Thursday, January 28, 2016

Michelle Dim St. Pierre is my guest today!

I'm hosting Michelle Dim-St. Pierre today as part of her blog tour for her recently released book PINNACLE LUST, Book one in the Pinnacle series. Please help me welcome Michelle to Journeys with Jana!

How Much is Fiction Actually Fiction
Michelle Dim-St. Pierre

What makes a work of fiction actually fiction?

By definition, a work of fiction is derived from imagination. Fictional characters do not represent actual people and descriptions are completely invented from the writer’s mind. Or that is what is believed to be true.

However, in reality the lines are much more blurred.

Take, for example, a historical fiction novel, which places imaginary characters into real life historical events. Provided the writer has done his research, much about the event should be accurate—times, dates, geography, specific details. Yet the characters in the story didn’t actually exist. So it isn’t a true event and cannot be labeled non-fiction. Yet these types of stories hold a great deal of value to students as they present history in an engaging way. From thorough research, a writer can imagine how a person might have felt, how they might have acted, and what they may have done. Would they closely resemble a person who actually existed? Possibly.

This type of situation occurs all the time with modern day fiction.

As a writer, I constantly research locations, events, and specific details that make an area unique. The small details are what can make a scene come alive in the reader’s imagination and I aim to make the details as accurate as possible.

I am a woman. I am a nurse. I’ve served in the military. I live life on a daily basis.

When I write about love, it’s through the eyes of someone who has experienced love. When I write about travel, it’s through the eyes of someone who has traveled extensively through different countries and cultures.

While my characters may be products of my imagination, they take on a life based on who I am, what I know, what I’ve learned and what I’ve researched. They are an extension of some part of me and my experiences. Or they may be a composite of several personalities I’ve come across in my life.

Some people ask me if a particular character is them—if they are in my story. Well, no, my characters are never one particular person. That isn’t to say that they don’t form a small part of my character, some detail that I noticed, some phrase that they use, the way they hold their head when they think. A writer notices these small details and keeps a mental catalogue for later.

So the next time you are in line at the grocery store, ignoring your child while you text on your phone or bopping to the latest hits on your ipod, remember you never know who is watching.

So who is to say. Is that fiction? Is that reality?

Is there really any other way?

About Pinnacle Lust

In a Tel-Aviv hospital during Operation Desert Storm, Sharon Lapidot, a beautiful young nurse, is having an affair with a married doctor.

Sharon’s colorful and exciting life is ultimately destroyed by powerful and eroding mistakes. But her courage and wisdom lead her to an unregretful commitment.

Vividly told, this compelling journey of love and lust, honor and betrayal, loss and redemption, will move you — and perhaps even change you.

Excerpt from "Pinnacle Lust":

While in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, I took the newborn babies off the ventilator and attached the little endotracheal tubes, which were inserted in their mouths, to the Ambu bag. I delivered the first two breaths, making sure enough oxygen was delivered to these little ones. Only then did I shut off any valves to the exterior lines, while continuing to deliver oxygen through the Ambu bag—all for the sake of eliminating any potential contact with outside air if missiles damaged the lines. I continued to deliver breath after breath, while making sure not to hyperventilate these newborns.
Their lives were literally in my hands.

I watched my colleagues and realized that none of us were wearing the nuclear-biological-chemical masks. It hit me hard when I realized that no one had bothered to place the newborns in the MAMATs. It all happened too fast. I wondered what my co-workers were thinking about. I wondered what would happen if a missile landed close to the building. Would it shatter the windows that no one had taped? Would a million pieces of glass fly into this big open space? How many of us would get hurt? I was upset with the hospital administration for their ignorance. How could they leave these huge windows like that? My thoughts were disturbed by a loud whistle.

Seconds later, a huge fireball flashed by the window. A scud missile, the first one I’d ever seen. It looked as if the sun was falling from the sky. The bomb blast followed just a few seconds later. I looked around and saw these babies, lying in their own, individual cradles and incubators. They didn’t seem bothered. Their future was questionable regardless of the war. Right after the all-clear siren sounded, I made sure each newborn was secured back on his or her vent and that the equipment was functioning properly.

