Friday, November 30, 2018

#NewRelease from Madison Michael

Madison Michael makes a return trip to my blog with , MOONLIGHT AND MOET, Book 2 in the B & B Billionaire Romance Series. Welcome back Madison!

Moonlight and Moet
B and B Billionaire Romance Series (Book 2)
By Madison Michael 

Madison has put together some really awesome Prize Packages to giveaway during the tour. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Remember you may enter every day for your chance to win one of the prize packages. You may find the tour locations here (

About Moonlight and Moet:
Can the Hottest Man Around Melt this Ice Queen’s Heart?

When her husband publicly cheats on her, Leigh Dobbs trades her humiliating reputation as an ice queen and a hometown that shuns her for the unknown of rural North Carolina. Taking over a small bed and breakfast, Leigh sets out to restore it, her dignity and her life. Excited at the prospect of adding more rooms and a full-service restaurant, Leigh’s big plans encounter the brick wall that is Caleb Rausch. Sparks fly even as Caleb votes no on the planning commission, crushing Leigh’s dreams. 

Handsome powerhouse Caleb Rausch is a man on a mission, expanding his huge corporation without encroaching on the small town where it resides. His commitment to his products, employees and historic preservation are unwavering. What’s lacking is his commitment to one woman. Caleb is the most eligible bachelor in three states, dating celebrities and models, but never settling down. Until now. 

Even as Caleb forces Leigh’s expansion plans on hold, the couple moves full-steam-ahead on their relationship, unable to resist the mutual attraction. So why, after a steamy night together, does Caleb disappear for weeks? Has Leigh put her heart out there again, just to be played? 

Will the magic of a moonlit night be enough to kindle their love or will Caleb’s constant disappearing act prevent him from melting this ice queen’s heart? 

Moonlight and Moet Amazon Buy Link:


Exhausted and anxious to return home, Leigh wasn’t paying attention as she stepped out the door of the small law office at the end of the row of storefronts. Leigh went down hard on the cement, her skirt flying up, her brochures flying. A shook-up Leigh assessed the damage and caught her breath. Her dignity was beyond repair.

Leigh was brushing the dirt from her palms, scraped from trying to break her fall when a shadow blocked the sun, and a large, dirty hand, attached to a long, strong arm reached down to assist her. Leigh’s gaze followed the flannel covered forearm up over a muscled bicep and continued until her scrutiny was arrested by a pair of coffee-colored eyes surrounded by the deep laugh lines of an outdoorsman. He was staring vast expanse of creamy thigh and more than a hint of her magenta panties. His expression told Leigh that he liked what he saw.

Leigh clumsily scrambled to lower her dress, gather the brochures fluttering in the breeze, and take the proffered hand all at once. Several pamphlets escaped down the sidewalk, but she quickly forgot them as she was lifted like a feather against her mountain’s chest and too swiftly placed gently on her feet. She winced when the blisters made contact with the hard surface beneath them and the lumberjack buried behind a grizzly bear beard reacted.

“Injured, little lady?” he asked with concern. “Let me help you get you to urgent care."

"That won't be necessary," Leigh responded, smoothing her dress to cover her embarrassment and interest.

"Then at least let me help you to your destination.”

“I was just heading to my car, down the ways,” Leigh tried to gesture with the arm the man still held. “But, I’m fine. Really. I can take it from here.”

“Fine, indeed,” Grizzly Adams replied in a sarcastic, deep baritone.

He was tall, covered in a subtle sheen of dirt and sweat, but Leigh quickly realized the shirt under her fingertips was the finest wool and his boots, caked in an inch of dried mud, were Scarpa Phantom 8000's. He was a very wealthy Grizzly Adams, and a dedicated hiker too. Those boots were featured in the mountaineering store up the road for over $1000, way too rich for Leigh’s blood.

 He stood still, his smile twitching as caught Leigh checking him out. Then, without warning, he swept her into his arms, carefully adjusted her dress to modestly cover her behind while managing to slide his hand all along them. The man was a pro. Leigh couldn't fault his effort, even as she realized he was copping a feel.  Carrying her easily, he began taking long strides in the direction she had pointed.

“This is completely unnecessary,” Leigh repeated more than once, interspersed with “put me down, please” and “Really I can walk.” He ignored them all, speaking right over her repeated and flustered objections.

“You took a nasty fall there. People are always missing that last step." His face was too close and too handsome. He smelled of the outdoors - pine, sweat and sunshine. It was intoxicating.

 “Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer I took you over to the doc’s office or the urgent care?”

“Just to my car, thanks,” Leigh requested, done trying to argue with the hard-muscled man. Who was she kidding? It felt incredible to rest against his broad chest, his arms holding her securely and his minty breath blowing on her face. He may have been filthy, a bearded mountain man who was certainly not her type, but he was sexy as hell. Leigh wished her car was miles away. 

