Monday, January 29, 2018

Favorite Scene with Melinda Dozier

Melinda Dozier is here to share a favorite scene from her novella, TROUBLE WITH GOLD. With the winter Olympics just around the corner, here's a story set in that world. This 68 page contemporary romance novella sounds like a fun read. Please welcome Melinda Dozier!

TROUBLE WITH GOLD by Melinda Dozier

One of my favorite scenes from Trouble With Gold is when Nadia and Ty (aka Trouble) meet for the first time. Ty is a well-known troublemaker and prankster. Since he’s the Winter Olympics virgin on the US Snowboard team, his teammates play a fast one, convincing him to run around naked in only his boxers in the middle of the Switzerland Olympics Village. Freezing! His two best mates shackle him to a post where he has to find a way out. In comes a Swiss Olympics volunteer, Nadia, who’s all about business. These two have a lot of fun throughout the novella. Here’s a little glimpse of how it starts:

“Thank God you’re here,” a male’s voice groaned, in English.

Nadia looked across the path toward the stairs ahead of her and saw a very well built, tall man, light brown hair curled around his beanie, with a chiseled chest and tight thighs. Wait a minute. Why could she see his chest and thighs? It was zero degrees Celsius. Why would a man be standing in nothing but his underwear? Her mother always warned her about sickos.

She dug into her purse, searching for her mace – something she carried since her internship in New York last summer. It settled somewhere at the bottom. Great. When she finally needed it, she couldn’t find it.

“Do you mind?” He said, a little louder. “I could use some help.”

“I have mace.” She answered, still searching. “Stay where you are.”

“Not a problem.” He laughed, a deep laugh that sent tingly sensations from head to toe. God, sleep deprivation must be worse than she thought if she had these thoughts about a sicko.

She shook her head and finally held the mace up. The man remained in the same spot. He had a fabulous smile and a few wrinkles at the side of his eyes, from smiling or being out in the sun. He must be an athlete with that tight physique. “Who are you and what are you doing?”

Instead of answering, he let out a laugh all while his teeth chattered. An ache sat in her throat. Poor guy. If his blue lips and frosted hair was any indication, he was beyond cold.

“Are you okay?” She slowly approached the stairs, not sure what the handsome man would do. But, he looked like he was in trouble.

His eyes perused her from top to bottom and then he looked back into her face. “Better now.” He smirked.


US snowboarder and notorious prankster, Ty (Trouble) Madsen is only getting a taste of his own medicine when his Olympic teammates shackle him to a fence wearing nothing but his boxers.  Reception and protocol volunteer, Nadia Hoffman, gets up close and personal with the sexy snowboarder to rescue him, but she's not the kind of girl who lets her hormones get in her way.  A professional performance could help her land her dream job at Olympics Committee Headquarters, but her new assignment supervising the rambunctious US Snowboarding Team is making that difficult.  Can she see behind the snowman in the community center bathroom and into the warm heart of the man everyone calls Trouble?

Author Bio:

Reading romance has always been at the top of Melinda's favorite past times. You can always find a book in her hands no matter where she is. Melinda is Louisiana born, New Mexico raised, Guatemala adopted, and recently a newcomer to Houston, Texas. So, it's only natural that her stories take place all across the world. Melinda loves reading, reality TV, traveling, blogging, and playing Words with Friends.

Learn more about her at

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Friday, January 26, 2018

Madson Michael and "Our Love is Here to Stay"

My guest today is Madison Michael and her new release is Our Love is Here to Stay. She stopped by for an interview to tell us about her writing and her life. Madison has some wonderful prizes to share so make sure to enter the Rafflecopter at the end of this post. Please welcome Madison Michael!

Our Love Is Here To Stay By Madison Michael

Madison has some fabulous giveaways for this tour. Remember you may visit the other tour stops to increase your chances of winning. You may find those locations here Romance and TimeTravel Prize Package #1: Includes  Books: Outlander, Time Traveler's Wife and Beyond the Highland Mist and  DVDs: Somewhere in Time, The Lake House, the eBook Our Love Is Here To Stay. Romance and TimeTravel Prize Package #2: One of the books above and 1 of the DVDs plus the eBook for Our Love Is Here To Stay. Romance and TimeTravel Prize Package #3: One of the books above or one DVD plus the eBooks Our Love Is Here To Stay.