My drive home from work was uncomfortable. It felt like driving through a ghost town. No one was on the street. Coffee shops and restaurants had closed their doors and switched off the lights. Only a few other cars shared the road with me. I ignored the traffic signals and ran red lights. There were no rules at the moment—not for me, anyway. It was quiet—like everyone knew there was more to come. And it did.

Bombing became part of life.

About Michelle Dim-St. Pierre: 

Michelle Dim-St. Pierre was born in Tel-Aviv, Israel, where she spent more than half of her life before relocating to the United States.

She lived through four wars and served in the Israel Defense Forces for two years. Unlike her first year of service in an armored division in the Golan Heights, she spent her second year serving in the medical corps where she interacted directly with the injured soldiers of the Peace of Galilee war and their families. This interaction, along with the exposure to the hospital atmosphere, fascinated Michelle and further touched her heart.

After graduating from nursing school with a BS in Nursing in Tel-Aviv, she practiced internationally for 32 years in various positions in the surgical field and quickly advanced into health care administration. During her career she worked in the Operating Room, Recovery Room, and CCU – along with many other duties.

Writing was Michelle’s outlet at first, but it soon became her passion. Recently she left nursing and became a full-time writer. Her international background, along with her military and nursing experience is always at the tip of her pen. Her first novel, Pinnacle Lust, starts the Pinnacle trilogy.

Michelle is a world traveler who enjoys cooking epicurean food and creating original recipes.

Social Links:


Where to Purchase Pinnacle Lust:

Author website:


Barnes & Noble:

Apple iBookstore:


Sunday, January 17, 2016

Candy Hearts Romance - REAL LOVE by Charlotte Copper

REAL LOVE is another novella in the Candy Hearts series. This one is a little different; it's a sweet futuristic romance. At just 52 pages it can probably be consumed in one sitting, which is a good thing since you probably won't be able to put it down! 

Since it's Clothes Make the Character Monday, Charlotte wants to tell us a little about her character's unusual garments. REAL LOVE releases today, January 18, 2016. Happy release day, Charlotte!

Don't forget to enter the Rafflecopter at the end of the post for a chance to win a Kindle Fire!

Monda picked up a small triangle of thin black cloth. Made of fine fabric and full of tiny holes, the beautiful workmanship could not possibly offer any warmth or protection.
“What is this?”
“That’s a thong. Underwear. You wear it under you pants.”
Monda examined the item. “Do you wear thongs like this?” 
“My undergarments have a little more to them. Winnie pays a lot more for her undergarments, and gets a lot less.”

Near the end of REAL LOVE, our heroine, Monda, changes from her traditional ankle-length tunic and cowl into a sheer blouse, sexy leggings, and the undergarments above.  A difficult and uncomfortable change for many of us, I feel her ability to adapt speaks to the idea that in Monda’s old life it would have been expected for her to be willing and open to the traditions and desires of her new master.

The discarding of her old-world tunic and cowl¬—a decision of her own choosing—is a metaphor to the shedding of her old life.


As a young girl, Monda was placed into the tutelage of Mistress Teevac. Trained to use her empathic skills and educated in the ways to please a man, Monda is on her way to her new mate and master when her spaceship crashes. Rescued by a handsome space lieutenant, who literally makes her heart race, Monda’s eyes and heart are opened to new possibilities.

When Lieutenant Patrick Lancaster looks at the exotic Monda, he sees beautiful not alien. With an instinct to protect her and the desire to have her, he’d be honored to call her his own, but the starts have something else in mind. Or do they?


Her face more angular than most. Her lips, thick. A constant pout, like she waited to be kissed. When he looked at her big blue eyes and long blue eyelashes, he thought exotic, not alien.