“Will you be ok to drive, Miss…”


“Miss Leigh,” he repeated, caressing her name. “Are you sure you’ll be alright to drive?”

Leigh bobbed her head in the affirmative. She loved resting her head against the power of this man’s chest, secure in his firm grip. Leigh looked up at him from under her eyelashes, admiring what she saw. She could tell that under the caked on mud and scruff, he was handsome, with a cocky smile and those laughing eyes. She wished she could see more.

“This is my car,” she finally motioned. “Thank you, Mr…”

“You’re certain you can drive?” he asked in his slow, smooth drawl, ignoring her question.

“I’m not going far,” Leigh reassured him. “I’ll be fine.”

The mountain man placed Leigh on her feet, holding her by the waist as if waiting for reassurance that she was solidly standing. Leigh looked down as if to assure herself both feet were there and with a deep breath made eye contact. The man was a head taller, broad and powerful, and staring at her as if he wanted to devour her. A hot flush filled Leigh's cheeks, and she extended a hand to shake his.

“Well, thank you again. You certainly turned out to be my knight in shining armor today,” she jested.

“Well, Miss Leigh, then I guess I get my knight’s favor,” the man responded with a devilish grin. Leigh was still registering his warning when he lowered his head to hers and placed his warm lips upon her cooler ones.  

Other Books in the B and B Billionaire Romance Series:


Desire and Dessert Amazon Buy Link:

About the Author: 
Madison Michael is an indie publisher, blogger and the author of the Beguiling Bachelor Series as well as the novella Desire and Dessert, from her sizzling B and B Billionaire Bachelor series.
A Chicago native and hopeless romantic, Maddy was raised on Chicago culture, fairy tales, great literature and swashbuckling movies. Maddy employs that history, writing steamy contemporary romance novels set against the sumptuous backdrop of Chicago’s elite society.
After receiving a BA in Journalism from the University of Illinois and an MBA from Loyola University of Chicago, Madison abandoned her writing to find her way in the corporate business world. Daughter of a librarian, it was inevitable that she would return to the world of books.
Maddy writes from high above Chicago where she can stare at its gorgeous skyline or the shores of Lake Michigan surrounded by feline assistants. When she is not writing,, Maddy can be found lost in a book, fighting for the rights of the mentally iil or dining on Chicago’s famous cuisine. Hot dogs and pizza, anyone?

Friday, November 23, 2018

#Free days for LIES AND SOLACE


November 23 - 27, 2018!

She can’t live with one more lie. He can’t tell the truth.

Harper Lindquist is convinced she’s found the answer to her financial prayers. Unless she pours cash into crumbling Solace Lake Lodge, she’ll lose her family’s legacy. Her would-be savior arrives in the middle of a Minnesota blizzard and she’s determined to prove to her reluctant, and trapped, financier the lodge is a sound investment. But Harper isn’t completely honest with him. And she has no idea the lake is hiding secrets of its own. 

Ethan James is a liar, but his money is very real. He isn’t convinced a broken-down inn is a smart investment opportunity. But the more he understands Harper’s dreams and desires, the more he wants to be the man to make them come true. The trauma in both their pasts means neither can fully trust the other. They must find the courage to love, to trust, and to accept, or yesterday’s sorrows will keep them apart.

LIES AND SOLACE just won Best Contemporary Romance in the I Heart Indie Contest!

Buy Links:

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Review - A Small Town Christmas by Nan Reinhardt


Winemaker and single father Conor Flaherty is determined to make this Christmas holiday special for his daughter even though his family’s winery, Four Irish Brothers, is facing some challenges.

High-octane Chicago attorney Samantha Hayes is looking forward to some delicious food, fine wine, small town charm, and a break from her hectic big city life when she agrees to do a favor for her boss and help his younger brother with a lawsuit that’s been slapped on his family’s historic winery in River’s Edge. She’s not expecting that her sexy new client will have a smile that will melt her heart and remind her that there’s more to life than work.

Sam falls hard for Conor, his daughter and the small, friendly town, but can she trust her instincts and risk her heart? Sam hasn’t seen a lot of happy-ever-afters in her life, but Conor and the magic of Christmas make her want to believe.

My Review:

A Small Town Christmas is the first book in Nan Reinhardt’s Four Irish Brothers Winery series. I loved Conor and Sam’s story. From the first moment they meet, the chemistry between them is palpable. Although they don’t take their relationship to the bedroom in this story, Ms. Reinhardt does an excellent job of making the reader feel the intense heat between them.

Conor Flaherty has spent two years mourning the death of Emmy, the woman he’d been in love with since junior high. For those two years, he merely survived, and concentrated his energy on raising his young daughter and running his winery. But when he meets Samantha Hayes, it’s as if he comes back to life. Even his appetite improves! 

