Friday, January 31, 2014

Two Reviews Today on my Tour

I'm making two stops today. First, I'm at Ramblings of a Book Lunatic for a spotlight and review. Next, I'm getting another review at My Favorite Things. Come join me for the verdict!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Guest Blogging Today!

In HER BEST MAN, book one of the Left at the Altar series, Sarah and Will find themselves sharing a cabin on a cruise ship. Today I'm at Roxanne's Realm to talk about finding love on vacation. Is it a good idea? I'd love to hear your experiences of finding love on vacation.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I'm Being Interviewed Today!

My stop today is at Books Direct where I'll be interviewed. Learn all about me and my writing! And don't forget to enter my Rafflecopter contest for your chance to win a $25 Amazon gift certificate.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Guesting Blogging Today on My Virtual Tour!

In THERE GOES THE GROOM, the second book in Left at the Altar series, fate throws Tony and Olivia together when they're forced to work together, eight years after he leaves her at the altar. I'm at Cloey's Book Reviews and Other Stuff today with a guest blog about dating co-workers. Is dating at work a good way to find a mate or the fastest way to end up on the unemployment line?

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Spotlight's on 'Always a Bridesmaid'!

Today I'm at Paranormal Romance and Beyond for a book spotlight. It's great fun to visit so many new-to-me blogs around the Internet.

I'm also at Sapphyria's Book Reviews today for another book spotlight. Don't forget to enter my Rafflecopter contest!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Always a Bridesmaid Excerpt #MFRWhooks

Happy Wednesday! Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm excited to be on a blog tour for the next couple of weeks to promote my newest release, ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID, Book 3 of my Left at the Altar series. I'd love for you to follow along. A list of scheduled stops is on my News & Appearances page. I'm giving away a $25 Amazon gift certificate through a Rafflecopter draw, so enter soon and enter often!

Here's a blurb from ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID:

Dani Dipietro has always considered herself an ugly duckling in a family of swans. She's the bridesmaid her friends count on, but never the woman any man wants for his bride. So she plays the funny girl and guards her emotions, and her secrets, closely.
When Zach Morrison was dumped at his wedding, Dani was there to help him through the humiliation. A year later they meet again and once more Zach needs her help. To fend off the unwanted attentions of his former fiancé, he asks Dani to pretend to be his girlfriend. They play their roles a little too well, and make believe turns into reality. But their relationship comes crashing down around them when Zach's trust issues cause him to accuse Dani of cheating. Telling the truth means that Dani will betray a friend, something she will never do. But keeping her secrets means she may be destined to remain a bridesmaid forever. 

And here's a new seven paragraph excerpt:

"Chantal and I were engaged twice and she let me down both times. You know that old saying, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me? I'm the sucker who got fooled twice and I'm not looking for a third time."

"At least now I know why Chantal's acting so hostile towards me," Dani said with a grimace. "So, what do you expect me to do? Ward off the evil seductress with a string of garlic and a crucifix?"

"Actually, I think that's for vampires, but you never know, it might work."

"Be serious, Zach."

"I'm very serious. I don't want to get mixed up with Chantal again, and she can't seem to take no for an answer. And what about you? You could have refused to go along with the idea."

"You didn't give me a lot of time to think over my answer."

She was right. He hadn't given her feelings much thought when he'd grabbed her like a cave man and kissed her in front of Chantal. He'd felt her shock as he held her in his arms, and he'd tried to quell her astonishment by gentling the kiss. It seemed to have worked. She'd relaxed into the kiss enough to kiss him back, and perhaps even enjoy it. What he hadn't expected was to enjoy kissing her as much as he had.

I hope you enjoyed my excerpt. If you're interested in winning extra prizes, subscribe to my newsletter. You can read details about the newsletter only contest on this post.

Check out the MFRW Blog for more fun Book Hooks!

Join Me for a Review Today!

Today my new book is being reviewed by Musings from an Addicted Reader. Can't wait to hear what she thinks!

I'm also at Mia Dowing's blog with a fun interview. I hope you can make both stops today!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day Two of My Virtual Tour

Today I'm at 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy & Sissy, Too! for a book spotlight and a review on day two of my virtual blog tour. Don't forget to enter my Rafflecopter contest for a grand prize of a $25 gift certificate. See you there!

Monday, January 20, 2014

My Virtual Book Tour Begins!