“Monda.” He reached to wipe the tear. No, it was not his place. He shoved his hand into his pocket.
“I didn’t mean you. I don’t think of you as alien. I meant other aliens, like the green guys from Salvador. Have you seen them? About a meter high with pointed teeth. You can’t tell the males from the females except when they have their armor off.” He wanted to pull her into a hug. To comfort her and show her how sorry he felt. But she was promised to another, and while he might be an idiot, his mother also raised him as a gentleman. “Really, Monda, I’m sorry.”

“I know,” she whispered.

“What I mean is you’re an alien but not an alien. You don’t look like an alien. Of course any guy would be honored to have a girlfriend like you.”

“Any guy, but you.”

Buy Links: 

Wild Rose Press:

About the Author:

Charlotte Copper lives in Stouffville, Ontario - that's in Canada, eh. When she isn't working at her full-time job, Charlotte likes to craft, read, go to movies, and, of course, write. Charlotte hopes to have all of her stories published some day because, as a romance writer, she believes in happy endings!

Contact Information:

Facebook Page:
Twitter::  @charlottecopper

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Sydney St. Claire with YOU'RE TOPS, A Candy Hearts Romance

Sydney St. Claire is here today with her contribution to the Candy Hearts Romance series, YOU'RE TOPS, an erotic BDSM romance. Make sure you enter Sydney's contest at the end of the post!


Regina is a romance writer in need of research. Tucker is a Dom with a spanking bench. Who tops whom? Find out You’re Tops.


When her husband ran off with a perky, much younger woman, Regina Cox got the house, a decrepit car, and her freedom. Divorced, she plans to remain man-free and focus on her career as a writer. Trouble is, the skinny boy next door who used to tease her about her braces is now a handsome hunk and features as the hero in her latest romance novel.

Tucker Owen is a Dom with his eye on the new divorcee next door. His fantasies center around draping Regina over his spanking bench. Too bad she’s a strong woman and not submissive in the least. But when he learns she writes erotica romance and is having trouble getting the research right, he offers a week-long tutorial that’s bound to teach them both a few things.

Regina can't refuse all the research she could ask for and no strings sex on top. And with the sassy sub, Tucker soon discovers the pleasure that comes when the topper is topped.

Excerpt  PG13:

“Trust me, Gina.”

Tuckers voice crawled through her veins like warmed honey. She didn’t dare admit she didn’t trust herself to be alone with him. Still, she was curious as to what he wanted to show her. “Fine. But if you’re trying to trick me into your bed, I know basic self-defense.”

“I promise to keep my hands to myself.” He headed down a long hallway.

She hesitated when he started up the stairs. “Maybe you should tell me what you’re going to show me.” Sighing, he retraced his steps.

“Don’t trust easily, do you, Gina.”

She tipped her chin. “No.” Men are pigs. Except this man was one hell of a sexy jungle cat, and if he did take her into his bedroom, she might beg him to tame her--. She nearly choked. Good heavens. Now she was throbbing in earnest.

He laughed low in his throat. “I’d love to know what just went through your mind. Care to share?”

“Hell no.” She couldn’t meet his gaze.

“Knowing your active imagination, I can guess. Look at me.” He waited until she sighed and obeyed.
“I’m a Dom. You said you needed some research, so I thought you might like to see a playroom firsthand, see the equipment, and I can answer any questions you might have.”

Of all the things she’d expected, his confession came as a complete surprise. The spit in her mouth dried even as her heart did a couple of hard thumps behind her breast. “You’re a Dom. For real?” Holy cow.

He smiled gently. “Yes, for real. You know enough to know that a D/s relationship is built on trust and mutual agreement. As much as I might like to see you on my spanking bench, I’m not going to ask you to do anything you don’t want.” He let his gaze travel over her from the tip of her head to her tingling toes. “And if you want a demonstration, well, I’d be more than happy to oblige.”

“Yeah, I bet.” The idea of him giving her a demonstration sent heat zinging through her. Her mouth was dry as a desert. She had dozens of butterflies fluttering inside her stomach. When he indicated she should go up the stairs, she went, hyper-aware of him following close behind.