As much as the feeling is very mutual for Sam, she worries she could never compete with Emmy. All anyone in River’s Edge talks about is how much Conor and Emmy loved each other and how sweet she was. And with his adorable four-year-old daughter Ali, Conor is a package deal. What does Sam know about being a mother? All she has as an example is the cold perfectionism of her own mother. So, she runs. Conor gives her space and time, but it’s almost Christmas and neither he or Ali want to wait any longer.

Ms. Reinhardt has created a small town populated by close knit friends and family that makes readers long for that kind of community. I highly recommend A Small Town Christmas. It’s a sweet romance and even sweeter story. I can't wait the rest of the books in the series!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Clothes Make the Character - Jennifer Wilck

Fellow Wild Rose Press author Jennifer Wilck joins me today to talk about her new release LEARNING TO LOVE. More specifically, she's talking about her heroine Dina's relationship with clothes, or lack thereof. She sounds like my kind of heroine! Join us!

If you interviewed my heroine, Dina, and told her that “clothes make the man (or woman),” she’d look at you like you were insane. She’d probably spout some random, obscure fact about clothing, such as the fact that the term “jeans” comes from the cotton pants worn by Genes, the local term for Genoan sailors. And when you gave her that “what the heck” look, she’d realize she spoke out loud, once again said something no one understood, and would retreat back into her solitary but comfortable existence.

As I hope you can tell, Dina is not the typical heroine of a romance. Sure, she gets the guy in the end. And he’s a hot guy. No one is more surprised than she is when Adam pays attention to her. Well, maybe Adam is a close second, since she’s not the typical woman he usually falls for. When I write my books, my characters appear to me. I don’t get much of a say about their personalities or their looks. Usually it’s the guys I see first—and Adam has appeared as a minor secondary character in the previous books, so I had an inkling—but in this case, Dina was the one who jumped off the page and told me who she was.

She’s a genius. But in her family of doctors and professors, her choice of career—a librarian—is not considered special. She’s curvy. Her hair frizzes and never does what it’s supposed to do. Her boobs are big. When out in social situations, she’d prefer to fade into the background. Her closet is filled with sweater sets and clothes suitable to wear to synagogue. Or sweats. When she reluctantly agrees to go to her high school reunion, her best friend tells her she needs to buy a new dress. Dina doesn’t understand why. And the dress her friend and the saleswoman pick? Well, you can read the excerpt to see her reaction.

If you’re going to get to know Dina, you need to get to know her for what’s inside. Her clothes will not make an impression, and if they do, you’ll get the wrong idea. She’s never fit in with people her age. Being a genius meant she took classes with the older kids and the popular ones only talked to her in order to improve their grades. She’s happiest with a few close friends and her books. When she meets Adam—Mr. Flashypants—she tries to convince him that she’s all wrong for her.

Adam thinks he should agree, but there’s something about her that makes him unable to forget her. And when they strike up a bargain—she’ll help him improve his image and he’ll be her date to the reunion so she doesn’t have to go alone—he’s sure their relationship will be no more than a friendship. But she charms him, turns him on, and helps him discover his own soul. That’s why she’s my favorite heroine.


Dina Jacobs is a single librarian who has never fit in due to her off-the-charts intelligence, frizzy hair and rounder-than-socially-acceptable figure. She left her past behind until she receives an invitation to her ten-year high school reunion, and all her insecurities return.

Adam Mandel is a single corporate attorney who just missed his third deadline at his father's law firm, the law firm where he is up for junior partner. With his reputation on the line, Adam needs all the help he can get to convince his father that he deserves the promotion.

When Dina and Adam run into each other on a deserted road, Dina thinks Mr. Flashypants can't possibly be interested in someone like her. Adam thinks Dina is just the person to help him improve his reputation. Lies and insecurities force them to take a look at themselves. Can they trust each other to look beyond the surface?


“You can help her find a dress for her reunion.” 

The rail-thin Goth girl nodded. “High school or college?” 

“High school,” Dina replied, wondering why it mattered. 

Goth Girl gave her a once-over and turned toward a clothing rack against the far wall. As Dina followed her, panic bubbled in her chest. Most of the clothes were in shades of mustard, olive, and rust. When Goth Girl pulled out a cream sheath with subtle ruffles along the hem, Dina’s jaw dropped. 

“The dress is perfect,” Tracy said, grabbing it from Goth Girl. 

She had to admit, it was lovely. But cream? Not exactly slimming. And the back had a huge cutout, which meant she couldn’t wear a bra. 

“I need a bra, Tracy,” she whispered. 

“No you don’t. Sticky Boobs!” 

Goth Girl walked to the accessory area and returned with a package for Dina, who took it as her face went up in flames. They pointed her toward the dressing room and she obeyed without a sound, if only to get out of the awkward situation. 

