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Name: Carey Abbott
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I'm in the nice category with a trio of spicy novels about getting left at the altar, living through the humiliation and learning to trust in love again. I want to tell you about my three heroines from this series and their feelings about the holiday season.
There are four ways to enter the grand prize giveaway: Leaving a comment on this post, following my blog, liking me on Facebook, or following on Twitter. You don't have to do all four, but they increase your chances of winning. Once you have followed or liked, let us know in the comment box below so you are eligible to win!
Here's an example:
Name: Carey Abbott
Email: careydoucet@yahoo.com
Comment: Great Post
Twitter: Followed
FaceBook: Followed
Blog: Followed
Country You Live In: United States
Just like me, my characters from my Left at the Altar series
love Christmas. Sarah Stevens, from HER BEST MAN, decorates her tree by
December 1 every year. Every year she visits craft fairs to buy unique,
handcrafted ornaments and decorations. Each ornament on her tree means
something to her. There’s the little lady dressed in a ball gown made with pink
and white beads that reminds her how much she loved to dance as a child, how
much she still loves to dance. She loves the Christmas ornaments made from egg cartons, pipe cleaners and glitter that her grandmother made when she lived in the nursing home. They may be tacky but she'll never throw them out. Then there there’s shepherd she made in a long ago
ceramics class that makes her smile every Christmas when she unwraps it.
Luckily for her, she meets someone who understands how important traditions are
to her.

Before you go on your merry way to the next blog, I hope you'll take time to enter my contest. For your chance to win an e-copy of the second book in the series, THERE GOES THE GROOM, answer at least one of the questions here, based on the blurbs and excerpts on my website - just click the title to go there. You'll get one entry for each answer. Email your answers to me at jana.richards@hotmail.com BE SURE TO LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS! I'll choose one winner at random on December 17. Here are the questions:
1. In the excerpt from ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID, what does Zach do when Dani arrives at the house?
2. In HER BEST MAN, where does Sarah go after she gets dumped at the altar?
3. What is Olivia's fiance's name in THERE GOES THE GROOM?
You can also enter my contest by leaving a comment and telling me your favorite thing to do over the holidays. Email me with your answer at jana.richards@hotmail.com but be sure to leave an email address! Happy Holidays!
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