“To the right, second door.” He leaned past her, opened the door, and flipped on a light switch.

Regina stepped inside, and her jaw dropped. God, not only was Tucker her hero, but he was a Dom as well. She stared at the king sized bed with four posts stretching toward the ceiling. And she gulped as she recalled the scene she’d written, her heroine tied to the bedpost with a silk scarf, foot raised and resting on the bed while the hero— Heat seared her neck and rose into her face, burning her cheeks. Thank god, Tucker hadn’t read that little naughty bit.

Behind her, his hands closed over her shoulders. He leaned close, whispered in her ear. “What are you thinking about, pet?” His voice was silky smooth, low and amused. He trailed a finger along her cheek. “Your blush is very becoming.”

“Blushing is a curse,” she barely managed. She did not need her overactive mind running away with her or fantasies centered around her childhood nemesis clouding her mind. Research, she reminded herself as she glanced away from the bed and nearly groaned aloud when she spotted the spanking bench against the far wall.

“Ah, here we go.” He strode over, pulled it toward the center of the room. He lifted a brow when she remained just inside the door. “You are here to check it out, are you not?”


Sydney St. Claire is the pseudonym of Susan Edwards, author of 14 Historical Native American/Western/Paranormal romances and the author of the popular “White” Series.

Sydney loves writing and sharing stories of love, happiness and dreams come true with her readers. She credits her mother for her writing success.  Encouraged to read as a child, she always preferred happy endings which meant romances were her favorite genre.  Sydney takes her readers into the world of erotica romance where her characters come together in explosive passion as they solve life’s problems and find true love along with the best sex our hero and heroine have ever experienced.

Sydney’s office is quite crowded with three dogs at her feet and five cats to keep her company while she writes. Three cats always insist on beds on her desk, barely leaving enough room for her monitor and keyboard. Life gets fun when all five insist on supervising…

When not writing, she enjoys crafts of all sorts including quilting, sewing, cross-stitch and knitting. She and her husband of 30 + years are avid gardeners. He takes care of the veggies, and Susan is in charge of the ‘pretties’. Her medicine wheel garden is in a contact state of war: flowers vs. weeds. Sadly, right now the weeds are wining…

While writing, she listens to a wide variety of music. Her current favorites are Blackmore’s Night and David Lanz.

Contact Links:

Candy Hearts Author Facebook page:

Buy Links:

Wild Rose KINDLE        Nook

View all the covers in this Candy Hearts Romance Series Trailer:


E-book Cinderella & Prince Dom
And assorted other goodies

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Follow Me Around the Internet!

It's been a whirlwind since January 4 when CHILL OUT released! In addition to my Release Day Blitz, I've been hosted this past week at the blogs of many of my Wild Rose Press sisters. Please stop by to read my posts at the following places:

Peggy Jaegar's Blog - where I write about the inspiration for Spike the dog in CHILL OUT.

Casi McLean's Blog - where I talk about sustaining a long and happy marriage.

Wild Women Authors x 2 Blog - an interview with my hero from CHILL OUT, Noah Brownlee

Rebecca Grace's Blog - featuring the blurb and an excerpt from CHILL OUT

Reviews for CHILL OUT are at the following blogs:

Wild Women Authors x 2 Blog

Nancy Fraser's Blog

Doreen Alsen's Blog

Emma Kaye's Blog

Romantic Fanatic Blog

Kayden Claremont's Blog

Ali - The Dragon Slayer

Books 'n Pearls

Katie O'Sullivan's Blog

I've also received reviews on Goodreads and Amazon! Some reviewers may have posted in multiple places.

To everyone who has hosted me, reviewed CHILL OUT, or mentioned its release, THANK YOU!

Don't forget to enter the draw for the Kindle Fire, donated by The Wild Rose Press!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Another Candy Hearts Author, Maureen Bonatch!

I'm featuring Fellow Candy Hearts author Maureen Bonatch today for a book spotlight. Her Candy Hearts novella FORGET ME NOT, which released January 6, 2016 is a humorous fantasy that asks the question, What if your memories hadn’t been made yet? Make sure to enter Maureen's Rafflecopter contest at the end of the post!


