Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Seven Lines from Her Best Man #MFRWhooks

Happy New Year! I'm starting off 2014 with the release of the third book in my Left at the Altar series. ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID releases from Uncial Press on  January 17, 2014. Yay!

Today I'm giving you a sneak peak at  the first book in the series, HER BEST MAN. Here's the blurb:

Sarah Stevens experiences a bride's worst nightmare; being dumped at the altar.  When she goes on the Caribbean cruise meant to be her honeymoon in order to lick her wounds, she discovers her ex-fiancĂ© has sent his brother, Will Marshall, the former best man, on the cruise as well. Everyone on board thinks they're newlyweds, and Sarah is too embarrassed to set them straight. How is she supposed to share a tiny cabin with a man she barely knows? Even worse, how is she supposed to pretend that she and Will are on their honeymoon? Sarah discovers the best man for her really is the best man.

Here's seven lines from the opening of HER BEST MAN:

Suddenly Brad’s face turned an alarming shade of red. “I can’t do this.” He stepped away from Sarah. “I’m sorry, but I can’t marry you.”
For a second no one moved or made a sound or even breathed. Then everyone began talking at once. Isabelle Stevens jumped to her feet. Sarah’s mother had appeared high-strung when Will met her last night, but now her strings had completely snapped.
“What do you mean you can’t marry Sarah? We’ve got dinner waiting for a hundred guests at the hotel. Sarah’s cousins flew in all the way from Vancouver. I had an ice sculpture of two lovebirds made for the head table. Do you know how much an ice sculpture costs? You have to get married!”
Brad backed away from the wild-eyed woman. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Stevens.”
“Sorry? You’re sorry?” She advanced on Brad. “I’ll give you sorry.”
Before anyone could react, Isabelle Stevens slipped off her high-heeled shoe and began whacking Brad with it. “How dare you humiliate us this way? How am I going to explain this to anyone?”
“I’m sorry, Mrs. Stevens. I didn’t mean to hurt you or Sarah. Ow,” Brad cried, as the pointy heel of her shoe hit him in the chest.
HER BEST MAN can be purchased from Uncial Press, Amazon and other major e-retailers.

Today I'm also at Contemporary Romance Cafe. You can read about how this series almost didn't get written at all. I hope you enjoyed my sneak peak. Join me for more book hooks in the future!

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