myrtle Sue’s Mother-in-law to lunch, it was fun to write. June was the mother of friends who we went to lunch with once. She was a Southern lady who said to me: My neighbor Wanda had me come to her jewelry party, all that cheap stuff. Why you know, those Yankees don’t stay up North. And I knew I wanted to use June in a book, even as a minor character. She passed away at 93 a few years ago. Also used something from my friend’s mother. One of my daughter’s was in an abusive marriage. I had to change a lot of things, but did get to kill him off.
What do you want readers to come away with after they read SWEET SUNSET?
I want them to read about characters they like, I want them to be able to laugh, and I hope they enjoy the recipes I put into the book.
Do you have any words of advice to beginning writers?
Yes, never give up. Join writing groups, send your writing to friends who will love it even if it isn’t the best at the time. I wrote for newspapers and magazines for years, but was never able to sell a novel until I retired from working. But hey, I’m older than dirt, but finally did it!
How do you think your life experiences have prepared you for writing?
I have lived a long time, come from a large family with all sorts of personalities, lived in several states, Ohio, Indiana, Oklahoma and Florida. I learned something new each place I have lived. If you watch and listen to people, you can pick up ideas for your characters. Is she clumsy? (I am). Does he have flirty eyes? Is she shy? Does she have hobbies? Does she belly dance? Do they like to garden? Does she have a crazy aunt she adores? Stop and look around. You can pick up many ideas.
Do you have any pets? Are you cat person or a dog person? Or are you into totally different pets, like goldfish? What do you like best about your pet?
Yes, at the present time we have three dogs. Zeus is almost 13 years old, Icarus is 12 and Ellie, our rescue dog is 5 years old. Dogs give you unconditional love. It’s hard when they get old. You know they won’t be with you forever. They get sick just like we do and we need to be there for them. We had a cat once. He was adorable. One night when my husband was working (military) the cat kept jumping on me. Something it never did before. Seems he was warning me that the gas stove was putting out fumes. Thankfully, hubby came home from work and threw his cigarette down before walking into the house. We had two kids that had a bedroom near the kitchen. Hubby smelled it and went in and fixed the odor. Then a week later, a neighbor’s dog caught our cat and killed it.
Do you have another occupation, other than writer? If so, what is it? Does it help you with your writing?
I’m retired from the college where I worked for many years as an educational advisor. Yes, I did get ideas listening to students. I also wrote for the confession magazines and various newspapers while working there.
What do you like best about your hero from SWEET SUNSET?
Zack is compassionate. In spite of Myrtle Sue’s crazy family, he loves all of them. He’s a psychologist, and as Myrtle Sue says, he could practice on all of them. (I could use him with my family too!)
What do you like best about your heroine from SWEET SUNSET?
Myrtle Sue has a lot to put up with, a dead husband who talks to her in her sleep, an unmarried pregnant daughter, another daughter who is in an abusive marriage, a son who doesn’t want to grow up and a mother-in-law with dementia who moved in with her. But in spite of it all, she loves them and helps however she can. She also learns to quit being an enabler.
I love the name Myrtle Sue. How do you choose the names and physical characteristics of your characters? Do you base them on real people?
Long ago, in the early stages of AOL, a bunch of published and unpublished writers started a crazy fictional place to live we called Happy Acres. My name there was Myrtle Sue. My friend, Martha Hicks, (AKA Gladys Luween), was my next-door neighbor. We are still friends and call one another by those names. As for the others in Sweet Sunset, my editor made me change a lot of names. She said I had too many that started with M and other letters. I was running out of names to call Zack, and finally said Zack, no other names with Z. Then I realized the dog’s name was Zeus. I figured folks would figure out the difference between the two. I say I didn’t use anyone I know, but my husband says I know who that really is. So perhaps I did have a few people I know, strictly accidental, right?
How can readers reach you or find you online?
I’m on Face Book. I have an author page
We all need to laugh at times. I hope I always give readers a chuckle.
You made me chuckle with this interview, Dee! Thanks for being here.
Myrtle Sue Henderson, widowed, didn’t count on her mother-in-law moving in with her when her husband passed over. But Myrtle Sue’s loopy in-law troubles aren’t her only family baggage—she’s ailed with three adult children who use her like she’s a pair of Depends. With a daughter and two grandchildren attempting to escape an abusive husband, a second unmarried daughter who is pregnant with twins, and a son who refuses to grow up, she’s at her wits end.
Myrtle Sue didn’t figure she’d ever meet another man she’d care for, until she went to church to get away from her troubles, only to find more when her mother-in-law causes chaos and hits an elderly man with her cane and helps herself to money out of the collection plate. That’s how she meets Zack. She figures once he meets her dysfunctional family, he’ll run as fast as he can—away from them.
Sonja’s eyes widened, and she grinned.
I thanked God Adam was blind to Hazel’s faults. “Thank you, Adam. You have no idea how happy I am that you’ll be here for Hazel.” And I really meant what I said.
Hazel walked into the kitchen and glanced around. “Who’s here? Oh my goodness! It’s my son Harold. How are you, honey?” She bent over and kissed Adam’s cheek. “And why don’t you ever visit your mommy, you naughty boy?”
I rolled my eyes and waved toward Adam. “Hazel, Harold’s been dead for twenty years. This is Adam, Sonja’s friend from the hospital. Remember? He’s a nurse, and he stays with you while I work.” I should’ve added whatever we paid him was worth every penny. He really was good to her.
“Oh, yes, Adam, dear.” She frowned at me. “Why can’t you be kind like Adam, Myrtle Sue? You’ve always been so mean to me.”
Sonja grinned. “Hi, Nana. How are you?”
“I’m fine.” She took a seat and grabbed a muffin. “Who are you? Are you Violet’s daughter?”
Sonja narrowed her eyes at her grandmother. “Nana! I’m Sonja, your granddaughter. Myrtle Sue and Don’s daughter.”
“Of course.” She laughed and pointed at her head. “You know how it is when you get old. Someday your mother will be just like me.”
Shuddering, I mumbled, “God forbid.”
“I hope you made roast beef for Father,” Hazel said.
“Yes, of course, and I made garlic rolls,” I lied, and then whispered, “Sonja, want some garlic tied around your neck?”
Hazel pointed at the stove. “Good. And remember, he likes carrots and noodles around his roast beef.”
Adam stood and smiled. “Well, I’ve got to go now. I’ll see you on Monday, Nana.”
“Okay, honey.” She reached into her pocket. “Here’s a dollar. Get yourself something to eat. You’re rather skinny, you know.”
“Thanks,” he said, kissing her cheek.
I walked him to the door.