Sticky Boobs. 

She stared in dismay at her reflection in the mirror. You’d think these things would be made for large-chested women, as they couldn’t afford to go without a bra. Except the models on the boxes were always waifs who looked as if they hadn’t reached puberty yet. And, uh, how sticky was “sticky”? Sticky enough to defy gravity? God, she hoped so. 

Once she read the directions and figured out how to apply the sticky boobs, she picked up the dress. The material was soft and slid through her fingers. The ruffles cut against the bias were sophisticated and the plunging back neckline added elegance. But on her? She put on the dress, letting it float into place. 

Oy gevalt! 

Who the heck was this woman in the mirror? 

“Dina? Come on out!” She blinked, but her reflection didn’t change. 

Pushing open the curtain, she exited the dressing room. Tracy and Goth Girl gasped. “Oh my God, you look beautiful,” Tracy said. 

“Turn around!” Dina obeyed, feeling like the ballerina in a music box. “You have to get this,” Tracy said. Dina bit her lip. “I don’t know. I mean, the dress is lovely, but is it me? I have plenty of ‘me’ dresses at home I could wear...” 

Tracy marched over and gripped her shoulders. 

“You are not wearing one of your old dresses to your high school reunion. You’re wearing this one.” 

Goth Girl nodded her agreement. “It’s über stunning.” 

Dina angled herself to show off her back. “But, it’s so...” 

“Perfect,” said Tracy.

“I don’t know.”

“Trust me. You want to wow the mean girls from high school and this is the dress to do it. Besides, Adam won’t be able to keep his hands off you.” 

Buy Links: 


Jennifer started telling herself stories as a little girl when she couldn’t fall asleep at night. Pretty soon, her head was filled with these stories and the characters that populated them. Even as an adult, she thinks about the characters and stories at night before she falls asleep or walking the dog. Eventually, she started writing them down. Her favorite stories to write are those with smart, sassy, independent heroines; handsome, strong and slightly vulnerable heroes; and her stories always end with happily ever after.

In the real world, she’s the mother of two amazing daughters and wife of one of the smartest men she knows. When she’s not writing, she loves to laugh with her family and friends, is a pro at finding whatever her kids lost in plain sight, and spends way too much time closing doors that should never have been left open in the first place. She believes humor is the only way to get through the day and does not believe in sharing her chocolate. 

She writes contemporary romance, some of which are mainstream and some of which involve Jewish characters. She’s published with The Wild Rose Press and all her books are available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Author Links:

Friday, November 9, 2018

#AuthorInterview with Janet Lane Walters

Today I'm interviewing Janet Lane Walters. Janet calls herself  an eclectic writer, and she's certainly that. She writes in a number of genres including contemporary romance, mystery, fantasy and alternative worlds. Meet eclectic writer Janet Lane Walters!

Where did you get the idea for your new novel? 

Since the Virgo Pisces Connection is the last of a six book series about six friends and the man opposite their Sun sign, the idea was built in. The heroine Megan has been in all the other books as a minor character and I wanted to give her a real problem and for her to find the man of her dreams. Since the story is a little bit about Valentine’s Day and she has no valentine, I wanted to set up the meet in a unique way. The story also deals with death and a nurse’s breakdown. The opening scene is based on an incident occurring when I was a nineteen year old student nurse. There are changes but the impact is something I’ve carried all my life. 

Sounds intriguing, Janet. What was the most difficult thing about writing this book?

Making all the parts work. I was seven chapters into the rough draft when I realized one of the sub-plots wouldn’t work. I was unable to suspend disbelief. So I regrouped and found a way to bring the orphaned children into the hero’s life and responsibility.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?

Not sure what you mean by unusual but I do write all my manuscripts by hand with a pen and lined tablet. I also write better and faster when seated in my recliner. I’m a draft writer so there are at least six drafts. After the rough draft, there is one for plot, setting, characters, language and revision.  I’ve been writing this way for 50 years since I was first published in 1968.

When were you first published and how did that happen? Was it a long or short journey?

I’ve had  a long and interesting career with many ups and down. 50 years ago, I sold my first short story and followed that up with many more. The market dried up and though a had a few poems published I knew that wasn’t my real forte. An editor sent a rejection saying this sounded like the synopsis for a novel and I set out to master that genre. With the help of many editors and many revisions, I sold that first book in 1972. There was a break in my writing when I returned to work as a nurse to help fund children’s college educations. Though I didn’t write, I gathered much experience in people’s emotions and ideas for stories. In 1994, I had a novel published again and then found electronic publishing. In 1997 my first ebook was published and I was off and running.

How did you get started writing romance?