Here's our interview:

Where did you get the idea for OUR LOVE IS HERE TO STAY?

Our music loving friends were in town so my Beau, Michael, suggested going to The Green Mill to hear authentic Chicago jazz. ( On Swing Night, there is an orchestra and a performance ala the 40's or 50's. It feels like stepping back in time. The idea for the book came to me then and there. Michael solidified it when we took swing dance lessons together. The man can cut a rug. We relived that swing night week after week until I was compelled to write Our Love is Here to Stay. 

What do you want readers to come away with after they read your book?

When readers finish Our Love is Here to Stay I want them to appreciate the power of love; to have an "aah" moment but wish for a little more. There is a happy ending but there is an opening for more. If it inspires them to learn swing, that's okay too! 

What genre have you never written that you’d like to write?

I would love to try writing Historical Romance, perhaps a Regency. I was initiated into romances by authors such as Barbara Cartland and Georgette Heyer and have always loved the wardrobes, the manners and the monarchy.

If you could change something about one of your books that’s already released, what would it be?

When I wrote my first Beguiling Bachelor book, Bedazzled, it was not intended to be part of a series. I locked my characters into situations without concern for follow up novels. My characters for Besotted, Tyler and Regan are constricted by my earlier writings. If I could go back, all four books and all the key characters would be taken into consideration from conception.

What is the hardest part of being a writer for you?

I love writing but I am consumed with all aspects of being an indie publisher. Self publishing is a little like doing a jig saw puzzle…you put in a piece and you can see the picture better. That reinforcement makes it harder to walk away from the puzzle and go back to the isolation of writing. It is difficult to find enough time for both full time jobs. 

What comes first for you – plot or character? And why?

Characters always come first. I may have a plot concept, but the plot will evolve based on the characters. I need to know them, really know them, to make their actions plausible, and to make their chemistry fiery and satisfying for readers. 

What book for you has been the easiest to write? The hardest? The most fun?

The most fun has definitely been Beholden. I loved writing about bitchy Sloane Huyler and pairing her with Randall. They played off each other so well. I could just relate to them both. I wonder what that says about me. As for the easiest to write, my bonus free book ( Studmuffin, which may be the sexiest of the books I have written, was my first short, standalone, novella so it was pretty easy. Also, I am a divorced woman who may or may not have had a fling with a younger man. Let’s just say I could relate well to my heroine. 

Do you have another occupation, other than writer? If so, what is it? Does it help you with your writing? 

I am an occasional inn-sitter for two gorgeous B&B’s. One is the inspiration for my upcoming B&B Billionaire series. Check out the actual B&B that I based my Lakeside Lodge upon at

Do you have any pets? Are you cat person or a dog person? Or are you into totally different pets, like goldfish? What do you like best about your pet?

I love dogs but I am a city dweller so cats are my companions. Last year I parted company with my two feline editorial assistants after almost twenty years together. It was heartbreaking. I plan to adopt again this spring. It’s lonely writing without a paw striking the computer keys now and then. 

If money were not an object, where would you most like to live? Why?

I have played the ‘if I won the lottery’ game a million times, and every time I have houses in California, New York and Spain. I love that unique California attitude. I think New York would be fabulous with an unlimited budget and I want a jumping off spot in Europe and Spain has tons of great cities – Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia for example, that I never tire of visiting. 

Name two authors we might find you reading when taking a break from your own writing.

I am in love with Kate Canterbary’s Walsh Series and Karen Marie Moning’s Fever Series. They both create wonderful, flawed characters that discover their hidden strengths, and these authors pen sensuous stories that are impossible to put down. 

What do you like best about your hero in OUR LOVE IS HERE TO STAY?

Like Matthew, I used to be a software consultant. That road warrior existence is exhausting. Matthew, despite his travel weariness, embraces Chicago, and I love that he is willing to make it, and Patty, home. 

What do you like best about your heroine in OUR LOVE IS HERE TO STAY? 

I really like Patty’s enthusiasm for the future rather than her being limited by the times. Sure, it facilitates the plot, but wouldn’t we all want to be the kind of woman who jumps into life with both feet? Patty is that woman. 

How do you choose the names and physical characteristics of your characters? Do you base them on real people?

This is a difficult task. I create the essences of my characters, their troubles, strengths, families, histories, what drives them, before I place them in settings and plot. Like a parent, I wait to "see" my newborns before selecting their names.