He handed me the money. “I’ve tried giving her the money back, but she gets mad. You take it.”
I brushed away his hand. “No, Adam. You keep the money. Whatever you get, you deserve. You’re very good with Hazel. Good luck with your new friend.”
Five minutes after Adam left, my son, Terry, arrived.
Terry kissed my cheek. “What’s to eat, Ma?”
I hugged him. “Muffins.” Terry wasn’t pretty like Adam. Instead, he had a rugged look, more like a cowboy. He had those fabulous blue eyes but not the long lashes. His nose showed signs of his youthful fist fights, and his dimples added to his charm. I can’t tell you how many girls called the house for him in his teen years. And yet at the age of twenty-three, he still hadn’t found a special woman.
He grabbed a chair and sat. “Muffins? Don’t you have any real food?”
Buy Link:
Author Bio:
Dee Gatrell grew up in OH. She and her cousins entertained themselves by making up stories, dressing up in costumes and charging the neighborhood kids a few cents to come watch their plays. Her writing changed over the years. After marrying her husband Larry, they moved around the country, first when he was in the Air Force, next his civilian jobs required moving, too.
They have four children. Being away from family and listening to the kids running rampant, she would write letters to her relatives. She had a lot of aunts, uncles, cousins and various friends. This is her way to relieve stress. They found her amusing. She wasn’t trying to be funny, she was trying to stay sane.
The first time they relocated to Florida, her husband suggested she might want to go to college. Was he kidding? All she knew about was diapers, children, cleaning, laundry and cooking. She picked up the phone and called the local community college. The person on the phone encouraged her to take a writing class. From there she just kept attending until she finally, ten years later, received her BA from the University of Florida. She wrote for various newspapers over the years, and also worked as an educational advisor for Seminole State College before retiring.
Dee’s first novel, Sweet Sunset, was released in December 2016. She refers to the book as her dysfunctional family novel. She is now working on two more novels, one is an inspirational romance, the other another woman’s fiction.
Dee lives in Florida with her husband, Larry, four grown children, and a slew of grandkids. You can contact her on FaceBook or email her at
Friday, July 28, 2017
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
#Dunkirk Week Epic WWII Book Sale!
Dunkirk Week Epic WWII Book Sale – Until July 27!
To celebrate the release of director Christopher Nolan’s summer blockbuster movie Dunkirk, the authors of the Facebook Second World War Club have joined together to offer you more tales of WWII beyond Dunkirk.
From 7/21 to 7/27, more than 40 WWII fiction authors will discount their books to 99c (99 pence) to bring you back in time to witness the harrowing experience, as well as stories of courage, bravery, and sacrifices, in a war that impacted the entire world.
But that’s not all . . .
Until 7/27, we will be sharing with you at
- Blog posts on Dunkirk and WWII especially written by some of our authors
- Podcast readings by The Book Speaks of some of the books to be offered on sale
- Movie review of “Dunkirk”
- Our authors’ pick of a list of Top 40 WWII Movies
My WWII Books
The world is at war. The Nazis have stolen the infamous blue diamond, Le Coeur Bleu, intending to barter it
for weapons that will destroy the Allies. Jewel thief Hunter Smith is given a
choice; help the French Resistance steal back the diamond and avenge the death
of his best friend, or stay locked up in an English prison. He chooses revenge.
Flawless is on sale for .99 cents until July 28, 2017 from the following retailers:
The Wild Rose Press | Amazon | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | B & N | Bookstrand | Google Play | Kobo | iBooks
Home Fires
Anne Wakefield travels halfway around the
world for love. But when she arrives in Canada from England at the end of World
War Two, she discovers the handsome Canadian pilot she’d fallen in love with
has married someone else. Heartbroken, she prepares to return to London, though
she has nothing left there to return to. Her former fiancĂ©’s mother makes a
suggestion: marriage to her other son.
Badly wounded and scarred during the war,
Erik Gustafson thinks he’s a poor substitute for his brother. Although he loves
Anne almost from the first time he sees her, he cannot believe she would ever
be able to love him as he is – especially as he might be after another
operation on his bad leg. Anne sees the
beauty of his heart. The cold prairie winter may test her courage,
but can she prove to Erik that her love for him is real?
The Wild Rose Press | Amazon | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | B & N | Bookstrand | Google Play | Kobo | iBooks | BAM
Watch Our Trailer
Join us at the Facebook Second World War Club
The Facebook Second World War Club is a place for readers and writers of WWII fiction stories to share their thoughts and interests. It is a closed, moderated group. Please stop by and check us out:
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
#NewRelease by K.K. Weil: SOME WHISPER, SOME SHOUT
My guest today is K.K. Weil who's joining me for Recipe Tuesday with a crepe recipe. I have fond memories of French crepes. We had a French exchange student who told us "I make crepes for you", and pronounced the word "craps". We got a giggle out of that and ate delicious crepes with nutella. Then when my husband and I were in Paris, we ate at a little creperie, and had delicious smoked salmon buckwheat crepes for our main course, and warm chocolate filled crepes for dessert. They had to roll us out of there we were so full! So those fond memories make me very happy to host K.K. with her lovely crepe recipe. And a very intriguing sounding book. Take it away, K.K.!
Thanks so much for having me today, Jana. It’s always a pleasure to be on your blog!
So, recipes…Basically, I love food. My new release, Some Whisper Some Shout, centers around a young woman, Jolie, and her eccentric grandmother who own a small crepe shop on the boardwalk of the New Jersey Shore. They use their creperie not only to sell unique and delicious boardwalk food, but to help the homeless as well, by offering a free-meal program in their store. One of the small joys in Jolie’s life is creating new and interesting combinations of ingredients to stuff into a soft shell. She also loves coming up with cute and sometimes silly names to go with them.
Unlike Jolie and her grandmother, I do not have a French background and am not an expert crepe-maker. However, my family does make manicotti shells from scratch and with a little bit of tweaking, those shells can be transformed into crepe shells. So here is my makeshift recipe for crepes. You can stuff anything you like in them, from sweet to savory. This is a simple one.
1 cup flour
1 ¼ cup water
2 eggs
A pinch of salt
A couple of spoonfuls of Nutella or other hazelnut spread
1 banana, sliced
Powdered sugar
Heat a small pan on low heat. Put flour, eggs and salt in a bowl. Gradually add the water, stirring as you add it. The batter should be thin. In the pan, spread a thin layer of oil, just enough to coat the bottom.
