Tuesday, October 24, 2023

GHOST MOON by Kathryn Knight- Book Tour and Giveaway


Paranormal Romantic Suspense

Date Published: 04-03-2020

Publisher: Wicked Whale

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When Lark Cavanaugh’s life in New York City falls apart, she’s left reeling from a staggering betrayal. She escapes to Cape Cod, where a distant relative has left her an old house with a tragic past. Rumors of a haunting presence plague the abandoned home, but Lark doesn’t believe in ghosts…until she has no choice.

After completing his military duty, veterinarian Jesse Holt returns to his small hometown to take over his father’s practice. He soon finds himself drawn to the alluring redhead now living next door, but she has made her intentions clear—she’s moving back to the city as soon as possible. When frightening events threaten her safety, though, he can’t deny his protective instincts.

Unable to fight their feelings, they give in to desire…but another battle looms. Lark’s arrival has awakened a decades-old mystery, and the truth of what happened at Holloway House will only be revealed when it claims yet another life.


She bolted upright in bed, the series of thumps that had awakened her still ringing in her ears. Fumbling for the light, she pulled the covers against her chest, as though that could offer some protection against whatever had made the noises. What the hell was it? She scanned the room, her pulse skittering in jagged bursts. Why was this happening to her? Hadn’t she been through enough? 

Nothing in the bedroom appeared to be the source of the disturbance, but her instincts told her the sounds had originated from somewhere else in the house. And it definitely wasn’t the cat this time—he was still at the vet’s. 

Reaching for her phone, she sucked in a breath as she noticed the time…1:06 a.m. Exactly the same time she’d been awoken last night. She glanced back up to the hallway door as she jabbed at the screen, pulling up the keypad just in case she needed to call 911. In addition to occurring at the same time, though, whatever she’d just heard sounded similar to last night’s mysterious disturbance, and that hadn’t been an intruder. Not a living one, anyway.

As if on cue, a haunting moan shivered through the air. Her lungs froze as a fresh spike of fear pierced her chest. Oh, God. There really was something wrong with this house. Fighting the urge to dive back under the covers and hide, she slowly climbed out of bed, unsure what exactly she was going to do. Check the house, for starters, she decided. Her mind was still begging for a more reasonable, less terrifying scenario. A quirky appliance, maybe?

With each tentative step, she paused, waiting for something else to happen. As she made her way into the hall, a chill enveloped her, and she crossed her arms, rubbing the goosebumps rising on her skin. Below her, the stairway unfurled into shadows cast by the upper hall light.

A loud crash rang out behind her, and she jumped, a scream tearing from her lips.

About the Author

USA TODAY Bestselling Author Kathryn Knight writes books filled with steamy romance, dangerous secrets, and haunting mysteries. Her novels are award-winning #1 Amazon Bestsellers and RomCon Reader-Rated picks. When she's not reading or writing, Kathryn spends her time exploring abandoned places and searching for ghosts. She lives on beautiful Cape Cod with her husband, their two sons, and a number of rescued pets.


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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

CRUEL LESSONS: #NewRelease from Randy Overbeck

Randy Overbeck joins me with a look at CRUEL LESSONS, his newest release and book one his new mystery series, Lessons in Peril. This new series is set in the world of classroom. Randy used his many years as an educator to create his amateur sleuths, Superintendent Ken Parks and teacher Stacy Turner, and lend an air of realism to his fiction. Welcome, Randy!


“Sooner or later, everything old is new again.”

This quote from Stephen King came to mind when I thought about my newest work. In October, the Wild Rose Press will release my newest fiction, CRUEL LESSONS, an atmospheric amateur sleuth mystery and the first in a new series called “Lessons in Peril” stories set in schools. The novel features a pair of middle age protagonists who are, you guessed it, educators, in fact, an elementary school teacher and a school administrator. Hardly your normal heroes. In the story, fifth graders get hold of a dangerous hallucinogenic, steal a car and die in a horrific crash. Assistant Superintendent Ken Parks and teacher Stacy Turner struggle to uncover who is peddling the deadly drugs before more kids die.

