Friday, June 1, 2018


Regency Romance writer Lucy M. Loxley sits down today for an interview. Lucy's novella, HER HUMBLE ADMIRER, is up for a Rone award. Best of luck, Lucy!

Here's our interview:

Where did you get the idea for your HER HUMBLE ADMIRER?

I was part of a Sunday night writers group. This novel began as a writing prompt exercise our leader gave us one week, to take 20 minutes and pen a fan fiction. I’m a Jane Austen fan (Janeite) from way back, and I immediately began (curled up in my cozy chair) to scrawl a Regency-befitting protagonist I named Livia. I recall the amusement as we went around the group, reading our excerpts, and a few writers chuckled at the banter between my protagonists (that’s how I knew I was onto something). I was hooked, and although I’d never before written fan fic, I kept going with my draft for another eight months—fleshing out the story’s plot, love triangle, and supporting characters until it became the current novella.

What was the most difficult thing about writing this book?

Historical accuracy, especially in the most-fun-to-write scene, the dining scene at Duchess Jayne Asquith’s birthday supper in Chapter Three. Thankfully, my editor and publisher, Jude, (Uncial Press) is amazing and caught a few foibles/historical inaccuracies in my first submitted draft. She provided some wonderful resource links about what Regency-era Brits ate and the mores for who sat where at table that were fascinating to read and really fleshed out my scene. I’m most proud of the dining chapter and how it turned out, after the challenge of making sure the characters followed the Regency rules of decorum (which I was mostly unaware of as a modern American woman).

Do you have any unusual writing habits?

I get my best ideas around water—while washing dishes, swimming, in the shower, picnicking at lakes. There’s just something about water and my creative process!

Do you work on more than one book at a time?

Yes, I’m always working on multiple projects at one time. So many ideas, so little time! Plus, I love variety— of settings, characters, and genres. I always have a few stories cooking at one time, and sometimes poems, too.

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

I’m a certified pantser. I get an idea and run with it, 90% or more of the time. True, I end up doing a fair amount of rewriting later, but that, too, can be a part of the magical process of writing. I love that feeling of a character saying or doing something that surprises me, as I know it will also surprise the readers.

What do you hope readers gain from your stories?

An escape into a slower-paced landscape. Also, I hope readers find the riddles in the letters as amusing as the banter between the characters—all were great fun to write, which I think shines through in the book.

What’s your favorite time management tip?

Write when the rest of the house is quiet, either early in the morning or late at night. The fewer the distractions, the better.

If writing is your first passion, what is your second?

Hands-down: photography. Both writing and photography share a fascination with imagery and resonance. If I hadn’t decided to formally study writing and literature, I would have studied photography. I’m a shutterbug for sure.

If money were not an object, where would you most like to live? Why?

In a cottage by the sea. I don’t want a house that’s too big or I’d have to clean more often, taking time away from my writing. I like cozy, nook-like spaces, and then taking walks and wanders near the waves.

What did you want to be (occupation-wise) when you were a child?

A writer! Fancy that, as my protagonist, Livia, might say. Well, first I wanted to be an astronaut, but my aptitude for science is far less than what my six-year-old self thought. Happily, both occupations involve a huge amount of imagination, study, and release into the unknown.

What are two (or more) of your all-time favorite books in any genre?

Writing down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg (the first writing craft book I ever read, and I’ve read it numerous times since—it’s always great for energizing the Muse and includes fun exercises) and, from my fellow Regency author: any of Sabrina Jeffries’ historical heroines—they are amazing!

What do you like best about your hero in HER HUMBLE ADMIRER?

Sir James Dorchester is reserved yet thoughtful. He’s also a verbal wit more than a show-offy playboy, which I (and many readers) appreciate.

What do you like best about your heroine in HER HUMBLE ADMIRER

Livia Hightower is imaginative and romantic. She’s also a loyal friend, which is something everyone deserves in this lifetime.

How can readers reach you or find you online?

You can connect with me on Facebook at Lucy M. Loxley: 

Do you have an event coming up you’d like to tell us about?

I found out two weeks ago that Her Humble Admirer was nominated for a RONE Award from In D’tale Magazine. I was thrilled with the news. I’ll find out in the future if my novella won; keep your fingers crossed for me!

Is there anything we haven’t covered here that you’d like to tell readers?

Whether you’re a Janeite, a fan of historical fiction, or enjoy a sweet and romantic story that will sweep you away, give Her Humble Admirer a whirl around the ballroom floor (yes, there is, indeed, a Welcome Ball as well)!

Best of luck with the Rone awards, Lucy!