Pour a little of the batter into a shot glass, or other container that holds one ounce. Pour the ounce of batter into the pan, swirling the pan as you pour the batter, so that the batter coats the bottom of the pan evenly. Let it cook for a minute or two, until the edges of the crepe lift from the sides of the pan and the crepe shifts in the pan when you gently shake it. Flip the crepe and cook for a minute on the other side. Do not let it brown. Remove the crepe from the pan and briefly let it cool on a hand towel or parchment paper. Do the same with the rest of the batter. You should get around 10 crepe shells out of the batter. If the crepes are thicker than you like, add more water to the batter.
Once the shells are cool enough to touch, fill with Nutella and bananas. Fold the crepe onto itself and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Here’s the link if you’d like to read about Jolie, her boisterous grandmother, their crepe shop and Jolie’s romantic and family troubles. Some Whisper, Some Shout comes out on August 16th, but you can preorder it today!
Here's the blurb for SOME WHISPER, SOME SHOUT:
Devices. Jolie’s got tons of them. Coping mechanisms that ensure she’s not falling victim to the mental illness that’s taken hold of both her brother and father. Helping the homeless gives Jolie much needed consistency. But when a stranger struts into her Jersey Shore creperie, writing cryptic songs on napkins and then disappearing, her world becomes anything but routine.
Reed can play the soul out of his saxophone, but he’s hiding something. Why else would he reveal so little about himself, or plan one secluded, albeit eccentric, date after another? And what’s in that backpack he carries everywhere? Then again, with her distressed brother missing, an estranged mother returning home, and a feisty grandmother acting weirder than usual, Jolie can’t decipher whether her suspicions are valid or dangerous delusions.
When inexplicable slashings of the homeless occur in her otherwise safe town, Jolie’s devices begin to fail.
Author Bio:
K.K. Weil grew up in Queens, but eventually moved to New York City, the inspiration for many of her stories. Weil, who attended SUNY Albany as an undergrad and NYU as a graduate student, is also a teacher. She enjoys writing her own dramas and lives near the beach in New Jersey, where she is at work on her next novel.
Friday, July 21, 2017
#Dunkirk Epic WWII Book Sale!
While we all anticipate the upcoming release of director Christopher Nolan’s summer blockbuster movie Dunkirk, the authors of the Facebook Second World War Club have joined together to offer you more tales of WWII beyond Dunkirk.
From 7/21 to 7/27, more than 40 WWII fiction authors will discount their books to 99c (99 pence) to bring you back in time to witness the harrowing experience, as well as stories of courage, bravery, and sacrifices, in a war that impacted the entire world.
But that’s not all . . .
Until 7/27, we will be sharing with you at
- Blog posts on Dunkirk and WWII especially written by some of our authors
- Podcast readings by The Book Speaks of some of the books to be offered on sale
- Movie review of “Dunkirk”
- Our authors’ pick of a list of Top 40 WWII Movies
My WWII Books
France, 1942. The world is at war. The Nazis have stolen the infamous blue diamond, Le Coeur Bleu, intending to barter it for weapons that will destroy the Allies. Jewel thief Hunter Smith is given a choice; help the French Resistance steal back the diamond and avenge the death of his best friend, or stay locked up in an English prison. He chooses revenge.
Flawless is on sale for .99 cents until July 28, 2017 from the following retailers:
The Wild Rose Press | Amazon | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | B & N | Bookstrand | Google Play | Kobo | iBooks
Home Fires
Anne Wakefield travels halfway around the world for love. But when she arrives in Canada from England at the end of World War Two, she discovers the handsome Canadian pilot she’d fallen in love with has married someone else. Heartbroken, she prepares to return to London, though she has nothing left there to return to. Her former fiancĂ©’s mother makes a suggestion: marriage to her other son.
Badly wounded and scarred during the war, Erik Gustafson thinks he’s a poor substitute for his brother. Although he loves Anne almost from the first time he sees her, he cannot believe she would ever be able to love him as he is – especially as he might be after another operation on his bad leg. Anne sees the beauty of his heart. The cold prairie winter may test her courage, but can she prove to Erik that her love for him is real?
The Wild Rose Press | Amazon | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | B and N | Bookstrand | Google Play | Kobo | iBooks | BAM
Watch Our Trailer
Join us at the Facebook Second World War Club
The Facebook Second World War Club is a place for readers and writers of WWII fiction stories to share their thoughts and interests. It is a closed, moderated group. Please stop by and check us out:
Monday, July 17, 2017
#NewRelease: SOMEWHERE MY LADY by Beth Trissel
Beth Trissel is here with an excerpt from her new release SOMEWHERE MY LADY, the first book in her new time travel series. I love time travels and I'm intrigued by the excerpt. Looks like a fun series! Please welcome Beth Trissel!
Thanks for having me on your blog, Jana. I’m excited to be writing time travels again, and love the meld of history, fantasy, and the paranormal I weave into mine. I’ve shared a scene below from chapter one of Somewhere My Lady (Book 1, Ladies in Time.) The heroine, Lorna, has just entered a stately 18th century manor home along the James River in Virginia. In the story, the house is called Harrison Hall and is modeled after Shirley plantation, with elements from the Georgian family homeplace on my father’s side in the Shenandoah Valley where I live. I love old homes and gardens. Also intrigued by ghosts…
She took a steadying breath and slowly turned, studying the ornate foyer. Sweet-scented beeswax tapers flickered in the brass candelabra on the stand against one ivory wall. A high-backed wooden bench banked another. Queen Anne’s lace filled the green Oriental vase on the low table. Framed floral paintings circled the spacious entryway. Everything appeared normal for a colonial manor decorated with period pieces.
Her pale yellow sundress shone in the sparkle of the multifaceted glass chandelier suspended overhead. She’d seen the one-of-a-kind fixture before. But when?
Again, the music summoned her attention. Faint at first, the melodious tune grew more distinct. She dropped her gaze to locate the source of the sound.
A live ensemble? The music seemed to come from a front room, and she detected muffled voices. Even more unexpected, the chords accompanied laughing dancers forming lines in the entryway. No one told her Harrison Hall had a dance troupe, or that they were performing now, at eight thirty on a Thursday morning. Who drew a crowd at that hour?
Not this group. Someone must’ve neglected to advertise the event. She, alone, stared at the colorful assembly. A shame, really. They were totally in character, and looked pure eighteenth century…a painting come to life.
Ladies in flowing silk gowns, like butterfly wings, their hair caught back in cascading curls, and men in formal coats, waistcoats, and knee breeches stepped to the lively melody. Gentlemen swung their partners as men and women came together and whirled away again. Circling, clapping, the couples wove their way down the rows, alternately changing hands with other ladies and gentlemen in the pairing. The floorboards echoed beneath gilt shoes with bows and glittering buckles. Their bright eyes skimmed by her without the slightest acknowledgement.