One winter, I had pneumonia and ended up at home in bed. My sister-in-law sent me a shopping bag full of nurse romances. Being bored and being a dedicated reader, I set out to read those books. Though well written, most of them had no idea about medicine or nurses. I ended up wanting to tear them up but I persisted. Twenty reads later, I decided I could write a nurse romance book. My tastes vary in reading and also in writing. Most of my stories have some bits of romance in them and some are strictly romance. They vary from contemporary to paranormal and fantasy. Even my mysteries have a romance that develops over the six books in the series.

What comes first for you – plot or character? And why?

Interesting question. It’s usually the plot but the characters figure in. I think my reason for working this way is because of my experience as a nurse and needing to know what was happening to my patients and why before I focused on their reaction to their illness. At night when going to sleep, I tell myself a story. There is a he and she but what they’re facing and what might happen next is more important that who they are. When I write this down the next day, the characters slowly begin to form and since I use Astrology to cast the characters, I start researching for traits, weaknesses and strengths. The characters take shape and the fun begins.

Do you write in the same place every day or do you like to change it up?

I’m a creature of habit. I have a wonderful study, a large room with computer desk. The ledge above is covered by dragons for inspiration. I have a recliner and lots of windows. In the winter, I can see the Hudson River. Not at other seasons since there are many trees in the way. I write part of a scene, then type scenes from yesterday and write again. Between trips to help my invalid husband, I probably put six hours a day with my pen, paper and computer. The days vary since over the weekend, I do my blog posts for the entire week. I have something on my blog every day. This is Saturday with some bits and pieces of writing in between. On Sunday, I try to write short, short reviews for books I’ve read and do any catching up needed. I rather fragment my time and seldom write in longer than 30 minute spurts.

Tell us a bit about you. Where do you live, and how long have you been writing?

Since I answered part of this before, I’ll just say a bit. Writing for most of my life sometimes more off than on but published for 50 years. I live in a village on the banks of the Hudson River in New York on the west bank. The village is great and has one of the largest Halloween parades in the country. I’ve been married for almost 60 years to the same man, a psychiatrist who has refused to cure my obsession with writing. My four children are scattered from New York to Florida.

Janet Lane Walters
If writing is your first passion, what is your second?

My children and grand children actually sometimes edge out my writing. They are now growing older. Actually my black grandchildren are in their twenties. Adopting their mother was a good thing. My Chinese grandchildren are just nearing their teens. So yes, this passion is tied with the one for writing.

Do you have another occupation, other than writer? If so, what is it? Does it help you with your writing?

I was a nurse and am retired. My time taking care of patients in various situations has helped me as a writer, Besides giving me ideas and also experiencing emotions, I learned to fragment myself. I also was as Astrologer. Just a fun time when a friend and I joined forces and earned enough money to travel to Ireland. She did the math. I did the interpretations. This is a help with my writing since I cast my characters using Sun sigh, Rising sigh and Moon to find their traits.

Do you have any pets? Are you cat person or a dog person? Or are you into totally different pets, like goldfish? What do you like best about your pet?

At this moment I am pet-free, but I am a cat person. My familiar Robespierre, a Maine Coon cat, died and I haven’t replaced him. He is featured in my mystery series starring Katherine Miller starting with Murder and Mint Tea.

What are two (or more) of your all-time favorite books in any genre?

I am an eclectic reader just as I am an eclectic writer. There are too many authors and too many genres to even think about. There are over a thousand books on my Kindle and I’m always buying more.

What do you like best about your hero The Virgo Pisces Connection

What I like best about Dave is his ability to change. He has been a traveling doctor since he finished his residency and seldom stays in one place for more than three months. The arrival of his orphaned niece and nephews and his involvement with Megan, the heroine, let him think about settling down. He is also short in stature but strong in many ways. One of his faults is giving into his feelings and he also learns to do this throughout the book. His steadiness is one of his best assets. The book is The Virgo Pisces Connection and has just been released.

What do you like best about your heroine? 

Megan in The Virgo Pisces Connection has burned out. She works on Oncology and her third death in a week has sent her fleeing. She feels she is a failure and she wants to quit but is persuaded to take time off. Her meeting with Dave turns her to think about life and what she wants to do. I really like her empathy and her love for the children who Dave brings into her life. She is also the one of six friends who is into Astrology and has helped set up her friends.

How do you choose the names and physical characteristics of your characters? Do you base them on real people? 

My characters are seldom based on real people. Sometimes perhaps I take a trait from one of my friends but not really. Since I use Astrology much is written in the stars. I once wrote a book where I used friends’ names but not anything more about them. This book is a humorous story and is a nurse/doctor romance.

How can readers reach you or find you online?


BUY MARK for all my books

Tell us a little about your current work in progress.

I am currently working on a fantasy romance The Children of Fyre. There are dragons and magic fyrestones and evil wizards. There are two heroes and two heroines who will become dragon riders and fyrestone wielders.