What brought King’s words to mind is that, while the novel is my newest work, it is also my oldest. I’ve been at this writing thing for a while now. Cruel Lessons will be my fifth published work in the past decade or so. But like most writers I think, I’ve been inventing stories, imagining characters and conjuring up plots and crimes for quite a while. One of my earliest fictional inventions was this story—or at least a very early version of the narrative and characters. This manuscript has lain in the virtual drawer for twenty years—the first attempt at the tale written long hand on legal pads—waiting for me to mature and improve as a writer and storyteller. Even though the current published version of Cruel Lessons has been through too many revisions, re-writings and editings to count, the skeleton of the narrative is much the same as envisioned so many years ago. So, like King wrote, what’s old is new again, though this was probably not King’s intent for the saying. 

Cruel Lessons is an atmospheric, amateur sleuth mystery, the first in a new series set in schools called “Lessons in Peril.” The story involves a rogue, hallucinogenic drug being pushed in a middle school and, after it results in the death of four students, the rush to stop the drug pusher before more children die. 

I think you’re going to like the final rendering of the tale. The early reviewers certainly do.

Literary Titan wrote that the novel was “masterfully written. Each new revelation adds to the suspense and keeps the reader on edge, eagerly anticipating what further secrets the story holds…… a gripping crime thriller and amateur sleuth mystery.” 

The folks at ReaderViews called it “a thrilling murder mystery…with an immersive plot, steady pace and stellar character development…one of the best mysteries of 2023.” 

And the reviewers at N N Light Bookheaven thought CRUEL LESSONS was “brilliant from start to finish…Impressive storytelling left me with a racing heart and shivers. One of the best thrillers I’ve ever read.” Interested yet?

Be among the first. 

CRUEL LESSONS is going to be one of your favorite new mysteries.


Four kids dead. Can Assistant Superintendent Ken Parks unmask the drug dealer poisoning his students before more kids die?

On a school camping trip, fifth graders experiment with a dangerous new hallucinogen and die in a horrific accident, their deaths shattering the quiet town. Assistant Superintendent Ken Parks, hoping to redeem a fatal mistake from his past, grasps the opportunity to conduct the district investigation of how students are getting the drugs. Almost before he begins, the cops make a stunning arrest. But Parks battles on, convinced the real pusher is still out there, poisoning more kids until he receives an anonymous threat: if he continues, those close to him will pay. Is Parks willing to risk those he loves for a chance at redemption?


From the bend, the road descended quickly and Amanda felt the car picking up speed as gravity and its powerful engine propelled it downhill. As she approached the next turn, she realized she was coming in a little too fast. She slid her foot to the brake. Her concentration on steering the twisting road ahead, at first it didn’t register. She dared to take her gaze off the road and look down at her feet before she understood. When her right foot depressed the brake, the pedal glided all the way to the floor. No friction. She pulled her foot back and slammed on the brake again. The pedal slid all the way down. Unbelieving, she pumped it, again and again.  

There was nothing there.

She jerked her eyes back. The hairpin turn hurtled at her. On instinct, she kept jamming on the pedal. It was supposed to work. She turned the wheel wildly. The big car shuddered as it tried to negotiate the turn. The two rear wheels slipped off the pavement, spinning in space. With the front wheel drive, the front two tires managed enough traction to catch. The car veered around the curve and headed down the next straight incline. The heavy vehicle rolled faster again as gravity pulled it down the hill. 

Amanda’s mind reeled. What was she supposed to do? 

Struggling desperately to force her mind to think, Amanda tried to consider her options. It was all happening too quickly. The next treacherous turn came at her fast. She had no way to slow down. White knuckles gripped the steering wheel.

The bend ahead showed a hard curve to the right, not quite as tight as the last one, but steeper. And she felt the car accelerating, though she hadn’t touched the gas pedal. Right before the car hit the curve, Amanda spun the steering wheel. The car lurched around the bend. The driver side of the car lifted up. Halfway through the long bend, Amanda watched the hood tilt in the turn until it was almost vertical. No seat belt on, she was catapulted down the leather seat, crashing into the passenger door.  

“Hell!” she cried, reaching to grab her bruised shoulder. 

She froze as the two wheels still on the ground shuddered in the gravel, sliding off the small road. Slammed against the side door, she heard the tall weeds and low branches whip against the body. But the car didn’t slow. Blood streamed from a gash on her forehead. For an instant she lay there stretched across the passenger door, holding her breath.

Then she sensed the car teetering. The front tire bumped something hard. Amanda stared, unbelieving, as the car began to flip. As the Regal made the first revolution, she screamed.