Strange. She comprised their entire audience. Were they trained to ignore onlookers? They couldn’t possibly miss her. She wasn’t gonna give a cheesy wave, but she was right here.
The longer she watched them, the more it seemed something was off. Despite their seamless performance, an indefinable quality about the troupe struck her as odd. These were not typical reenactors. Difficult to pinpoint what was different, exactly… They were unarguably genuine, as if carved from time. Isn’t this what was wanted?
Doubt nagged.
Holy crap. Depending on how they turned, she could partially see through their forms. Trick of the light?
The only illumination in the foyer came from the candles, chandelier, and pale sunshine. Nothing unusual about that.
Chills crawled down her spine and stood the tiny hairs at the back of her neck on end. The last thing she expected on this June day was a visitation from beyond, and certainly not by merry dancers. She shrank noiselessly against the wall, pinching her pebbled arms to be certain she was awake.
Could she dream she was pinching herself? What about the strong scents? The pungency of tobacco smoke and flowery perfumes wafted around her. Were odors a part of dreams? And sounds?
Dear Lord, how was any of this possible?
Uncertain if she were dreaming or haunted, she gaped at the animated figures. Wait. There. Him.
Her attention riveted on one young man in the gathering. He’d spun by earlier. She’d swear he gazed over his shoulder in her direction, then promenaded up the hall. His expert steps returned him again to the entryway. Unlike the other dancers, he was fully corporeal. No partially seen legs or torso. Fitted blue breeches and silk stockings encased his long muscular legs. He wore his own chestnut brown hair pulled back in a queue at his neck, free of powder, while most male heads were wigged and white. The deep blue suit tailored to his tall figure complemented his deft steps in the English country dance.
Something about him held her spellbound…the tilt of his head, arch of his brow, glimpse of his profile… She followed his every move with the fixity of an owl.
He turned blue-gray eyes toward her and sensuous lips curved into a smile on his handsome face.
Hands down. No contest. He was the hottest guy ever. Her heart beat a thrilling new rhythm.~
I hope this tempts you to give the story a try.
Somewhere My Lady is available from all major online booksellers. In Kindle at:
Beth Trissel's Author Bio:
Married to my high school sweetheart, I live on a farm in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia surrounded by my human family and furbabies. An avid gardener, my love of herbs and heirloom plants figures into my work. The rich history of Virginia, the Native Americans, and the people who journeyed here from far beyond her borders are at the heart of my inspiration. I’m especially drawn to colonial America and the drama of the American Revolution. And I love a good ghost story. In addition to Young Adult and New Adult fantasy romance, I also write historical, time travel, and paranormal romance, plus nonfiction.
Author Links:
One Writer’s Way:
Facebook Beth Trissel:
Author Beth Trissel:
My Amazon Author Page where all my books reside:
Thanks for having me on your blog, Jana. I’m excited to be writing time travels again, and love the meld of history, fantasy, and the paranormal I weave into mine. I’ve shared a scene below from chapter one of Somewhere My Lady (Book 1, Ladies in Time.) The heroine, Lorna, has just entered a stately 18th century manor home along the James River in Virginia. In the story, the house is called Harrison Hall and is modeled after Shirley plantation, with elements from the Georgian family homeplace on my father’s side in the Shenandoah Valley where I live. I love old homes and gardens. Also intrigued by ghosts…
She took a steadying breath and slowly turned, studying the ornate foyer. Sweet-scented beeswax tapers flickered in the brass candelabra on the stand against one ivory wall. A high-backed wooden bench banked another. Queen Anne’s lace filled the green Oriental vase on the low table. Framed floral paintings circled the spacious entryway. Everything appeared normal for a colonial manor decorated with period pieces.
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Queen Anne's Lace |
Again, the music summoned her attention. Faint at first, the melodious tune grew more distinct. She dropped her gaze to locate the source of the sound.
A live ensemble? The music seemed to come from a front room, and she detected muffled voices. Even more unexpected, the chords accompanied laughing dancers forming lines in the entryway. No one told her Harrison Hall had a dance troupe, or that they were performing now, at eight thirty on a Thursday morning. Who drew a crowd at that hour?
Not this group. Someone must’ve neglected to advertise the event. She, alone, stared at the colorful assembly. A shame, really. They were totally in character, and looked pure eighteenth century…a painting come to life.
Ladies in flowing silk gowns, like butterfly wings, their hair caught back in cascading curls, and men in formal coats, waistcoats, and knee breeches stepped to the lively melody. Gentlemen swung their partners as men and women came together and whirled away again. Circling, clapping, the couples wove their way down the rows, alternately changing hands with other ladies and gentlemen in the pairing. The floorboards echoed beneath gilt shoes with bows and glittering buckles. Their bright eyes skimmed by her without the slightest acknowledgement.
Strange. She comprised their entire audience. Were they trained to ignore onlookers? They couldn’t possibly miss her. She wasn’t gonna give a cheesy wave, but she was right here.
The longer she watched them, the more it seemed something was off. Despite their seamless performance, an indefinable quality about the troupe struck her as odd. These were not typical reenactors. Difficult to pinpoint what was different, exactly… They were unarguably genuine, as if carved from time. Isn’t this what was wanted?
Doubt nagged.
Holy crap. Depending on how they turned, she could partially see through their forms. Trick of the light?
The only illumination in the foyer came from the candles, chandelier, and pale sunshine. Nothing unusual about that.
Chills crawled down her spine and stood the tiny hairs at the back of her neck on end. The last thing she expected on this June day was a visitation from beyond, and certainly not by merry dancers. She shrank noiselessly against the wall, pinching her pebbled arms to be certain she was awake.
Could she dream she was pinching herself? What about the strong scents? The pungency of tobacco smoke and flowery perfumes wafted around her. Were odors a part of dreams? And sounds?
Dear Lord, how was any of this possible?
Uncertain if she were dreaming or haunted, she gaped at the animated figures. Wait. There. Him.
Her attention riveted on one young man in the gathering. He’d spun by earlier. She’d swear he gazed over his shoulder in her direction, then promenaded up the hall. His expert steps returned him again to the entryway. Unlike the other dancers, he was fully corporeal. No partially seen legs or torso. Fitted blue breeches and silk stockings encased his long muscular legs. He wore his own chestnut brown hair pulled back in a queue at his neck, free of powder, while most male heads were wigged and white. The deep blue suit tailored to his tall figure complemented his deft steps in the English country dance.
Something about him held her spellbound…the tilt of his head, arch of his brow, glimpse of his profile… She followed his every move with the fixity of an owl.