Today is the first day of my Bewitching Book Tours virtual blog tour, celebrating the release of ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID and the other two books in the series, HER BEST MAN, and THERE GOES THE GROOM. Today's stop is at Midnight Musings with Bertena. Why would someone be so cruel as to leave their betrothed at the altar? I investigate this question in my guest post today.


My grand prize is a $25 Amazon gift certificate so don't forget to enter the Rafflecopter contest!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

New Excerpt for Sneak Peek Sunday!

Happy Sunday! I've got a never-before-seen sneak peek for you today from my latest release, ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID, Book Three in my Left at the Altar series. This book just released on Friday, and tomorrow, January 20, I'm beginning a two week long blog tour. I hope you'll follow along! Here's a schedule of all my stops. The grand prize is a $25 Amazon gift certificate.

Here's  a blurb from ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID:

Dani Dipietro has always considered herself an ugly duckling in a family of swans. She's the bridesmaid her friends count on, but never the woman any man wants for his bride. So she plays the funny girl and guards her emotions, and her secrets, closely.
When Zach Morrison was dumped at his wedding, Dani was there to help him through the humiliation. A year later they meet again and once more Zach needs her help. To fend off the unwanted attentions of his former fiancé, he asks Dani to pretend to be his girlfriend. They play their roles a little too well, and make believe turns into reality. But their relationship comes crashing down around them when Zach's trust issues cause him to accuse Dani of cheating. Telling the truth means that Dani will betray a friend, something she will never do. But keeping her secrets means she may be destined to remain a bridesmaid forever. 
Here's today's six paragraph excerpt:

She picked up her fork and finished her dinner. When everyone had completed the main course, Adele cleared the plates. A few moments later she brought out individual lemon tarts and placed one in front of Dani. She lifted her dessert fork and took a bite. The fresh taste of lemon exploded in her mouth. The pastry was light and flaky and delectable. She hadn't allowed herself anything this decadent for a very long time. She closed her eyes in ecstasy and emitted a sigh of satisfaction.

"I wonder how many calories are in that tart?" Chantal said. "Do you really think you should be eating that, Dani? I mean, with your tendency to put on weight around your hips and butt?"

Chantal's expression was full of innocence and concern. Dani felt her face flame with embarrassment. She'd worked really hard to keep the weight off with exercise and diet, and had reached a point where she was more or less comfortable with her body, although she always felt as if she had five or ten more pounds to lose.

But with just a few words, Chantal had set back her confidence about eight years. She didn't know if she was angrier at Chantal or herself. She set down her fork, her delight in the treat evaporating.

Zach reached for her hand and brought it to his lips for a kiss. She blinked at him in surprise.

"I happen to think Dani's curves are incredibly sexy. Especially her hips and butt." He smiled at her, and kissed her hand once more.

I hope you'll join me on my blog tour tomorrow. And if you're interested in winning more prizes over the next couple of weeks while I'm on tour, sign up for my newsletter. I've got some great prizes exclusively for newsletter subscribers. Check out the prizes at this post. Here's a clue:

Check out more great sneak peeks at

Saturday, January 18, 2014

A Special Contest!

Yesterday, the third book in my Left at the Altar series, ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID, released from Uncial Press. Yay! One of the things I'm doing to celebrate is to offer a contest with prizes inspired by the series. This contest is open only to my newsletter subscribers.

You're not one of my newsletter subscribers? It's not too late to get in on the fun. Join the newsletter now for your chance to win some cool swag. I've got five prize packs:

A “Her Best Man” tote bag and a CD copy (text only) of HER BEST MAN.

A “There Goes the Groom” tote bag and a CD copy (text only) of HER BEST MAN.

An “Always a Bridesmaid” tote bag and a CD copy (text only) of A LONG WAY FROM EDEN

An Uncial Press tote bag and a CD copy (text only) of A LONG WAY FROM EDEN

An Uncial Press tote bag and a CD copy  (text only) of SEEING THINGS

And who knows, maybe I'll add a couple more surprise prizes along the way!

Over the next two weeks I'll be touring the Internet on my blog tour. You can see a full schedule here. My newsletter subscribers will receive an email with questions based on four of those stops. All you have to do to enter is answer the questions and email me your answers. Easy peasy! But you can only enter if you're newsletter subscriber. So enter here:  Best of luck!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Release Day!

ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID releases today and I couldn't be more thrilled! I'm celebrating today at the Romance Lives Forever blog where I'm interviewing my three heroines - Sarah Stevens, Olivia Taylor, and Daniella (Dani) Dipietro - from the Left at the Altar series. I hope you'll stop by and say hello!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Always a Bridesmaid releases Jan.17! #MFRWhooks

I'm very excited because ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID, the third book in my Left at the Altar series, releases on Friday, January 17, 2014. Only two more sleeps! Here's the blurb:
Dani Dipietro has always considered herself an ugly duckling in a family of swans. She's the bridesmaid her friends count on, but never the woman any man wants for his bride. So she plays the funny girl and guards her emotions, and her secrets, closely.
When Zach Morrison was dumped at his wedding, Dani was there to help him through the humiliation. A year later they meet again and once more Zach needs her help. To fend off the unwanted attentions of his former fiancé, he asks Dani to pretend to be his girlfriend. They play their roles a little too well, and make believe turns into reality. But their relationship comes crashing down around them when Zach's trust issues cause him to accuse Dani of cheating. Telling the truth means that Dani will betray a friend, something she will never do. But keeping her secrets means she may be destined to remain a bridesmaid forever. 

Here's an eight paragraph peek at ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID:

Wanting nothing more than to comfort, she wrapped her arms around his waist in a hug. He held her tightly, pulling her against him and burying his face in her neck. Dani inhaled the intoxicating scent of spicy aftershave laced with underlying notes of warm, clean male. How could Chantal treat a wonderful man like Zach this way?
She gently pulled away, keeping him at arm's length. "You're going to get past this, Zach."
"It doesn't feel like it right now."
"I know, but someday, when you're old and grey, you'll be sitting on the front porch with your wonderful wife of fifty years, and you'll say 'Thank Heaven Chantal cheated on me or I never would have met you.'"
He made a sound somewhere between a laugh and a sob. "Fifty years, eh?"
"Trust me."
Some lucky girl would snap Zach up in a minute, and if she was smart, she'd shower him with the love and consideration he deserved. Some lucky girl, but not me.
Reluctantly, she took a step back. He squeezed her fingers before letting her go. With her heart pounding in her chest, and regret nipping at her heels, she hurried from the church. Before she did something stupid, like kiss the jilted groom.

This buy link, will go live on January 17. I hope you enjoyed my snippet!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Sneak Peek at "Always a Bridesmaid"

Happy Sunday! Today my sneak peek is from my soon to be released (January 17, 2014) contemporary romance ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID. Here's the blurb:

Dani Dipietro has always considered herself an ugly duckling in a family of swans. She's always the bridesmaid her friends count on, but never the woman any man wants for his bride. So she plays the funny girl and guards her emotions, and her secrets, closely.
When Zach Morrison was dumped at his wedding, Dani was there to help him through the humiliation. A year later they meet again and once more Zach needs her help. To fend off the unwanted attentions of his former fiancé, he asks Dani to pretend to be his girlfriend. They both play their roles a little too well, and make-believe turns into reality. Their invented relationship comes crashing down when Zach's trust issues cause him to accuse Dani of cheating. Telling the truth means that Dani will betray a friend, something she will never do. But keeping her secrets means she may be destined to remain a bridesmaid forever.     

 Here's today's six paragraphs:

He cupped her cheek, his eyes searching hers. "Why do you do that? Make a joke or accuse me of being patronizing when I try to compliment you?"

Because I can't believe you mean it. "I know I'm not perfect, not in looks, not like Chantal. Far from it."

"Maybe I don't want perfect." His thumb traced lazy circles over the delicate skin under her eye. "Maybe I want sweet and kind and funny. Maybe I want someone who makes me laugh, and makes me believe happiness is possible."

She stared at him, his gaze rendering her immobile. She wanted to tell him not to say things like that to her, not unless he was very, very sure he meant them. Because if he didn't really mean it, she might not survive.

But her heart lodged in her throat, making speech impossible. All she could do was pray that when he left her, her heart would still be in one piece.

Zach lowered his mouth to hers. His lips touched hers, softly, sweetly. She wanted more, so much more. She stepped closer to him, stretching on tiptoes to wrap her arms around his neck and press herself against him. His kiss changed in a heartbeat, consuming her, devouring her in a vortex of sensation and need. Nothing mattered except this moment with Zach in her arms.

