Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Help me get "Over the Hump" and win prizes!

I am stuck! I'm following 1,999 people on Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/JanaRichards_) and I can't follow anymore until I get over 2,000 people to follow me. As well, I would love to get over 500 followers on my Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/JanaRichardsAuthor).

Can I get some love?

To sweeten the pot, I'm giving away ecopies of five of my books/novellas, a $5 Amazon Gift Certificate and a $10 Amazon gift certificate. Here are the books I'm giving away. Click on the name to read a blurb and an excerpt:

If you already follow me on Twitter and Facebook, thank you! You can still enter the contest by tweeting a message or sharing my post on Facebook. The contest will close on April 11 at midnight and I will pick the winners from Rafflecopter and post the winners by April 13. Good luck!