He turned blue-gray eyes toward her and sensuous lips curved into a smile on his handsome face.
Hands down. No contest. He was the hottest guy ever. Her heart beat a thrilling new rhythm.~
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Abraham Darby Rose |
Somewhere My Lady is available from all major online booksellers. In Kindle at:
Beth Trissel's Author Bio:
Married to my high school sweetheart, I live on a farm in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia surrounded by my human family and furbabies. An avid gardener, my love of herbs and heirloom plants figures into my work. The rich history of Virginia, the Native Americans, and the people who journeyed here from far beyond her borders are at the heart of my inspiration. I’m especially drawn to colonial America and the drama of the American Revolution. And I love a good ghost story. In addition to Young Adult and New Adult fantasy romance, I also write historical, time travel, and paranormal romance, plus nonfiction.
Author Links:
One Writer’s Way:
Facebook Beth Trissel:
Author Beth Trissel:
My Amazon Author Page where all my books reside:
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
QUEST OF A WARRIOR #newrelease from Mary Morgan
Mary Morgan visits today to tell us about her new release, QUEST OF A WARRIOR, part of her Dragon Knights series. To celebrate this latest release, she's having a Rafflecopter giveaway - make sure to enter below. She's sharing a recipe for one of her hero's favorite dishes, and it looks delicious! Take it away, Mary!
My hero, Conn MacRoich, is an ancient Fenian Fae Warrior. He’s powerful, arrogant, and a badass Fae. There are many layers to this warrior, but I would like to share a unique one with the readers. He’s a vegetarian. This is one of Conn’s favorite meals at the Seven Swans Pub, along with a good Irish stout. Sláinte!
Conn’s Shepherd’s Pie
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 Green garlic (if unable to find any, substitute 2 cloves of garlic, chopped)
1 medium onion, chopped
3 carrots, peeled and diced
8 oz package of sliced mushrooms
2 stalks of celery, chopped
2 tablespoons, chopped fresh parsley
1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 cups low-sodium beef stock
1 cup Guinness
1 cup of frozen peas, thawed
2 lbs. Russet or Yukon potatoes—OR Yams, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces
½ cup milk
2 tablespoons unsalted Kerrygold Irish butter
3-4 tablespoons Kerrygold Irish Cheddar, grated (optional)
In a large skillet, warm 2 tablespoons of the oil. Add the olive oil to the pan. Stir in the onion and cook for 5 minutes and onions are soft. Add the carrots, celery, parsley, and thyme. Cook for 3 minutes. Stir in the flour, cook for several minutes, and then add the stock and Guinness. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, and simmer uncovered, stirring occasionally for 20 minutes. Season again with salt and pepper and add the peas and remove skillet from heat.
Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
In a large saucepan over medium heat, cook the potatoes for 12-15 minutes, or until tender. Drain and mash. Add the milk and butter. Stir until smooth.
Transfer the stew to a large casserole dish. Spread the mashed potatoes over the meat mixture and bake for 10-12 minutes. Preheat the broiler and sprinkle the potatoes with the grated cheese, if using. Broil until potatoes are slightly brown and cheese is bubbling.
Release date: June 30, 2017
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press, Inc.
Genre: Paranormal, Romance, Fantasy, Mythology, Irish
“You met them in the Order of the Dragon Knights. Now, journey to the realm of the Fae and witness their legends!"
Fenian Warrior, Conn MacRoich has traveled the earth for thousands of years, guarding the realm between mortal and Fae. His deeds are legendary. Yet, one mistake will force him on a journey to fix a broken time-line. However, on Conn’s quest, he must face a human female who will eventually bring this ancient warrior to his knees.
When Ivy O’Callaghan inherits her uncle’s estate, she never imagines there will be more secrets to unravel, including the one she hides from the world. With the help of a mysterious stranger, she learns to trust and step out of the shadows. However, nothing prepares Ivy when she learns Conn's true identity.
As the loom of fate weaves a thread around the lovers from two different worlds, will the sacrifices they make lead them to love? Or will their secrets destroy and separate them forever?
“Intoxication can unleash the beast within a Fae.” ~Chronicles of the Fae
Conn fought the bolt of desire spearing a path throughout his body. Her touch spoke volumes—an invitation to taste. Never had he longed to kiss a human like this wee lass. His heart beat loudly, and he found himself unable to move. She was a Goddess of the moonlight. It danced off her face and hair, and he trembled before her. Ivy’s fingers traced down his cheek and across his lips. He was helpless to contain the growl that escaped from his mouth.
The rush of passion overtook him, and Conn slammed the door on his mind. Grasping Ivy around the waist, he hoisted her up on top of the bridge. Her lips parted on a sigh, and he lowered his mouth to feast on something he dared not take. The first brush of her soft lips against his own ignited a hunger he could no longer contain. Taking her moan deep into him, Conn glorified in the sensation of her mouth—one filled with a honeyed sweetness.
The Fae warrior became just a man for the first time. Something primal burst within him. Emotions he had never felt left him dizzy, spiraling to a physical plane. He craved them all. His lips seared a course down her neck, to her throat, and then recaptured the velvet warmth of her mouth.
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Author Bio:
Award-winning Scottish paranormal romance author, Mary Morgan, resides in Northern California, with her own knight in shining armor. However, during her travels to Scotland, England, and Ireland, she left a part of her soul in one of these countries and vows to return.
Mary's passion for books started at an early age along with an overactive imagination. She spent far too much time daydreaming and was told quite often to remove her head from the clouds. It wasn't until the closure of Borders Books where Mary worked that she found her true calling--writing romance. Now, the worlds she created in her mind are coming to life within her stories.
Rafflecopter Giveaway June 30 – July 31
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Dare to journey with the Dragon Knights of Scotland!
They were an ancient order descended from the great Tuatha De Danann, a tribe from the Goddess Danu. Half human and half fae, each blessed with mystical powers. They were also given holy relics and guardianship over the dragons.
With the dawn of Christianity, the dragons were systematically hunted down and slain leaving only one. The Dragon Knights took her from Ireland to a land across the sea, settling in the Great Glen near Urquhart. The clan was known as the MacKay clan, descendants from the MacAoidh.
Yet, there were those who deemed the Order had too much power, and they tried to possess it for themselves. They were evil and twisted, and their plan succeeded one fateful night.
The Clan Mackay is no longer.
The Dragon Knights scattered across the land.
Yet out of the darkness, they will each fight for redemption.
My hero, Conn MacRoich, is an ancient Fenian Fae Warrior. He’s powerful, arrogant, and a badass Fae. There are many layers to this warrior, but I would like to share a unique one with the readers. He’s a vegetarian. This is one of Conn’s favorite meals at the Seven Swans Pub, along with a good Irish stout. Sláinte!