I hope you've enjoyed a look at ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID. This is the third book in my Left at the Altar series: Book one, HER BEST MAN, and Book two, THERE GOES THE GROOM.

For more sneak peeks, check out  Have a great day!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Seven lines from 'There Goes the Groom' #MFRWhooks

Happy Book-hooks Wednesday! Today I've got seven lines from THERE GOES THE GROOM, book two in my Left at the Altar series. Here's the blurb:

Eight years ago Tony left Olivia at the altar. He was sure she didn't really want to marry him. Now he's back, and they're forced to work together.
Coming home isn't easy for Tony, because his father wanted him to work at a trade instead of going off to college. Their relationship is still unsteady. Even before Tony's return, Olivia began questioning the depth of her love for her fiancé, a man she chose because he was safe and reliable. The last thing she wants is a loveless, faithless marriage like the one her parents suffered through. 
When Tony, who never stopped loving her, insists her fiancé is the wrong man for her, Olivia sets out to prove him wrong. But the sexual chemistry between them is still strong, and so are her feelings for him. Even so, how can she break her engagement, hurt her fiancé as she was once hurt? And how can she trust Tony not to abandon her like he did before?
If anyone does the jilting this time, she will. 

Here's seven paragraphs from the opening of THERE GOES THE GROOM:

“I, Anthony James DiPietro, take you, Olivia Jane Taylor, to be my lawful wedded wife, from this day forward, till death do us part.”

The impact of the words hit Olivia. They were promising to love each other for the rest of their lives. How could anyone make a promise like that? How could she possibly know at twenty how she would feel at forty?

She swallowed and closed her eyes for a moment, thrusting the thought from her mind. All she knew was that she loved Tony. They’d have to figure out this marriage thing as they went along.

Like her parents figured it out?

Something inside Olivia snapped, like an elastic band reaching its breaking point. What if she and Tony didn’t make it?

The minister continued the liturgy. “Olivia, repeat after me, ‘I, Olivia Jane Taylor—”

“I can’t marry you.”

ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID, Book three of the Left at the Altar series, releases January 17, 2014.

See you next time!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Today's Spotlight on Always a Bridesmaid

ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID is releasing January 17 and I'm gearing up for the big day with guest posts around the Internet. Today I'm at Lia's Book Haven for a spotlight look at my new release, the third book in my Left at the Altar series. I hope you can stop by!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Sunday Snog from Always a Bridesmaid!

It's great to be here at the Sunday Snog with my very first excerpt! ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID is book three of my Left at the Altar series, and it's releasing on January 17, 2014. Here's a blurb:
Dani Dipietro has always considered herself an ugly duckling in a family of swans. She's always the bridesmaid her friends count on, but never the woman any man wants for his bride. So she plays the funny girl and guards her emotions, and her secrets, closely.

When Zach Morrison was dumped at his wedding, Dani was there to help him through the humiliation. A year later they meet again and once more Zach needs her help. To fend off the unwanted attentions of his former fiancé, he asks Dani to pretend to be his girlfriend. They both play their roles a little too well, and make-believe turns into reality. Their invented relationship comes crashing down when Zach's trust issues cause him to accuse Dani of cheating. Telling the truth means that Dani will betray a friend, something she will never do. But keeping her secrets means she may be destined to remain a bridesmaid forever.     

In this excerpt, containing Zach and Dani's first snog, they meet again after a year:

The door swung open, and for a moment Dani could only stare. Zach Morrison stood holding the door and looking even more handsome then he had a year ago. She'd learned from Fiona that he'd be here, that they'd be paired together in the wedding party. But even though he'd had a starring role in her fantasies for the last year, she hadn't expected her insides to go all mushy at the sight of him.
Finally, she remembered her manners and held out her hand. "It's nice to see you again, Zach."
He took her hand and held it tightly. "It's nice to see you, too. In fact, I'm really glad you're here."
Her mouth went instantly dry. "You are?"
"Yeah." He squeezed her fingers, the look on his face intense. "I know we don’t know each other well, but I have a favor I need to ask you. A really big favor."
"Okay." She couldn't imagine what kind of favor he'd want from her. "Why don't I come inside and you can tell me about it."
He looked furtively over his shoulder. "I haven't forgotten your kindness when I saw you last. My mother told me how considerate you were to her and Camp as well. Thank you."
"You're welcome. But I really didn't do anything." Her heart pounded so hard she was sure he could hear it.
"It meant a lot to me. Listen, there's not much time. I wanted to ask you--"
"Zach! Who's at the door?"
Dani started. She knew that voice. Chantal.
Zach visibly shuddered at the demanding tone in Chantal's voice. His blue eyes implored her.
"Please, play along with me. I'll make it worth your while."
"Daniella, help me, please!" he whispered.
How could she say no to a handsome man asking for her help?
"Okay, but--"
Before she could articulate a question, he pulled her into his arms, his mouth descending on hers. Dani was too shocked to object. For a full ten seconds she remained rigid and unyielding. Then she relaxed slightly, sighing at the sweet sensation of his lips touching hers. Her hands seemed to move on their own accord, first exploring his muscular chest, then winding around his neck. Her body trembled as it molded itself against his.
"Dani? Is that you?"
Chantal's voice doused the pleasant awareness. She stepped back with a jolt, shocked that she'd been so intimate with someone she hardly knew. She cringed. And in front of an audience, too.
Zach put his arm around her waist, pulling her against him and kissing her cheek. "Just follow my lead. Please," he whispered urgently in her ear. Dani looked up into his eyes and saw his desperation. Without thinking, she gave an imperceptible nod. He grinned and turned to face Chantal.
"I was just saying hello to Daniella."

Chantal looked her up and down. "Since when do you say hello to Dani by sticking your tongue down her throat?"

I hope you enjoyed this first kiss! For more sexy snogs, check out other kisses at See you next time!

Sneak Peek Sunday Returns!

Sneak Peek Sunday is back and I'm very happy to participate once again. Today I've got six paragraphs from book one in my Left at the Altar series, HER BEST MAN. Here's a blurb:
Sarah Stevens experiences a bride's worst nightmare; being dumped at the altar.  When she goes on the Caribbean cruise meant to be her honeymoon in order to lick her wounds, she discovers her ex-fiance has sent his brother, Will Marshall, the former best man, on the cruise as well.  Everyone on board thinks they're newlyweds, and Sarah is too embarrased to set them straight.  How is she supposed to share a tiny cabin with a man she barely knows?  Even worse, how is she supposed to pretend that she and Will are on their honeymoon?  Sarah discovers the best man for her really is the best man.
Purchase HER BEST MAN from Uncial Press

And here's a sneak peek:

“What the hell are you doing here?” Sarah demanded, clutching the top of her towel with both hands.  The gesture only succeeded in hiking the towel a little higher up her thighs.  She didn’t know which end to hang on to.

“I could ask you the same thing,” Brad’s brother said, a hint of amusement, and an equal measure of annoyance in his voice.  “I thought you didn’t like boats.”

“It’s called a ship and I changed my mind.  I thought I was entitled to a vacation after what I’d been through.”  Whether it was getting dumped at the altar or being taken advantage of by her family, Sarah wasn’t sure.  Either one applied.  Her heart lurched at her next thought.  “Is Brad with you?”

“No, Brad’s in Ottawa, looking for you.”  Will sighed and ran his hand through his hair.  “Yeah, I’d say you were entitled to a vacation.”  He set his duffle bag on the floor and took off his backpack. “Brad gave me his ticket.  He didn’t figure you’d show.”

Sarah lifted her chin and stared defiantly at Will.  "I guess that goes to show how little he understood me."  Another thought suddenly occurred to her.  "What do you mean Brad gave you his ticket?  I thought the tickets weren't transferable."

Will grinned, his smile slow and incredibly sexy, and Sarah could have smacked herself for noticing how attractive he was.  "Luckily our passport photos look amazingly similar.  They really should do something about the security on this boat."

I hope you enjoyed this peek at HER BEST MAN. For more great sneak peeks, check out See you next time!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Making New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year! The New Year is a time for new beginnings, and of course, for resolutions. In addition to my usual resolutions about losing weight and going to the gym more often, I’m also working on a whole set of resolutions, or goals, related to my writing. I’m trying to set deadlines for the completion of projects, decide what new projects I want to begin this year, and what actions I’ll have to take monthly and daily to reach my goals. I’d like to share with you a few things to consider this second day of January when you are either creating resolutions or already breaking them.