What’s your tagline? Why did you choose it?

I bill myself as eclecticwriter since that’s the way I write. Contemporary romance, mysteries, a bit of suspense, historical, alternate worlds, non-fiction and paranormal stories.

If I was a first time reader of your books, which one would you recommend I start with and why?

Much would depend on your preference. If mystery is your thing, Murder and Mint Tea. If it's contemporary romance The Aries Libra Connection. If fantasy The Temple of Fyre. If Alternate worlds – Bast’s Warrior. There are a lot of my books out there. I think around 50 or more.

Tell us about your current release.

The Virgo Pisces Connection
Pisces Megan experiences burnout. Her third witnessed death on the Oncology Unit in a week is too much for her to handle. Going to her apartment and being alone isn't to her taste. Of all the Grantley Gang, she is the only one not married. She tries to resign from the hospital and is persuaded to take a month of her accumulated vacation time first. Avoiding her five friends, Megan rushes from town, not knowing or caring where she is going. Escaping the ghosts of the dead is her primary goal. During a blinding snowstorm, she crashes into the life of Dave Malloy MD.

Dave is a Virgo a traveling doctor going from assignment to assignment over the country. He's decided two things. One is to settle and gather moss. The other is to find his sister lost years ago when they were sent to two different foster homes. He has found her and vows to rescue her from an abusive situation. When Megan lands against a tree at the house where he is staying, he finds her very attractive. But can he act on this attraction when he must care for her after the accident and his decision she is a patient?

Together, they must find his sister and hope they aren't too late.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Holiday Gift Guide!

Need a holiday shopping hand this year?

I’ve teamed up with over forty-five award-winning/bestselling authors to bring you the ultimate holiday gift guide for any booklover. The best part: it’s an online store. Scroll away and do all your holiday shopping in one place. Who knows? You might even find a few books you’d enjoy for yourself.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Peggy Jaeger and a Secondary Character from HOPE'S DREAM

Peggy Jaeger visits today with a look at her upcoming release HOPE'S DREAM (November 5), a novella with the new Deerbourne Inn series from The Wild Rose Press. This series is set in an historic property in the fictional town of Willow Spring, Vermont. Looks like another great series from The Wild Rose Press! 

Secondary Character for Hope’s Dream

Hope’s mother, Casey Sewell Kildaire.

When I set out to write Hope’s Dream, I knew I had to give her a mother who was as equally strong spiritually and personally as her daughter was.  She needed to be someone Hope could continue to look up to and be willing to sacrifice and change her future for. Someone who valued love, commitment, and strength of character above all else, especially when those core foundations and beliefs become challenging.

Luckily, Casey Sewell Kildaire leapt off the page for me.

When she and her husband are involved in a horrific car accident when driving along a snowy, icy Vermont road one night, Casey’s world – and that of her daughter’s – changes forever. Trapped in the car for several hours with her dead husband before they are both found, Casey suffers a traumatic injury to her spine and her right arm suffers severe nerve damage from being pinned against the door. When they are finally discovered, Casey is life-flighted to a hospital where the prognosis for her survival is guarded. Before she goes into surgery, she makes a request to her Godfather, Hobson Drucker, concerning Hope and which he reluctantly carries out. This secret between the two of them is something neither thought would ever be revealed.

Casey comes through the surgery but the damage done to her spine is permanent, making her paralyzed below the waist and with limited mobility and function in her right arm and hand. She and her husband had never felt the need to purchase any sort of health insurance, so the funds for Casey’s rehabilitation and medical treatment needs run out quickly. This leaves Hope unable to continue to pay for college so she drops out and becomes her mother’s sole caregiver, while working two jobs to help support them.

Despite the hardship and heartache the accident caused, Casey remains an upbeat, pleasant and charming woman who loves her daughter beyond all measure. She feels terribly guilty that Hope has devoted her life to caring for her and wants nothing more than for Hope to find a man who will love her like her father loved Casey.

When Tyler Coleman first meets Casey he is immediately taken with her beauty and kindness. Despite her physical limitations, he is impressed with how quick-witted and witty she is and understands why Hope would devote her life to her mother’s care.

I could have written Casey Kildaire as a bitter, lonely, manipulative woman who browbeat her daughter and blamed the world for her problems. The reason I didn’t want to portray her this way was because Hope needed a touchstone in her life. She’d loved her father unconditionally and growing up it had always been just the three of them, devoted to one another, a strong, vital family unit. Just because Casey became incapacitated from the accident, her basic core personality didn’t need to change. In fact, it couldn’t. If it had, Hope wouldn’t have been able to grow into the woman she is – kind, caring, empathetic. Casey is her benchmark for how to be a good person. 

I loved writing Casey and I hope anyone who reads HOPE’S DREAM can imagine themselves remaining upbeat and positive in a situation where the opposite could – and many times does – hold true.