I get an image, ideas for names and play with them in my head for several days. It often takes me numerous tries to get a name right – Wyatt Lyons Howe was a Jefferson, a Geoff and a Wallace before he became a Wyatt. As for faces, that’s easier for me, but I always pin photos on the wall to make sure that I am consistent in eye color, the shape of a face and other features. 

How can readers reach you or find you online?

Tell us a little about your current work in progress.

I am just completing the first story in my new B&B Billionaire Romance series, Desire & Dessert, to be published as part of a collection in April. I am excited about both the new series and the collection. Look for them this spring. 

What’s your tagline? Why did you choose it?

I don’t have a personal tagline, but I am open to suggestions 

Do you have an event coming up you’d like to tell us about?

As an author, no. In my personal life, I am chairing a benefit for Mental Health America on March 4. Our focus is helping teens, their families and their community get access to any assistance they need and fighting the stigma of mental illness. If you want more information, email me at

If I was a first time reader of your books, which one would you recommend I start with and why? 

My favorite novel is Beholden. I just love the characters. My fans favor Bedeviled the best. The best way to approach my books is to start the journey with Bedazzled, the first book in my Beguiling Bachelor series. Then keep reading and let me know which you would most recommend. 

Tell us about your next release.

My next project is the first in my B&B Billionaire series.
It is coming out as part of a collection of billionaire themed stories scheduled for release in April. I have already sketched out several other books in the series and am really enjoying writing these characters. The first, Desire & Dessert, is the story of a billionaire hotelier who is purchasing a charming B&B managed by someone equally used to calling the shots. When our spoiled executive makes one too many changes, sparks fly. 

Is there anything we haven’t covered here that you’d like to tell readers?

I love my fans and would enjoy engaging with them more often. Whether they want to email to tell me about themselves, suggest plots, characters or settings, or to submit reviews to the many outlets available, I look forward to hearing from them.

About the Book: 
Can Love Transcend Time? Thirty-year old Matthew Herrington is weary of solo nights in strange cities. He is ready for a change. And that is exactly what he gets when he steps into Swing Night at The Green Mill and is instantly immersed in the sights and sounds of another era. Intrigued by the club’s authenticity, Matthew is enchanted when he meets Patty, a mixture of sexy and sweet who steals his heart. Patty Dennison has never met a man like Matthew in all her twenty-one years. A sophisticated man, he stands out from the usual Swing Night crowd. He is self-assured, smart, charming, and handsome as hell, even if he is a lousy dancer. Once he takes her in his arms, Patty is more than willing to give him a few dance lessons along with her heart. Repeated missed dates and unanswered phone calls strain the relationship and frustrate the pair. But unraveling their mystery exposes an impossible scenario, one that will torment their sanity and test their love. How can they make their fairytale last? Can love transcend time? Buy Links:  Amazon | All other formats 


 A waitress came to take it off his hands. “Another?” she queried and he nodded agreement, placing a crumpled dollar on her tray. “Too much,” she told him shaking her head no. Matthew was surprised by her response but the tray was covered with loose change so he removed his bill and left the equivalent in quarters. Everything was so inexpensive but the server still needed to make a decent living.
She gave him a grateful smile and turned to move to her next customer, carefully balancing her tray above the heads of the young people around her. In the process, she nudged Matthew slightly causing him to lose his footing and fall gently against another body. Turning to apologize he found himself staring into the clearest, lightest blue eyes he had ever seen. He couldn’t look away.
“Sorry,” he mumbled when he finally regained his composure.
“That’s okay,” she replied with a quick, bright smile. She was lovely, in a wholesome girl next door way. She had her blond hair pulled into a ponytail that curled like a hair product ad, clear-skinned cheeks that were pink with warmth and perhaps exertion, and a curvy body displayed under a bright red sweater and a flared plaid skirt.
Matthew felt his mouth go dry and his palms get sweaty. She did something to him, this fresh faced woman that he found incredibly sexy. Her red lipstick was a slash of bright color mimicking the red of the sweater. Until this moment, bright red lipstick screamed “tough broad, stay away” to Matthew but on this girl it whispered “come hither.”
“Matthew,” he squeaked out, extending his hand to shake hers. Thinking twice about it, he retracted his arm, running his palm against his pants swiftly, and hopefully surreptitiously, before he extended his hand again.
“Patty,” she responded, placing her soft fingers in his large palm. She shook like a girl. After all the bone-breaking handshakes Matthew had endured across the globe, this limp, fingers-only shake surprised him. She looked athletic, not tough but toned, and not sickly pale like most Chicagoans in winter. The handshake didn’t match the image and normally would have bothered him. Nothing about Patty bothered him. Everything about her bothered him.