1. Smart Goals – In the world of goal setting, S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely (or Tangible). Working within these guidelines helps you to create goals that aren’t vague (I want to lose 20 pounds in six months rather than I want to lose weight) or unrealistic (I’m going to run in the New York marathon this year, although I’ve never run before!). They help make you accountable because you’ve set deadlines to achieve these goals and you’re measuring along the way to see if you’ve made headway in reaching your goal.

2. Write them downSonia Ricotti of Lead Out Loud Inc. says thinking about our goals isn’t enough. Putting them down on paper dramatically increases our chances of achieving them.

3.  Say it Loud and Proud - Once you’ve made your S.M.A.R.T. goals, and written them down, read each goal out loud. As you read, pay attention to your thoughts about your goal. If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts such as “I’ll never lose fifty pounds”, you may be sabotaging yourself. You don’t always accomplish what you want; you accomplish what you believe you can. By becoming aware of negative thoughts, you can focus on shifting them to positive, empowering thoughts (“I can lose weight and keep it off!”). Doing so increases your chances of reaching your goal.

4. Visualize your success – In 1988 Elizabeth Manley was a Canadian figure skater set to compete at the Olympic games in Calgary. I read a story about her in which she said she did daily visualization exercises. She saw herself performing her routine from beginning to end. When she could finally visualize herself performing every spin and jump to perfection, without any mistakes or falls, she knew she could do the same at the Olympics. And she did, winning a silver medal for Canada that year. Visualizing what success feels like helps to keep us motivated and helps us to reach our goals faster.

5. Plan for success – What steps do you need to take to achieve each goal? Who do you need to contact? What do you need to do? Write out an action plan for each goal, breaking it down into smaller, daily, weekly and monthly to-do tasks.

While you’re creating goals, think about what you really want in life. I read this column in my local newspaper, and it got me thinking. Ask yourself what things you want more of, and what you want to eliminate from your life in 2014. Here’s a ‘more’ list:

- I have always wanted to…
- I really like to…
- I want to do more of…
- Who do I want to be in ___ years?

And here’s a ‘less’ list:
- Things I want to do less of…
- Things I never want to do again…
- Situations I want to avoid…
- I want freedom from…

So Happy 2014 everyone! Let’s make this our year to live the lives we dream of!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Seven Lines from Her Best Man #MFRWhooks

Happy New Year! I'm starting off 2014 with the release of the third book in my Left at the Altar series. ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID releases from Uncial Press on  January 17, 2014. Yay!

Today I'm giving you a sneak peak at  the first book in the series, HER BEST MAN. Here's the blurb:

Sarah Stevens experiences a bride's worst nightmare; being dumped at the altar.  When she goes on the Caribbean cruise meant to be her honeymoon in order to lick her wounds, she discovers her ex-fiancé has sent his brother, Will Marshall, the former best man, on the cruise as well. Everyone on board thinks they're newlyweds, and Sarah is too embarrassed to set them straight. How is she supposed to share a tiny cabin with a man she barely knows? Even worse, how is she supposed to pretend that she and Will are on their honeymoon? Sarah discovers the best man for her really is the best man.

Here's seven lines from the opening of HER BEST MAN:

Suddenly Brad’s face turned an alarming shade of red. “I can’t do this.” He stepped away from Sarah. “I’m sorry, but I can’t marry you.”
For a second no one moved or made a sound or even breathed. Then everyone began talking at once. Isabelle Stevens jumped to her feet. Sarah’s mother had appeared high-strung when Will met her last night, but now her strings had completely snapped.
“What do you mean you can’t marry Sarah? We’ve got dinner waiting for a hundred guests at the hotel. Sarah’s cousins flew in all the way from Vancouver. I had an ice sculpture of two lovebirds made for the head table. Do you know how much an ice sculpture costs? You have to get married!”
Brad backed away from the wild-eyed woman. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Stevens.”
“Sorry? You’re sorry?” She advanced on Brad. “I’ll give you sorry.”
Before anyone could react, Isabelle Stevens slipped off her high-heeled shoe and began whacking Brad with it. “How dare you humiliate us this way? How am I going to explain this to anyone?”
“I’m sorry, Mrs. Stevens. I didn’t mean to hurt you or Sarah. Ow,” Brad cried, as the pointy heel of her shoe hit him in the chest.
HER BEST MAN can be purchased from Uncial Press, Amazon and other major e-retailers.

Today I'm also at Contemporary Romance Cafe. You can read about how this series almost didn't get written at all. I hope you enjoyed my sneak peak. Join me for more book hooks in the future!