Hope Kildaire gave up her dream of becoming a nurse practitioner when a car accident killed her father and left her mother an invalid. Working two jobs and caring for her mother leaves the twenty-seven-year-old with no time for fun or relationships. When a law firm representing her paternal grandparents sends her several letters, Hope ignores them. She despises the family who disowned her father and wants nothing to do with them.

Lawyer Tyler Coleman's job is simply to obtain Hope's signature on a legal document. Getting it is harder than planned, though, when an unexpected attraction blossoms between them. If Ty is honest with Hope about why he's in Willow Springs, he'll fulfill his assignment but may risk hurting her.

The opportunity to have everything she's ever desired is at Hope's fingertips. Will her dream come true at the expense of Tyler's love?

Buy links for HOPE'S DREAM:

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Nook :



Hope stood behind the bar, filling two glasses with draft beer. She hadn’t spotted him approach, so he took the moment to observe her unawares.

A reserved smile graced her face as the guy waiting for his order chatted her up. Early twenties by Tyler’s guess, the kid stared at Hope with a serious case of attraction. He knew how the younger man felt. 

During their lesson her hair had been woven into a braid. In the lodge, when she’d removed her hat, he’d likened the colors to butterscotch and honey. Now with it unbraided and freely floating down past her shoulders, the colors burst into life. Gold and red highlights shimmered from the waves framing her face, as if each strand had been hand painted for emphasis. In the tavern’s subdued lighting, Hope was a bright, vibrant beacon, sparkling with health and life. 

Tyler was drawn to her light, her vitality, as if he’d spent his existence until that moment in perpetual darkness. 

Hope turned, reached for something behind her, and caught his eye. 

For a moment her body froze, her hand still outstretched, her eyes widening in surprise when they lit on him. She dipped her chin and regarded him from under her eyelashes as she finger-swiped the hair falling across her face behind her ear. A quick head bob his way indicated she’d be right with him. 
With an expert’s finesse she uncorked a bottle of Jameson’s, poured a thimbleful each into two shot glasses, then added them to beer-guy’s order. He slid a bill into her hand and then waved off the change she tried to give him back. He scooped the drinks, then carried them back to his table. Hope slid the change into one of the jelly jars behind the bar marked with several names, hers among them, and made her way over to him.

“Hey, New York.” Sweet laughter warmed with surprise rang in her voice. “How are the legs?” 

Tyler groaned and stretched them out in front of him. “Better after a long, hot soak, but I’m betting they’re gonna feel worse in the morning.” 

She tossed him a quick, sympathetic look. “Make sure you take some kind of analgesic before going to sleep tonight. It’ll help. Trust me.” 

“Will do.”

“What can I get you?”

He spurted off the name of one of the draft beers. 

She pulled it and then brought it back to him. “Anything to eat? I know the inn doesn’t serve dinner.”

He glanced up at the selection board again and asked, “What do you recommend?”

“The soup’s hot and fabulous. Comes with a salad or fresh bread. The burgers here are always great, but I’m biased.” Her open smile charmed him. 


“So,” he said after she came back from placing his order, “you’re a woman of many talents. Ski instructor. Bartender.” 

The brighter colors in her hair glistened when she shook her head. “We in the business prefer the term mixologist.” 

Author Bio:

AUTHOR Peggy Jaeger is a contemporary romance writer who writes about strong women, the families who support them, and the men who can’t live without them.

Family and food play huge roles in Peggy’s stories because she believes there is nothing that holds a family structure together like sharing a meal…or two…or ten. Dotted with humor and characters that are as real as they are loving, Peggy brings all topics of daily life into her stories: life, death, sibling rivalry, illness and the desire for everyone to find their own happily ever after. Growing up the only child of divorced parents she longed for sisters, brothers and a family that vowed to stick together no matter what came their way. Through her books, she has created the families she wanted as that lonely child.

Tying into her love of families, her children's book, THE KINDNESS TALES, was illustrated by her artist mother-in-law.

Peggy holds a master's degree in Nursing Administration and first found publication with several articles she authored on Alzheimer's Disease during her time running an Alzheimer's in-patient care unit during the 1990s. 

In 2013, she placed first in two categories in the Dixie Kane Memorial Contest: Single Title Contemporary Romance and Short/Long Contemporary Romance. 

In 2017 she came in 3rd in the New England Reader's Choice contest for A KISS UNDER THE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS and was a finalist in the 2017 STILETTO contest for the same title.

In 2018, Peggy was a finalist in the HOLT MEDALLION Award and once again in the 2018 Stiletto Contest.

A lifelong and avid romance reader and writer, she is a member of RWA and her local New Hampshire RWA Chapter.