Dr. Randy Overbeck is an award-winning educator, author and speaker. As an educator, he served children for more than three decades and has turned that experience into captivating fiction, authoring the bestselling series, the Haunted Shores Mysteries, winner of nine national awards. This fall, the Wild Rose Press will release his newest work, an atmospheric amateur sleuth mystery, CRUEL LESSONS, the first installment in a new series set in schools, “Lessons in Peril.” He is the host of the popular podcast, “Great Stories about Great Storytellers,” which reveals the unusual and sometimes strange backstories of famous authors, directors and poets. He is also a speaker in much demand, sharing his multi-media presentations, “Things Still Go Bump in the Night,” “A Few Favorite Haunts,” and “Everything You Wanted to Know About Publishing” with audiences all over the USA. As a member of the Mystery Writers of America, Dr. Overbeck is an active member of the literary community, contributing to a writers’ critique group, serving as a mentor to emerging writers and participating in writing conferences such as Sleuthfest, Killer Nashville and the Midwest Writers Workshop.

More info about his novels, programs and podcast can be found at his website www.authorrandyoverbeck.com .




Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorrandyoverbeck

Twitter: https://twitter.com/OverbeckRandy/media

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorrandyoverbeck/

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/randy-overbeck

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Randy-Overbeck/e/B07QQHW7DM

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4825632.Randy_Overbeck

Podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1924616/10983135

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Saturday, October 7, 2023

Excerpt from My Upcoming Release CHRISTMAS AT SOLACE LAKE

Trick or Treat Book Bonanza Giveaway!

Trick or Treat! ‘Tis the month to celebrate all things paranormal, supernatural, suspenseful and mystical. If you’re like me, you’ll want to accept this very special invitation to join the festivities at N. N. Light’s Book Heaven’s 5th annual Trick or Treat Book Bonanza. 28 authors share what they’d dress up as for Halloween as well as 37 books featured plus a chance to win one of the following:

One lucky reader will win a $75 Amazon (US) gift card.

I’m thrilled to be a part of this event. My book, SEEING THINGS, will be featured on October 18. Wait until you read what my Halloween costume would be. You won’t want to miss it.

Bookmark this event and tell your friends:


Friday, October 6, 2023

Jude Knight and UNDER THE HARVEST MOON #RegencyRomance

Jude Knight is here to talk about her contribution to UNDER THE HARVEST MOON, a Regency romance anthology written by nine members of the Bluestocking Belles and Friends. Jude has 5 Things she wants to tell you about the anthology and her own contribution to it, LOVE IN ITS SEASON. UNDER THE HARVEST MOON releases October 10, 2023 and is .99 cents till then. Take it away, Jude!

Five things about Under the Harvest Moon and Jude Knight’s story, Love In Its Season

1. Under the Harvest Moon is another Bluestocking Belles With Friends Collection featuring interlocking stories, where characters who are main characters in one story appear in other stories in the collection, and where every author shares the overall location and one or more key events. In this case, we set the stories in a fictional Cheshire market town around the time of the local harvest festival. We also had clues to a mystery scattered through the book.

2. Writing interlocked stories means a lot more collaboration than happens in other anthologies, which makes the job both harder and more fun. Readers seem to love it too, so we’ll keep doing it.

3. The heroine of Love In Its Season came out of the collaboration. Cerise DeLand said her heroine had been in the village six years earlier, at which time her sister had run off with the son of the local farrier. The young man had enlisted, and the pair had gone to war. I decided my heroine would be the sister of the young man. 

Back in the Regency era, craftspeople often trained their daughters in their crafts. I gave my heroine and the missing brother a deceased mother, which meant Gwen spent more time in the farriery with her brother and father than she otherwise might have. 

In the backstory my mind was spinning, her father’s mind had begun failing about the time the brother left, so Gwen had taken over more and more of the business and now was the farrier. And good at it.

4. The hero also came from the collaboration. Caroline Warfield asked if anyone had a soldier who might help to make sure that her hero made his way home, even though he was attempting to drown the horrors of war in copious quantities of alcohol. 

I offered my hero, and as I thought about him, he began to take shape. He needed an injury that saw him invalided out. He needed to have no particular home, so I made him an orphan who had joined up while still a boy. I wanted him to be an officer so he would be on equal terms with most of the other heroes in the collection, so I gave him some battlefield promotions. The rest of his backstory came as I wrote the story.