The car accident totaled Sabrina Post’s convertible and reinvented her memories. She can't recall dumping Cole Dawson ten years ago. What her new clairvoyant visions tell Sabrina is he’s her husband. Any practical girl would question her sanity. But if Sabrina wants to make this imaginary future a reality, she'll have to regain Cole’s trust and eliminate her rival, the coffee shop waitress who’s pegged Cole as husband #4. To prove she’s foreseen their destiny, Sabrina stirs Cole’s interest by revealing specifics about him she couldn’t have otherwise known. Unfortunately, the one detail he vividly remembers is the pain when she left him and their "rinky-dink" town in her rearview mirror.
If Cole can't believe she's a changed woman, can Sabrina accept the only second chance she has at love exists in her memories?

Buy Links:


The Wild Rose Press

Barnes and Noble




 The boxes of candy hearts Julie forgot spilled across the floor.

Cole hunkered down and gathered the papers. His mouth formed a hard line as he glanced at Sabrina’s leave paperwork with the end date prominently circled. He replaced it on the table under the keys.

“No really, I can do it. You stay, Cole. I’ll be right back.” Sabrina caught her reflection in the mirror on the wall. The quest for a coat resulted in her hair looking as if she’d stuck her finger into an electrical outlet. Her appearance matched her desperation. She ran her hands over her head, but the static filled strands resisted smoothing.

“I need to check on Dad anyway, and it’s on my way. I’ll take Josie.” Cole extended his elbow, and Josie latched on like a lifeline, her fingers digging into the leather of his jacket. She skittered across a few of the remaining candies, crushing Be Mine and Love Me on the floor. “Thanks again for dinner, Marge.”

“Cole wait.” Despair leaked into Sabrina’s plea.

He glanced toward the papers on the table and sighed. “I waited for years, Rena. It’s you who waited too long.”

As the door closed behind him, so did the future with Cole that she’d imagined. Her shoulders fell. She knelt to collect the candy hearts scattered on the floor. Forget Me Not and Hug Me taunted her with their cheerful words. Lacking a garbage bag, she shoved a handful of the candies into her jacket pocket. Several hearts were trodden into tiny pieces, like her own.

About the Author:

Maureen writes stories in the beautiful state of Pennsylvania that boast laughter, light suspense and something magical in the hope of sharing her love of finding the extraordinary in the ordinary world. She writes Paranormal Romance and Fantasy.

Contact Maureen:

Amazon Author Page:
The Wild Rose Press:
Contact Info:


Rafflecopter for a $20 Amazon Gift Card - contest runs from January 6th until January 27th

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Win a Kindle Fire!

To celebrate the release of the Candy Hearts romance series of novellas, The Wild Rose Press is having a big giveaway! For your chance to win a Kindle Fire, enter the Rafflecopter below. Contest closes on Valentine's Day, February 14, 2016. Good luck!

Monday, January 4, 2016

CHILL OUT Releases Today!

Release day is here! To celebrate CHILL OUT's book birthday, I'm blitzing the Internet. Bewitching Book Tours has set up a one-day Release Day Blitz and I'll be appearing at 16 blogs with guest posts on a Valentine Day theme, excerpts, interviews, teasers and reviews of CHILL OUT. Every blog will have a link to my Rafflecopter contest. Enter for your chance to win a $15 Amazon Gift Card!

I'll be appearing at the following blogs today:

Roxanne’s Realm - guest blog

Fang-tastic Books - guest blog

Romantic Fanatic - review

Around the World in Books - book spotlight

Sapphyria's Book Reviews - Character Interview 

Books N Pearls - review

Jody's Book Reviews - book spotlight

Ogitchida Kwe's Book Blog book spotlight

Zenny's Awesome Book Reviews - book spotlight

Teatime and Books book spotlight

Sharon Buchbinder - guest blog

See you there!