Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Why we love costumes at Halloween #SnarkologyHalloweenHop

Welcome to the Snarkology Halloween Hop! There are over 70 participants in the hop, and with every blog offering a prize, there are plenty of chances to win. You can check out the e-books I'm giving away in the Rafflecopter at the end of this post. As well, there are tons of terrific hop-wide prizes. Enter the hop-wide Rafflecopter by clicking here .

Check out the Snarkology Halloween Hop landing page for more information about the prizes and for a list of participating author blogs. Happy Halloween!

Why We Love Halloween Costumes

Full disclosure: I haven’t worn a Halloween costume since I was a kid. I’d rather hand out candy at the door and enjoy the costumes of the neighborhood kids. When my daughters were young, I had fun sewing costumes for them and painting their faces. I even dress up my dog in her cowboy outfit every Halloween (which she hates). But to dress up myself? No, thank you.

Cowboy Lou
Since something like $1.2 billion is spent by American adults on their own Halloween costumes, I’m probably in the minority. According to Psychology Today, there are several good reasons why adults like to dress up:

1. For sheer enjoyment of the experience – If dressing up in a costume makes you happy, go for it. End of story.

2. To express your creativity – Some people like coming up with a creative and unique costume, sometimes more than actually wearing the costume. It’s a way of learning about ourselves. European social scientists Janine Fron and her colleagues point out, “dress-up provides the opportunity for transformative play, for in dressing up and taking on new roles, we learn more about ourselves.” To see some truly creative Halloween costumes, click here.

3. To try out a new identity – Halloween is one of the few opportunities adults have to pretend to be someone or something else. That’s probably why superhero costumes are perennial favorites.

4. To fit in with your circle of friends – If all your friends are dressing up and going out on the town on Halloween, why would you want to stay home? Celebrating with a group can be fun and can strengthen the ties between you.

But hey, if you’re like me and the thought of wearing a costume at Halloween makes you uncomfortable, it’s okay. It probably means you’re an introvert (also like me). Psychologist Sophia Dembling says “costume parties are just one big audience participation event, and audience participation is an introvert’s nightmare.”

Yep. I hear you, Sophia.

So celebrate Halloween your way, and have fun on your own terms.

I'm giving away one e-copy each of my romantic suspense SEEING THINGS, my humorous paranormal BURNING LOVE, and my romantic comedy RESCUE ME. Enter the Rafflecopter draw at the bottom of this post for your chance to win!


When psychic Leah McKenna “sees” the abduction of a small boy, she knows she must help find him, no matter the danger to herself. David Logan, the boy’s uncle, doesn’t believe in psychic phenomenon. He believes Leah knows who kidnapped his nephew, and plans to stick close to her to discover the truth. As they search for Jeremy they uncover truths about themselves and the way they feel about each other. Can Leah convince him her visions, and her love for him, are real before time runs out for all of them?


David closed his eyes in anguish, barely stifling a groan. They'd been in such a hurry that he hadn't even told Jeremy he loved him that morning.

Leah stooped to retrieve a couple of plastic toys left abandoned on the floor. She stared at the bright red brontosaurus and the purple stegosaurus as if waiting to hear them speak. David straightened the unmade bed to give himself something to do, his hand brushing against a lump under the blanket. He pulled Jeremy's well-worn Teddy bear from its hiding place.

"This is one of his favorites," he said. "Jeremy calls him Mr. Cuddles. He's had him since he was a baby. He never goes to sleep without him. He'll be missing him..."

David's hands clenched into fists. Rage poured through him. What kind of monster takes a child away from his mother, from everything that's familiar to him? When he got his hands on the bastard who did this, he'd make him pay.

His gaze collided with Leah's. He sensed she read the chaotic thoughts that tumbled through his brain. Her warm brown eyes were full of compassion and understanding, and for a moment he almost forgot his belief that she had something to do with Jeremy's disappearance. David stepped toward her, wanting to bury his face in her honey-colored hair and hold her until the fear and worry abated.

What the hell was he doing? He stopped abruptly, appalled by the direction of his thoughts. How could he even consider such a thing when he was sure she was involved in Jeremy's disappearance?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Enjoy the hop! To find other blogs on the hop, go to http://www.thesnarkology.com/snarkology-halloween-hop-oct-26-31st/  Enter the hop-wide Rafflecopter for your chance to win great prizes: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/88873aee1/


  1. Hi Jana! Thanks so much for being part of the Snarkology Halloween Hop! I'm with you about costumes - I enjoy watching my kids get dressed up, but the closest I'll get is an old witch's hat. :-)

    1. I'm such an introvert that I'm shy about dressing up. But this past weekend I was at a conference and on the Friday night attendees had the opportunity to dress in costumes. Some of the costumes were fabulous. Made me wish I'd brought my witch's hat with me! Thanks for entering!

  2. Favorite thing is seeing the children's costumes. I love the Hocus Pocus movie. I watch it every year!

    1. Yes, my favorite thing is seeing the kids costumes, too. They're so cute, especially the little ones!

  3. kids are grown and gone but we go to the mc club costume party every year and have a blast...we spend months planning costumes and have loads of fun... ive been everything from a moose , rosie the riveter . ralphy from a christmas story in his bunny suit and Diana goddess of hunting and childbirth

    1. I'm impressed! Good on you for dressing up with such creativity. Have fun this Halloween!

  4. I haven't dressed up since I was a kid either. Thanks for the chance.

    1. Maybe I need to spread my wings, or my cape, one of these Halloweens! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Replies
    1. Such a great movie! Happy Halloween to you, too Brittany.

  6. I love trick or treating and my favorite move is the Nightmare Before Christmas.

    1. Do you go out trick and treating with your kids? I have to admit I haven't watched that movie. I'm even scared of the animated ones!

  7. My favorite thing about Halloween is taking my kids Trick or treating. This might be the last year if I even get to go... my kids want to go with there friends.

    1. Unfortunately (or fortunately) kids grow up and want to do things on their own. Sometimes it happens faster than we want it to. But it's still fun to hand out candy to the neighborhood kids. Best of luck, Shelley.

  8. My favorite thing about Halloween is taking my daughter trick or treating! :)

    1. Yes, I remember those days! Lots of fun. Have a great Halloween Desiree!

  9. I love taking my grandson trick-or-treating and then sitting cuddled up with my hubby, sharing popcorn and a scary movie.

  10. I love everything about Halloween. My favorite Halloween themed movie is Trick or Treat.

  11. My favorite thing about Halloween now that I'm a mom is taking my son trick-or-treating. I think my favorite Halloween themed movie (although I really think of it as an anytime watchable movie unless my son is still up) is Rocky Horror. If I'm going with a scary or disturbing movie - The Exorcist.

    1. I've never seen the Rocky Horror movie, but I've seen it as a live play. Very cool, especially when the cast members went through the audience scaring people before the show! Fortunately they weren't that scary. But The Exorcist? Too scary for me!

  12. My favorite Halloween movie is Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein. They were so funny!

    1. Now there's a Halloween movie I can appreciate! More funny/silly than scary. Thanks for commenting Cynthia.