5. I have medical practitioners in the family, and my personal romantic hero was twenty years a paramedic, so I’m used to hearing grumbles and jeers whenever anyone in a movie or tv show is shot in the shoulder then gets up, uses the arm on that side, and recovers within a day or two. I wanted my hero to be too disabled to stay on the army but still able to help around the heroine’s house, particularly with her disabled father. 

My dearly beloved suggested an injury to the brachial plexus. Not a complete severing of this major nerve group, but sufficient damage that the arm is near useless and he has little movement in the hand. 

Blurb, Under the Harvest Moon

As the village of Reabridge in Cheshire prepares for the first Harvest Festival following Waterloo, families are overjoyed to welcome back their loved ones from the war.

But excitement quickly turns to mystery when mere weeks before the festival, an orphaned child turns up in the town—a toddler born near Toulouse to an English mother who left clues that tie her to Reabridge.

With two prominent families feuding for generations and the central event of the Harvest Moon festival looming, tensions rise, and secrets begin to surface.

Nine award winning and bestselling authors have combined their talents to create this engaging and enchanting collection of interrelated tales. Under the Harvest Moon promises an unforgettable read for fans of Regency romance.

Blurb, Love In Its Season:

The Battle of Waterloo lost Jack Wrath the use of one arm and ended his career in the cavalry. He has no place to go and nothing to offer. Gwen Hughes has a business to run and no time for romance. Under the harvest moon, two people who believe romance has passed them finally reach their season for love.

See Books2Read for links. Only 99c until publication on 10 October. https://books2read.com/UnderHarvestMoon

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

A Peacock Story by Fil Reid, Author of The Guinevere series #timetravelromance

 My guest today is Fil Reid, author of the Guinevere series of time travel historical romances based on  Arthurian legend. I'm delighted she has an animal story for us. Thanks for stopping by, Fil!

A Tale of Two Peacocks

I’ve had a lot of pets in my time – horses, dogs, cats, goats, chickens, sheep… you name it and at some point it’s lived in the Reid household. But the oddest pet (albeit quite temporary) were the peacocks that appeared from nowhere in our barn.

We were living in France at the time, in the middle of nowhere and a mile from the nearest farm, with our youngest son, a small eleven-year-old. In our large dutch barn opposite the house, we had stables, kennels, and a stack of hay. We’d been out somewhere and when we came back, there was this young peacock in our barn. It panicked a lot as we tried to catch it and narrowly escaped ending up in the dog run which would have ended its life pretty smartly.

However, our delighted son managed to catch it. He loves every kind of bird so was over the moon to have acquired a peacock. But we knew we couldn’t keep it, so we put it in the largest dog cage we had (bearing in mind it could fly over a stable door and might end up murdered) and I rang the local Mairie. 

I spoke to Loic, the secretary. “We’ve found a peacock,” I said, in French (I was pretty fluent back then). Now, peacock in French is ‘paon’, which sounds pretty much like ‘pont’ when pronounced by a Brit, and Loic probably wasn’t expecting a peacock story. “You’ve found a bridge?” he echoed, clearly puzzled. I explained the paon/pont was a bird and he cottoned on. I also rang the gendarmes and told them, but, oddly, no one had reported a lost peacock.

Several days passed and we still had the peacock which was looking increasingly grumpy in the dog cage in a stable. My husband was working in the barn on the car when he noticed the dog cage was empty. No peacock. We went inside and told our son. We all trooped outside to take a look. Surprise. There was indeed a peacock back in the cage, but not our peacock. That had been young and tailless. This was a fully fledged angry male with a big tail. A mystery. And he was an interference fit in that cage.

Another phone call to Loic to tell him we had acquired yet another peacock – a different one – and with no sign whatsoever of the first one. Who knew what had happened to that one? We didn’t. 

This was not the end of the story. Two days later, an irate French farmer turned up and accused us of stealing his peacocks. I pointed out that the peacocks in question had just appeared and we’d reported them as soon as we noticed them. However, they were convinced our eleven-year-old son had carried those heavy birds a mile from their farm. Of course, he hotly denied this, and we’ve never, not even eleven years later, got to the bottom of the mystery of the vanishing and reappearing peacocks.