Blurb, Her Humble Admirer:

Livia Hightower is more than a little intrigued when the morning mail brings a most unexpected delivery.

Dearest Livia,
The call of the nightingale is but a sorrowful, plaintive psalm
Next to the sterling hue of my lady’s eyes, gazing mine.
It is signed simply Your Humble Admirer.

Again and again similar notes arrive in the post. Could it be a beguiling coincidence that they coincide with the arrival in the neighborhood of handsome Mr. Framingham? Surely Livia's childhood friend, James, would never indulge in such romantic behavior, especially when he openly distrusts whoever is sending the tender missives.

With each new note, Livia becomes more convinced that her future lies with the sender. If only she could learn who he is...


“Miss Jones put on a lovely concert on the pianoforte at Lord Ballymore’s party. Simply grand,” announced Miss Anne Framingham, Mr. Framingham’s younger sister.

The seventeen-year-old’s frock was as golden yellow as her hair, a chemissette at the neck was trimmed with a frothy ruffle that Livia surmised must be the fashion in Bath, from where Anne and her sisters had recently returned. While her nervous hand smoothed the napkin into her lap, Livia wondered if her own dress, a robin’s egg blue, stood her in as good a stead.

Will he notice I’ve worn the diamond combs he complimented in his letters?

“I should think the pianoforte tedious were it not for harp accompaniment,” said the duchess.

“The bird in the corner cage is assuredly a popinjay!” said the duke in a surly tone from his seat at the table’s foot.

Around the table, eyes met and then quickly deflected to their plates. Although beautifully outfitted, the room held neither birds nor cages.

“Furthermore, I have named him Eddie and will brook no resistance on this matter,” his grace continued with insistence and a louder volume.

The poor man! The rumors must be true about his gathering confusion.

“I daresay Miss Jones’ renditions of ‘The Last Rose of Summer’ and the sonata by Pleyel were most heavenly indeed,” Anne persisted, the conversation progressing forward to the relief of all others present.

At the head of table, the duchess, the guest of honor, smiled at her niece with pity at her dim intelligence. It was the sort of smile that bared her upper teeth and none of the lower.

“I dare say she does play a fine Irish Air,” offered Mr. Framingham.

Livia thought it endearing that he supported his sister’s enthusiasms. She spooned up the last of her turtle soup and took a final nibble of venison as the servants cleared the dishes for the second course.

“Which is your favorite, Miss Hightower? Thomas Moore’s airs or Pleyel’s sonatas?” Mr. Framingham’s direct address sent a tremor through Livia. His tones were dulcet. She was quite pleased to have been seated at his left.

“To play, I find Pleyel’s sonatas quite divine.” Her heart beat a staccato as she dared a peek directly into his brown eyes. “But I must admit there’s something surpassing to ‘Oft in the Stilly Night.’”

“My favorite as well.” Anne beamed as footmen brought plovers’ eggs in aspic jelly. “That composition is of the utmost beauty.”

“It seems,” said Mr. Framingham, “that this is a topic of which you and my sister are of like mind.”

It would be lovely to have his sister’s approval, Livia thought, blushing as she dipped a spoon into the delicate egg. Perhaps on the ride home she would recommend Livia as a lady with the utmost musical taste. That couldn’t be at all hurtful to her cause.

“I should like to hear you play, if that would be agreeable.”

She turned and found Mr. Framingham’s fork lying unused on the linens, as if eating were the furthest thing from his mind. His smile was altogether hopeful and most endearing. She gently lay her spoon aside, lest she draw attention to his not eating.

Had anyone heard his forward invitation? It seemed unlikely, as Anne was already chatting with Sir Ian Marvel about her cutting garden, the duke and her father were discussing the shipping forecast as her grace had declared her great preference for Sir Walter Scott over Percy Bysshe Shelley.

Emboldened by her dinner companions’ disinterest, Livia replied, “I should like that very much.”

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Author Bio:

Once upon a time, Lucy M. Loxley was an English major at a small liberal arts college. Her favorite classes were Brit Lit and Women Writers of the 18th and 19th Centuries, where she encountered Jane Austen and the Regency period and promptly fell in literary love at first read. Since then, she’s taught high school and college (writing and history classes), studied photography, and significantly expanded her book collection.  She lives in the Mid-Atlantic but dreams of a pilgrimage to Austen’s haunts one day soon. Her Humble Admirer is her first Regency.


  1. Interesting interview, and "Her Humble Admirer" sounds like a very enjoyable read. Good luck with it, Lucy -- and congratulations on your Rone Awards nomination!