Conn’s Shepherd’s Pie
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 Green garlic (if unable to find any, substitute 2 cloves of garlic, chopped)
1 medium onion, chopped
3 carrots, peeled and diced
8 oz package of sliced mushrooms
2 stalks of celery, chopped
2 tablespoons, chopped fresh parsley
1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 cups low-sodium beef stock
1 cup Guinness
1 cup of frozen peas, thawed
2 lbs. Russet or Yukon potatoes—OR Yams, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces
½ cup milk
2 tablespoons unsalted Kerrygold Irish butter
3-4 tablespoons Kerrygold Irish Cheddar, grated (optional)
In a large skillet, warm 2 tablespoons of the oil. Add the olive oil to the pan. Stir in the onion and cook for 5 minutes and onions are soft. Add the carrots, celery, parsley, and thyme. Cook for 3 minutes. Stir in the flour, cook for several minutes, and then add the stock and Guinness. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, and simmer uncovered, stirring occasionally for 20 minutes. Season again with salt and pepper and add the peas and remove skillet from heat.
Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
In a large saucepan over medium heat, cook the potatoes for 12-15 minutes, or until tender. Drain and mash. Add the milk and butter. Stir until smooth.
Transfer the stew to a large casserole dish. Spread the mashed potatoes over the meat mixture and bake for 10-12 minutes. Preheat the broiler and sprinkle the potatoes with the grated cheese, if using. Broil until potatoes are slightly brown and cheese is bubbling.
Release date: June 30, 2017
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press, Inc.
Genre: Paranormal, Romance, Fantasy, Mythology, Irish
“You met them in the Order of the Dragon Knights. Now, journey to the realm of the Fae and witness their legends!"
Fenian Warrior, Conn MacRoich has traveled the earth for thousands of years, guarding the realm between mortal and Fae. His deeds are legendary. Yet, one mistake will force him on a journey to fix a broken time-line. However, on Conn’s quest, he must face a human female who will eventually bring this ancient warrior to his knees.
When Ivy O’Callaghan inherits her uncle’s estate, she never imagines there will be more secrets to unravel, including the one she hides from the world. With the help of a mysterious stranger, she learns to trust and step out of the shadows. However, nothing prepares Ivy when she learns Conn's true identity.
As the loom of fate weaves a thread around the lovers from two different worlds, will the sacrifices they make lead them to love? Or will their secrets destroy and separate them forever?
“Intoxication can unleash the beast within a Fae.” ~Chronicles of the Fae
Conn fought the bolt of desire spearing a path throughout his body. Her touch spoke volumes—an invitation to taste. Never had he longed to kiss a human like this wee lass. His heart beat loudly, and he found himself unable to move. She was a Goddess of the moonlight. It danced off her face and hair, and he trembled before her. Ivy’s fingers traced down his cheek and across his lips. He was helpless to contain the growl that escaped from his mouth.
The rush of passion overtook him, and Conn slammed the door on his mind. Grasping Ivy around the waist, he hoisted her up on top of the bridge. Her lips parted on a sigh, and he lowered his mouth to feast on something he dared not take. The first brush of her soft lips against his own ignited a hunger he could no longer contain. Taking her moan deep into him, Conn glorified in the sensation of her mouth—one filled with a honeyed sweetness.
The Fae warrior became just a man for the first time. Something primal burst within him. Emotions he had never felt left him dizzy, spiraling to a physical plane. He craved them all. His lips seared a course down her neck, to her throat, and then recaptured the velvet warmth of her mouth.
Buy Links:
Apple iBooks:
The Wild Rose:
Author Links:
Author Bio:
Award-winning Scottish paranormal romance author, Mary Morgan, resides in Northern California, with her own knight in shining armor. However, during her travels to Scotland, England, and Ireland, she left a part of her soul in one of these countries and vows to return.
Mary's passion for books started at an early age along with an overactive imagination. She spent far too much time daydreaming and was told quite often to remove her head from the clouds. It wasn't until the closure of Borders Books where Mary worked that she found her true calling--writing romance. Now, the worlds she created in her mind are coming to life within her stories.
Rafflecopter Giveaway June 30 – July 31
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Dare to journey with the Dragon Knights of Scotland!
They were an ancient order descended from the great Tuatha De Danann, a tribe from the Goddess Danu. Half human and half fae, each blessed with mystical powers. They were also given holy relics and guardianship over the dragons.
With the dawn of Christianity, the dragons were systematically hunted down and slain leaving only one. The Dragon Knights took her from Ireland to a land across the sea, settling in the Great Glen near Urquhart. The clan was known as the MacKay clan, descendants from the MacAoidh.
Yet, there were those who deemed the Order had too much power, and they tried to possess it for themselves. They were evil and twisted, and their plan succeeded one fateful night.
The Clan Mackay is no longer.
The Dragon Knights scattered across the land.
Yet out of the darkness, they will each fight for redemption.
Thursday, July 6, 2017
#newrelease from Marilyn Baron: THE VAMPIRE NEXT DOOR
Marilyn Baron visits today with a look at her #newrelease THE VAMPIRE NEXT DOOR. She calls this fantasy love story "True Blood Meets The Addams Family Meets Romeo and Juliet". Sounds like fun! Please welcome Marilyn Baron!
The Vampire Next Door: Book 4 in The Psychic Crystal Mystery series
By Marilyn Baron
Aurora Dawn Hale, the ravishing daughter and granddaughter of psychics, wants to take a bite out of the boy next door, reformed vampire Lancelot “Lance” Lakeland, who repents his past and desperately desires to be good.
Lance has given up immortality to be with the woman he craves. He must convince Aurora Dawn he is worthy of her trust. Will she love him for who he is and leave her fiancé at the altar? Or wake up from her spell in time to recognize the evil presence of the fiend who has terrorized her family for centuries?
Book 1, Sixth Sense
Book 2, Homecoming Homicides
Book 3, Killer Cruise
Aurora Dawn threw open her bedroom window to welcome the sunlight and lowered her long blonde locks down the brick wall, Rapunzel-style, something she’d done every day since she was a teenager. What was she waiting for? Who was she waiting for? Yearning for? Prince Charming? Or just someone to rescue her from an arranged marriage that would ruin her life?
She listened for sounds emanating from the walled mansion next door. All she heard was the jarring sound of lawn machinery, buzzing through the thickets. There would be no last-minute reprieve.