BLURB, Guinevere: The Quest for Excalibur

(Fil mentioned that book 5 in the series, The Quest for Excalibur, just released September 6, 2023, but for your reading pleasure, it's best to start with book 1. Here's the link for the whole series: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09MR86WGQ)

Book Five of the award-winning historical romance series based on Arthurian legend.

Twelve years ago, 21st-century librarian Gwen decided to remain in the Dark Ages with the man she loves above all else – a man around whom endless well-known tales of legend and magic have been spun. King Arthur. Over the years, she’s carved a life for herself by her husband’s side, gently steering him in the direction she wants him to go, but always with an awareness that he’s a Dark Age king with a Dark Age view of the world.

Equipped with her prior knowledge of Arthurian legend, Gwen’s sole aim has long been to save her husband from the legendary fate she dreads hangs over him. But always, at the back of her mind, is the nagging doubt that whatever she does is already set in stone, and nothing she can do will change his future which is already her past.

Now, in book five of the Guinevere series, she’s all too aware that time is marching on, and that this fate might well be drawing closer to the man she gave up everything for.

Danger lurks in the most unexpected places, and long-hidden secrets threaten to rise to the surface. After a long, cold winter in their hilltop fortress, Gwen’s pleased to welcome traveling players to Din Cadan. But these players are hiding secrets of their own, and one of them has come with black deeds in mind. Gwen will have to fight harder than she’s ever done to save herself and thus her husband. And all evidence points to the hand of Morgana, Arthur’s wicked sister, manipulating everything from afar.

Throughout all of this, simmering in the background, is young Medraut, Arthur’s nephew. Unnoticed, despite still being only a boy, he’s been exerting his malignant influence over those around him, in particular, Gwen and Arthur’s son and heir. The wedge he succeeds in driving between Arthur and his son will carry forward into the cataclysmic events of the final book, The Road To Avalon.

But even Morgana can’t prevent Gwen discovering the truth behind the story of Excalibur and setting the legendary sword in her husband’s hands.

Excerpt  (Merlin shows Gwen where the sword has come from):

The younger man reached for the sword with reluctance, his stubbly cheeks tear-stained, eyes anguished. Filthy fingers closed around the hilt. “My Lord, I will not rest until this sword lies in the hands of your wife.” His head bowed in supplication.

The dragon ring winked at me in the raw daylight, as the Emperor laid a hand on the young soldier’s bare, short-cropped head in benediction. Withdrawing his hand, the Emperor fumbled at the ring with awkward, bandaged fingers as the young man rose wearily to his feet, and slid the sword into the scabbard by his side.

The Emperor, his own cheeks wet with tears, held out the ring, gripped between finger and thumb. “Take this as well. It was my wife’s.”

It fell into the soldier’s open hand, and the young man turned it over, so the dragon rested uppermost on the filthy palm.

An overwhelming urge to reach out and snatch it washed over me, but the vision vanished. My eyes flicked open.

I was back on the wall-walk again, with Merlin still holding my hands and the dragon ring on my finger glinting in the afternoon sunlight.

My breath came hard and fast. “Was that sword Excalibur?”

“I don’t know, but I think so. This is the clearest I’ve seen him. All I can tell you is that every time I look, I see this sword gripped in that hand. That hand with that ring. This ring.” He indicated the ring on my hand. “And I believe that what I’m seeing, what I’ve just shown you, is Macsen’s defeat by the Emperor Theodosius. I think he knew execution awaited him and wanted to send his sword back to Britain. Perhaps it was a British-made sword – even linked to the Princess Elen, his wife.”

Fil Reid, Author Bio:

After a varied life that’s included working with horses where Downton Abbey is filmed, riding racehorses, running her own riding school, owning a sheep farm and running a holiday business in France, Fil now lives on a widebeam canal boat on the Kennet and Avon Canal in Southern England with her husband, a rescue dog from Romania called Bella, and Nancy the cat.

She once saw a ghost in a churchyard, and when she lived in Wales there was a panther living near her farm that ate some of her sheep.

She has Asperger’s Syndrome and her obsessions include horses and King Arthur. She speaks fluent French after living there for ten years, and in her spare time looks after her allotment, makes clothes and dolls for her grand daughters, embroiders and knits. In between visiting the settings for her books.






https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09MR7F2RP. - start with book one of the series