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Thursday, November 1, 2018

Madison Michael's DESIRE AND DESSERT

Today I'm hosting Madison Michael on her blog tour to introduce her new release DESIRE AND DESSERT. Madison is offering some great prizes, so make sure to enter her Rafflecopter!

Desire and Dessert

B and B Billionaire Romance Series (Book 1)

By Madison Michael

Madison has put together some really awesome Prize Packages to giveaway during the tour. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Remember you may enter every day for your chance to win one of the prize packages. You may find the tour locations here

About Desire and Dessert:

Can they forge a business merger and a personal one too? 

Spoiled Stevie Jurran expects smooth sailing when she arrives at Lakeside Lodge to implement her plan to merge it into the luxury Bijoux Hotel chain. Completing this simple task will move her up the corporate ladder, increase her value to her father’s multi-billion dollar business and settle the score with her cheating ex-fiancé. Just one insignificant Band B stands between her and success –one B and B and its provoking and intriguing manager. 

 Secretive and sexy Grant Harris is not your typical innkeeper. Digging in his heels, he tries to preserve the aesthetic of Lakeside Lodge by resisting every change Stevie implements. Retreating from his life in the B and B’s surroundings, Grant quickly learns there’s no way to combat his growing desire for the infuriating heiress. Can he concede to her demands and contend with his past to win this alluring woman?

The B&B should be a perfect fit for the hotel chain. Stevie and Grant should be a perfect fit as well, but will they set aside their pasts and egos to complete a merger of a different kind? Will love seal their deal?

Amazon Buy Link:

Excerpt from Desire and Dessert: 

“Inside or out?” 

The maître’d and Grant were both looking at Stevie expectantly. Usually assertive, she demurred to Grant. “You know the place better; you choose.” 

“If you would like the patio, Dr. Harris,” the host suggested in a heavily accented voice, “I have a lovely corner table.” 

The couple acquiesced and were seated in the back corner of the enclosed patio. The music was fainter, but still audible accompanied by the tinkling sound of a fountain. Stevie glanced across the patio. There were about eight tables outdoors, all for parties of two. High bushes of hibiscus and roses bursting with blooms surrounded the patio. The fragrance was wonderful, the table incredibly intimate. 

“You like it?” Grant asked with a hint of uncertainty. 

“I love it.” 

“Wait until you taste the food,” he promised, his confidence restored. They hid behind tall menus, selecting dishes to share along with a carafe of sangria. After giving their order to the server they were finally alone. 

“It’s beautiful here,” Stevie breathed. “Thank you for suggesting it.” 

“Now that I finally have you alone,” Grant teased only to be interrupted by the server arriving to pour their drinks. “So much for my sinister plans.” 

“Do you have sinister plans?” Stevie queried in a low, husky voice.

“Do you want me to?”

“No answering a question with a question,” Stevie responded. She watched conflicting emotions waver across Grant’s face and waited quietly. She would not give him an out. She had learned from business that silence was a powerful tool. 

“Yes, in fact, Stevie. I have very sinister plans.” 

The words were out, electric between them like a live thing. Stevie sucked in a breath, surprised by how quickly and matter of factly Grant had stated his desires. She reached her foot forward under the table closing the few inches that separated them. She rubbed her foot slowly up his leg, allowing her movements to acknowledge what she failed to say with her lips. 

“Have I shocked you?” 

“I guess that depends on just how sinister you can be. Mostly you have pleased me,” Stevie admitted. No shy wallflower, she gave Grant a bold smile and placed her hand in his. “I’m looking forward to finding out.” 

Grant pressed a soft kiss on the back of her hand then released her as course after course of Latin inspired small plates arrived. For the next hour they spoke of the food, the atmosphere, the music, everything but each other and what lay ahead. After assuring that he ordered something to satisfy Stevie’s sweet tooth, Grant requested the check. When it arrived, Grant automatically reached for it and Stevie reveled in the moment. Too often she was the one who paid for the date. Not tonight. 

“We could go dancing?” Grant asked. “Perhaps a salsa club in keeping with our theme?” Stevie believed he was just making a polite offer but couldn’t quite tell. 

“Are you a good dancer?” 

“Not on a dance floor.” Grant offered her a wicked smile and reached to help her from the chair. “But in a bedroom…” 


“Am I?” 

“Shall we find out?”

About Madison:

Madison Michael traded 28 years in Fortune 500 tech and management positions for a chance to spend her days with sassy heroines, sexy, rich heroes and nothing but happy endings. Growing up the daughter of a librarian, she learned to love books, especially classics and romances, and spent winters cuddled under blankets losing herself in books.

Madison is the author of three novels in the Beguiling Bachelor series, as well as several short stories. She is a member of Romance Writers of America. 

After living in the northeast, southeast and the west, Maddy returned to her Midwest roots. She lives in Evanston, IL with two feline editorial assistants and great views of Chicago’s famous skyline.