For weeks, as the wedding got closer, Aurora Dawn’s nerves had become more frayed. She had been hesitant to face the truth. And the truth was she didn’t want to marry Bronx Bamberger. She was a coward. She couldn’t confront her fiancĂ©, and she was afraid to tell her mother. Her mother had been working tirelessly for a year with Bronx’s mother, Betsey, to plan the perfect wedding. How could she disappoint her parents and bring all those expensive plans crashing down around her family? It would be a disgrace. It would be the topic for tabloids, and it wasn’t fair to her mother, who hated publicity. She had gone along because she did love Bronx in a way. They had been best friends for years. But it wasn’t the kind of love that stirred her heart, the passionate kind of love she read about in fairy tales, the kind of love she wrote about, that she knew was out there.
Then she saw a face staring out at her from the upstairs window across the yard. The new boy—no, a man really, judging from the sheer size of him. Her heart fluttered with a primal hunger. Her blood pulsed and her spirit soared. When he took aim at her with his smile, something unexpected slammed into her chest with the blunt force of a bullet, speeding her heart rate with the piercing accuracy of Cupid’s arrow. Now this…this was what she’d been waiting for. The boy waved, and she beamed back. He signaled he would meet her downstairs. They were of the same mind, then. She nodded eagerly. She’d been a good, obedient girl her whole life. And now she wanted to take a bite out of the boy next door.
Author Bio:
The Vampire Next Door: Book 4 in The Psychic Crystal Mystery series
By Marilyn Baron
Aurora Dawn Hale, the ravishing daughter and granddaughter of psychics, wants to take a bite out of the boy next door, reformed vampire Lancelot “Lance” Lakeland, who repents his past and desperately desires to be good.
Lance has given up immortality to be with the woman he craves. He must convince Aurora Dawn he is worthy of her trust. Will she love him for who he is and leave her fiancé at the altar? Or wake up from her spell in time to recognize the evil presence of the fiend who has terrorized her family for centuries?
Book 1, Sixth Sense
Book 2, Homecoming Homicides
Book 3, Killer Cruise
Aurora Dawn threw open her bedroom window to welcome the sunlight and lowered her long blonde locks down the brick wall, Rapunzel-style, something she’d done every day since she was a teenager. What was she waiting for? Who was she waiting for? Yearning for? Prince Charming? Or just someone to rescue her from an arranged marriage that would ruin her life?
She listened for sounds emanating from the walled mansion next door. All she heard was the jarring sound of lawn machinery, buzzing through the thickets. There would be no last-minute reprieve.
For weeks, as the wedding got closer, Aurora Dawn’s nerves had become more frayed. She had been hesitant to face the truth. And the truth was she didn’t want to marry Bronx Bamberger. She was a coward. She couldn’t confront her fiancĂ©, and she was afraid to tell her mother. Her mother had been working tirelessly for a year with Bronx’s mother, Betsey, to plan the perfect wedding. How could she disappoint her parents and bring all those expensive plans crashing down around her family? It would be a disgrace. It would be the topic for tabloids, and it wasn’t fair to her mother, who hated publicity. She had gone along because she did love Bronx in a way. They had been best friends for years. But it wasn’t the kind of love that stirred her heart, the passionate kind of love she read about in fairy tales, the kind of love she wrote about, that she knew was out there.
Then she saw a face staring out at her from the upstairs window across the yard. The new boy—no, a man really, judging from the sheer size of him. Her heart fluttered with a primal hunger. Her blood pulsed and her spirit soared. When he took aim at her with his smile, something unexpected slammed into her chest with the blunt force of a bullet, speeding her heart rate with the piercing accuracy of Cupid’s arrow. Now this…this was what she’d been waiting for. The boy waved, and she beamed back. He signaled he would meet her downstairs. They were of the same mind, then. She nodded eagerly. She’d been a good, obedient girl her whole life. And now she wanted to take a bite out of the boy next door.
Buy Links for The Vampire Next Door
Amazon Kindle and Paperback
Barnes & Noble NOOK Book
The Wild Rose Press, Inc. EBook and Paperback
Author Social Media
Web site:
Twitter: Facebook:
Author Bio:
Marilyn Baron writes in a variety of genres, from humorous coming-of-middle age women’s
fiction to historical romantic thrillers and romantic suspense to
paranormal/fantasy. THE VAMPIRE NEXT DOOR, Book Four in the Psychic Crystal
Mystery series, released June 9, 2017, is her 12th novel published with The
Wild Rose Press. She signed her 13th contract for a romantic suspense called,
The Alibi. She’s published five short stories with TWB Press and self-published
three books, including a musical about Alzheimer’s called Memory Lane.
AmazonEncore republished her book Sixth Sense on September 15, 2015. She’s
received writing awards in Romance, Single Title, Suspense Romance, Novel With
Strong Romantic Elements and Paranormal//Fantasy Romance. She’s a PRO member of
Romance Writers of America and Georgia Romance Writers and winner of the
Georgia Romance Writers 2009 Chapter Service Award. A public relations
consultant in Atlanta, she graduated with a BS in Journalism and a minor in
Creative Writing from the University of Florida. She worked in Public Relations
for AT&T in Atlanta for 13 years before starting her own PR firm. She
serves on the 2017-2018 Roswell Reads Steering Committee. She was selected as a
featured author in the 2016 Atlanta Author Series. And she’s the Finalist for
the 2017 Georgia Author of the Year Awards in the Romance category for her
book, Stumble Stones: A Novel. She loves to read and is a member of two book
clubs. She also loves to travel and sets many of her books in places she’s
visited or lived, including Florida, Bermuda, Italy, Germany, and Australia.
She is busy writing her next novel, The Siege, a contemporary/historical
romance about Crete during World War II. Read more about Marilyn’s books at
Calling all Outlander Fans
I just got back from Scotland and I picked up this beautiful Outlander Lambswool Scarf at the Culloden Battlefield and Visitor's Center. Once I get 50 reviews of The Vampire Next Door on Amazon one of the reviewers will be chosen at random to receive the scarf. Just leave a comment on my Facebook page once you've posted your review or I will check the reviews and find your name there. Or email me at Thank you.
Monday, July 3, 2017
On #Sale: ANGELS FLY by Donna Simonetta
Donna Simonetta makes a return visit to Journeys with Jana to talk about ANGELS FLY which is currently on sale for .99 cents. Read all about Donna's book here, and then get your ecopy of ANGELS FLY from your favorite ebook retailer! Here's Donna!
I got the idea to set a book in San Diego, after a visit to my brother-in-law there several years ago. He lives on a houseboat in a marina, near where James and Kelly live in Angels Fly. I fell in love with the neighborhood, and since it’s a little out of my price range, I gave my characters the waterview condominiums I would love for my own. One of the benefits of being an author is getting to live vicariously through my characters.
