Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Always a Bridesmaid Excerpt #MFRWhooks

Happy Wednesday! Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm excited to be on a blog tour for the next couple of weeks to promote my newest release, ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID, Book 3 of my Left at the Altar series. I'd love for you to follow along. A list of scheduled stops is on my News & Appearances page. I'm giving away a $25 Amazon gift certificate through a Rafflecopter draw, so enter soon and enter often!

Here's a blurb from ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID:

Dani Dipietro has always considered herself an ugly duckling in a family of swans. She's the bridesmaid her friends count on, but never the woman any man wants for his bride. So she plays the funny girl and guards her emotions, and her secrets, closely.
When Zach Morrison was dumped at his wedding, Dani was there to help him through the humiliation. A year later they meet again and once more Zach needs her help. To fend off the unwanted attentions of his former fiancé, he asks Dani to pretend to be his girlfriend. They play their roles a little too well, and make believe turns into reality. But their relationship comes crashing down around them when Zach's trust issues cause him to accuse Dani of cheating. Telling the truth means that Dani will betray a friend, something she will never do. But keeping her secrets means she may be destined to remain a bridesmaid forever. 

And here's a new seven paragraph excerpt:

"Chantal and I were engaged twice and she let me down both times. You know that old saying, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me? I'm the sucker who got fooled twice and I'm not looking for a third time."

"At least now I know why Chantal's acting so hostile towards me," Dani said with a grimace. "So, what do you expect me to do? Ward off the evil seductress with a string of garlic and a crucifix?"

"Actually, I think that's for vampires, but you never know, it might work."

"Be serious, Zach."

"I'm very serious. I don't want to get mixed up with Chantal again, and she can't seem to take no for an answer. And what about you? You could have refused to go along with the idea."

"You didn't give me a lot of time to think over my answer."

She was right. He hadn't given her feelings much thought when he'd grabbed her like a cave man and kissed her in front of Chantal. He'd felt her shock as he held her in his arms, and he'd tried to quell her astonishment by gentling the kiss. It seemed to have worked. She'd relaxed into the kiss enough to kiss him back, and perhaps even enjoy it. What he hadn't expected was to enjoy kissing her as much as he had.

I hope you enjoyed my excerpt. If you're interested in winning extra prizes, subscribe to my newsletter. You can read details about the newsletter only contest on this post.

Check out the MFRW Blog for more fun Book Hooks!

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