Author Bio and links:
Madison Michael traded 28 years in Fortune 500 tech and management positions for a chance to spend her days with sassy heroines, sexy, rich heroes and nothing but happy endings. Growing up the daughter of a librarian, she learned to love books, especially classics and romances, and spent winters cuddled under blankets losing herself in books.
Madison is the author of three novels in the Beguiling Bachelor series, as well as several short stories. She is a member of Romance Writers of America.
After living in the northeast, southeast and the west, Maddy returned to her Midwest roots. She lives in Evanston, IL with two feline editorial assistants and great views of Chicago’s famous skyline.

Contact her at: Website | Madison's Blog | Maddy's Romance Madness | Facebook | Twitter

A New Kindle Rafflecopter!

Here's another chance to win a Kindle Fire or an Amazon Gift Card! It's easy to enter, so click on the Rafflecopter!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

#NewRelease from M.S. Spencer

My fellow Wild Rose Press Author M.S. Spencer is here to celebrate the release of a brand new humorous romantic suspense/romantic comedy. This one sounds like a real hoot! Please welcome M.S. Spencer.

Thank you so much for letting me talk to your readers about my new mystery romance The Pit and the Passion: Murder at the Ghost Hotel. Set on Longboat Key, Florida, it features an unexpected skeleton, a quirky romance between an arrogant though talented writer and a beautiful reporter, and a complicated set of clues that lead to a deadly secret long hidden by the most famous circus family in the world.

I love bringing the secondary characters in my stories alive. In The Mason’s Mark: Love & Death in the Tower, I have two old ladies who the heroine calls the Marples for their sleuthing skills. In Artful Dodging: the Torpedo Factory Murders, the heroine’s best friend is a wild-haired Russian artist who sculpts enormous metal objects. In The Pit & the Passion, the hero’s Aunt Gertrude is the quintessential Mainer—a rock.


At midnight, in the darkness of a deserted hotel, comes a scream and a splash. Eighty-five years later, workmen uncover a skeleton in an old elevator shaft. Who is it, and how did it get there? To find out, Charity Snow, ace reporter for the Longboat Key Planet, teams up with Rancor Bass, best-selling author. A college ring they find at the dig site may prove to be their best clue.

Although his arrogance nearly exceeds his talent, Charity soon discovers a warm heart beating under Rancor’s handsome exterior. While dealing with a drop-dead gorgeous editor who may or may not be a villain, a publisher with a dark secret, and an irascible forensic specialist, Charity and Rancor unearth an unexpected link to the most famous circus family in the world.

The Pit and the Passion: Murder at the Ghost Hotel
The Wild Rose Press, January 22, 2018 (Crimson Rose)
Mystery, Humorous/Romantic Comedy
Rating: PG13
418 p.; 97370 words

Rancor comes from an old Maine family, and as families go, this one is quite colorful. Gertrude, Rancor’s aunt, is a remarkable person—custodian of the family records, compiler of family foibles and accomplishments, and stickler for proper form. Rancor calls on her to help with their search for the owner of the ring they found in the pit, and she comes through.


“Is that you, my boy? Where are you? I can’t hear you.”

“I’m here in Florida, Auntie.”

“Florida? I don’t want you staying in that godforsaken place, Rancor. That’s where your grandfather met that hussy and abandoned his wife and family. Come back here to Camden where you belong. You hear me?”

“Yes, Auntie. I will soon, Auntie. Now, were you able to answer my question?”

“Question? Oh, yes. Now where did I put that note…” A loud clunk sounded, then a lot of rattling. “Hello? Hello? Rancor? Are you still there?”

“Yes, Auntie. I asked you if any men with the initials RB went to the University of Maine.”

“Yes, yes. You don’t have to ask me twice. I’m not deaf. Or feeble-minded.”

“I know that, Auntie.”

“Well, all right then,” she huffed. “I checked with the chancellor, who is an old friend of the family’s, although considering the circumstances, I don’t know how we remained on cordial terms.”
Charity squinted at Rancor.