Until I started writing this post, I didn’t realize that James and Kelly actually live out two of my real estate fantasies. Their hometown is Rye, New Hampshire, which is the next town over from a place where my husband and I lived many moons ago. One of my favorite drives when we lived there was through Rye. It is located along the New Hampshire seacoast, and I coveted some lovely homes there with their amazing ocean views. I let Kelly and James grow up in two of those homes.
To celebrate the one-year anniversary of the publication of Angels Fly, I’m thrilled that my publisher has put it on sale for only $.99 cents! If you haven’t read Angels Fly yet, and would like to visit my dream San Diego condominium within its pages, I’d be honored if you took advantage of this limited time sale to read Angels Fly!
Two years after her husband’s death, Kelly believes her romantic life is done. Until she reconnects with her girlhood crush on social media, and as fate would have it, he lives across the street.
James is over the whole true-love thing. His grasping ex-wife tore that belief out of him, when she left him for a rich, old man. Then he finds out his first love moved to San Diego too, and their attraction burns as hot as ever.
What they don’t know is that Fate didn’t bring them together – the Guardian Angel Corps did, led by two unlikely Cupids – Kelly’s late husband and Zane, a rough and tumble, 19th century cowboy. When a Fallen Angel decides to tear Kelly and James apart, cherubs and harps aren’t going to cut it, and Zane’s unique skills might be just what they need to get a second chance at their first love.
She flashed a bright smile at her old friend. “I sent a friend request to Susie Davidson, and I want to see if she’s responded.”
“Susie Davidson,” Grace’s voice dripped with disdain, “we didn’t badger you into doing this so you could reconnect with Susie Davidson.”
“Hey, what’ve you got against old Susie? She was an integral part of our nerd squad in high school,” David said. “Right, Kel?”
When she didn’t reply, he glanced over at his old friend to see her frozen at her computer, all the color drained from her face. “Kel, what’s wrong?”
“I didn’t hear from Susie, but I did get a message from James Flynn,” she whispered.
David jumped to his feet and peeked over her shoulder at the computer screen. “Yummy James Flynn from Rye?”
Grace snickered, “Sounds like a sandwich. I’ll have a Yummy James Flynn on rye. Hold the mayo.”
Kelly and David swung their heads in unison to stare at her.
“What? It’s not my fault you two come from a town named after a bread.”
David shook his head mournfully and intoned, “Californians.”
“Native, baby.” The blonde woman grinned playfully, “And don’t you New England Yankees forget it.”
“What does he say, Kel?” David asked with interest.
Kelly gulped. “He wanted to get in touch and maybe meet for a drink.” She twisted her head to look up at David, her eyes huge on her pale face. “He lives here, David. In San Diego.”
Buy Links:
Barnes & Noble:
Amazon UK:
The Wild Rose Press:
Author Bio:
My career has been a winding road. I worked in the business world for years, got my MLS and worked in a school library, and am now living my dream as an author. I love to read and write contemporary and fantasy romance. I live in Maryland, with my husband, who is my real-life romance hero. We both enjoy traveling to visit our far-flung family and friends, and spending time on the beach with an umbrella drink and a good book.
Donna's Social Media Links:
I got the idea to set a book in San Diego, after a visit to my brother-in-law there several years ago. He lives on a houseboat in a marina, near where James and Kelly live in Angels Fly. I fell in love with the neighborhood, and since it’s a little out of my price range, I gave my characters the waterview condominiums I would love for my own. One of the benefits of being an author is getting to live vicariously through my characters.
Until I started writing this post, I didn’t realize that James and Kelly actually live out two of my real estate fantasies. Their hometown is Rye, New Hampshire, which is the next town over from a place where my husband and I lived many moons ago. One of my favorite drives when we lived there was through Rye. It is located along the New Hampshire seacoast, and I coveted some lovely homes there with their amazing ocean views. I let Kelly and James grow up in two of those homes.
To celebrate the one-year anniversary of the publication of Angels Fly, I’m thrilled that my publisher has put it on sale for only $.99 cents! If you haven’t read Angels Fly yet, and would like to visit my dream San Diego condominium within its pages, I’d be honored if you took advantage of this limited time sale to read Angels Fly!
Two years after her husband’s death, Kelly believes her romantic life is done. Until she reconnects with her girlhood crush on social media, and as fate would have it, he lives across the street.
James is over the whole true-love thing. His grasping ex-wife tore that belief out of him, when she left him for a rich, old man. Then he finds out his first love moved to San Diego too, and their attraction burns as hot as ever.
What they don’t know is that Fate didn’t bring them together – the Guardian Angel Corps did, led by two unlikely Cupids – Kelly’s late husband and Zane, a rough and tumble, 19th century cowboy. When a Fallen Angel decides to tear Kelly and James apart, cherubs and harps aren’t going to cut it, and Zane’s unique skills might be just what they need to get a second chance at their first love.
She flashed a bright smile at her old friend. “I sent a friend request to Susie Davidson, and I want to see if she’s responded.”
“Susie Davidson,” Grace’s voice dripped with disdain, “we didn’t badger you into doing this so you could reconnect with Susie Davidson.”
“Hey, what’ve you got against old Susie? She was an integral part of our nerd squad in high school,” David said. “Right, Kel?”
When she didn’t reply, he glanced over at his old friend to see her frozen at her computer, all the color drained from her face. “Kel, what’s wrong?”
“I didn’t hear from Susie, but I did get a message from James Flynn,” she whispered.
David jumped to his feet and peeked over her shoulder at the computer screen. “Yummy James Flynn from Rye?”
Grace snickered, “Sounds like a sandwich. I’ll have a Yummy James Flynn on rye. Hold the mayo.”
Kelly and David swung their heads in unison to stare at her.
“What? It’s not my fault you two come from a town named after a bread.”
David shook his head mournfully and intoned, “Californians.”
“Native, baby.” The blonde woman grinned playfully, “And don’t you New England Yankees forget it.”
“What does he say, Kel?” David asked with interest.
Kelly gulped. “He wanted to get in touch and maybe meet for a drink.” She twisted her head to look up at David, her eyes huge on her pale face. “He lives here, David. In San Diego.”
Buy Links:
Barnes & Noble:
Amazon UK:
The Wild Rose Press:
Author Bio:
My career has been a winding road. I worked in the business world for years, got my MLS and worked in a school library, and am now living my dream as an author. I love to read and write contemporary and fantasy romance. I live in Maryland, with my husband, who is my real-life romance hero. We both enjoy traveling to visit our far-flung family and friends, and spending time on the beach with an umbrella drink and a good book.
Donna's Social Media Links:
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