“Excuse me?”

Gertrude went on with her monologue as though there’d been no interruption. “He was most gracious and looked up the student rolls from the 1930s. He found Basses, which doesn’t come as a surprise to me. I mean—”

“So Basses went to the University of Maine?”

“Of course. In fact, your great-great-grandfather Robert graduated in the very first class of the Maine College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts in 1873. He was a handsome man. I have a picture of him here. He’s standing next to his sister, and—”

“Auntie? Any others?”

“Of course. Basses were among the most celebrated graduates of the university—possibly because we donated masses of money to the endowment fund. Until your grandfather, that is…”

“What happened?”

“Well, Robert’s son, Robert Junior, finished in 1903 and his son, Robert the Third, three decades later. They both managed to avoid serving in the Great War, which was a real comfort to the women of the family, I can tell you. The Bass men have been singularly lucky—why, the last Bass to carry a gun was Robert T. back in the French and Indian War. Of course, he shot himself in the foot. Come to think of it, most of the Basses were not accepted into the armed forces for one reason or another. Gerald Bass—my cousin—had flat feet, and Elmer…well, let’s just say he was rather a dim bulb. Then there was—”

“Aunt Gertrude? What happened to my grandfather?”

“Robert the Third? You know what happened to him. He ran off with that tramp. It’s not something we’re proud of, but I don’t hold with keeping secrets in a family, so I made sure you children all heard the story, if only as a cautionary tale. At the time, my grandfather, Robert Junior, blamed it on the intemperate social life at the university, and he cut the school out of his will. That’s why Rupert didn’t go.”

“So the last Bass to attend the University of Maine was my grandfather Robert?”

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About the Author:

Although M. S. Spencer has lived or traveled in five of the seven continents, the last thirty years were spent mostly in Washington, D.C. as a librarian, Congressional staff assistant, speechwriter, editor, birdwatcher, policy wonk, non-profit director, and parent. After many years in academia, she worked for the U.S. Senate, the U.S. Department of the Interior, in several library systems, both public and academic, and at the Torpedo Factory Art Center.

Ms. Spencer has published eleven romantic suspense novels, and has two more in utero. She has two fabulous grown children and an incredible granddaughter. She divides her time between the Gulf Coast of Florida and a tiny village in Maine.


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Friday, January 19, 2018

#BlowoutSale - Stanalei Fletcher's Northstar Security Series

Stanalei Fletcher's January Blowout Sale Blog Tour
All 5 Northstar Security Series books are on sale for only 
$.99 during the tour only!

GiveAway: Stanalei is offering some fabulous prizes during this tour. One Lucky winner will have the chance to choose an ebook from her backlist, another lucky winner will receive a $50 Amazon Gift Certificate, and one lucky winner will have the chance to choose a print book from Stanalei's backlist. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Remember to follow along with the tour to increase your chances of winning. You may find the other tour locations here


Series Blurb: 

Northstar Security Firm is an elite private security agency whose mission statement: GUIDED BY THE TRUTH, is the guiding principle to provide justice for those who have been wronged. Founded by former CIA agents Byron O’Neal, Katherine O’Neal, and Sean Malone, Northstar Security has a ninety-nine percent success rate. That one percent is a still open case involving Katherine’s murder and Sean Malone’s career-ending gunshot wound. Nothing is a hundred percent guaranteed, and angst over one unsolved case doesn’t stop good men and women from fulfilling their duty.

Proving Ground
Northstar Security Series Book #1
About the Book: 
Caitlin Malone believes screw-ups don’t get second chances. When she returns to Oregon after failing her first Northstar Security assignment and stumbles across a plot to steal deadly pathogens, she sees a chance at redemption. For USDA Forest Ranger, John ‘Mac’ MacAlistair, having Caitlin home again brings up feelings that are better left buried. When Caitlin is trapped by the wildfire, started by the terrorists, her only hope of rescue is pinned on Mac, the man she's tried two years to forget. Buy Links: Amazon | The Wild Rose Press

Dead Reckoning
Northstar Security Series Book #2
About the Book: 
Byron O’Neal, Northstar Security Firm’s director didn’t always run an elite private investigation firm. His early CIA years were spent chasing Soviet spies. Now his past is catching up, and Kellee, Bryon’s daughter is caught in the middle of a game of Russian Roulette. Northstar agent and former Navy SEAL, Egan Maddox, is tasked to save Kellee from the Russian mafia before it’s too late, a task that puts not only his life, but his heart on the line. Buy Links: Amazon | The Wild Rose Press 

Beyond Duty
Northstar Security Series Book #3

About the Book:  Northstar Security agent, Riley O’Neal, balks at posing as anyone’s husband for an assignment. Nevertheless, to rescue the kidnapped wife of a U.S. Senator, he’ll perform his duty and do his best to resist the charms of the very woman who deceived him on a previous mission. U.S. Army Lt. Mary “Chip” Anderson is uneasy about the undercover assignment to pose as newlyweds. Concealing her attraction to Riley while staying focused on the task, may be the biggest challenge. Despite efforts to remain objective, enforced proximity ignites emotions and a desire to make the fake honeymoon real. When Chip is kidnapped during a botched rescue attempt of the senator's wife, both women become pawns in the case that threatens the nation’s security. Riley must remain objective, save the women, and avert the threat. But after that, can he convince Chip that she wants to wear his ring forever? 

Buy Links:  Amazon | The Wild Rose Press 


Riley waited until the conference door closed and then picked up the sealed envelope on the table. “What’s this?” 

His father gestured with his hand. “Open it.”

Riley tore one end of the envelope. Not seeing anything at first, he tipped it upside down. Two gold bands slid out. The innocent symbols of eternal love clattered ominously on the table. The larger one spun a moment before coming to rest, barely touching the smaller ring.

Chip gasped. 

Riley felt immobilized by the significance of the gold glinting under the room’s fluorescent lights. As though on cue, they both reached for the rings. When their hands collided, Chip snatched hers back and balled it into a fist. 

He picked up the smaller ring first, and rolled the smooth metal between his fingers. He strode around the table and stopped in front of the petite lieutenant. 

She stood her ground. Taking her left hand, he heard her draw a breath. 

His gaze locked on to the violent storm brewing inside her gray eyes. The temperature inside the room increased. His breathing matched the rise and fall of her chest as the room filled with white noise. Her slender hand trembled ever so slightly as he slipped the band onto her fourth finger. It fit perfectly. He stared into the dark pools of her eyes, like a man dying of thirst in the scorched desert. Uninvited, the timeless words from the marriage ceremony echoed through his head. “With this ring…” 

Stunned by the thought, he stopped short of speaking the words aloud. At the head of the table, Byron cleared his throat and broke the spell. 

Riley dropped her hand as though he’d been burned. He returned to his side of the table, picked up the other ring, and slid it on the fourth finger of his left hand. No fanfare. No ceremony. Only an unfamiliar burden he was about to carry. A partner—a wife as a cover story—with two lives and the nation’s security at stake.

Breaking the Honor Code 
Northstar Security Series Book #4

About the Book: 
Cyber-terrorism brings even the most powerful companies to their knees. When Northstar Security Firm discovers a breach inside their computer firewall, agent Sloan Cartland will do anything to help the firm's brilliant computer tech, Allison Richards, find the culprit—even after he learns that all evidence of the hack points back to Allison.

Buy Links: 
Amazon | The Wild Rose Press

Tell It Like It Is
Northstar Security Series Book #5

About the Book: 
FBI agent, Nelson Kane's Aunt Rosalee has a story to tell. Someone wants her stopped. When Northstar Security's unconventional bodyguard, Justine Shelby, is assigned as Aunt Rosalee's protection, Shelby learns she's as welcome as a wiretap at the annual J. Edgar Hoover Christmas party. Ornaments start to fly when Shelby informs by-the-book, Agent Kane to stay out of the way while she helps his aunt complete her tell-all memoirs.

Buy Links: Amazon | The Wild Rose Press

About the Author:

Stanalei’s love of writing romance stems from reading favorites such as Grimm’s Fairy Tales, Barbara Cartland, and Alistair MacLean. She has over twenty years of training in the martial arts and holds the rank of Sandan, a third-degree black belt, in Aikido.

After a taste of life on both U.S. coasts, she now resides near the beautiful Wasatch Mountain Range with her hero, who just happens to be her best friend and husband. Together they enjoy backcountry dirt trails on a RZR, visiting our National Parks, or exploring museums and ghost towns. You may visit Stanalei at: