Friday, April 29, 2022

#NewRelease from Liz Flaherty: LIFE'S TOO SHORT FOR WHITE WALLS

 I'm thrilled to have my friend and fellow Word Wrangler, Liz Flaherty, as my guest today. Liz is one of the best writers I know and I'm happy to have another of her books on my Kindle ready to go. Make sure the enter the giveaway. Welcome Liz!


Life's Too Short for White Walls

by Liz Flaherty

Genre: Contemporary Romance 

Still reeling from her divorce, Joss Murphy flees to Banjo Bend, Kentucky, where she'd been safe and happy as a child. The family farm is now a campground. Weary and discouraged, she talks owner Ezra McIntire into renting her a not-quite-ready cabin.
With PTSD keeping him company, Ez thrives on the seclusion of the campground. The redhead in Cabin Three adds suggestions to his improvement plans, urging color and vibrancy where there was none.

Neither is looking for love, yet the attraction they share is undeniable. Can the comfort of campfires, hayrides, and sweet kisses bring these two lost souls together?

Retired from the post office, Liz Flaherty spends non-writing time sewing, traveling, and doing whatever else she wants to. She and her husband Duane live in the old farmhouse in North Central Indiana they moved to in 1977. They’ve talked about moving, but really…40-plus years’ worth of stuff? It’s not happening. It would require removing old baseball trophies from the attic and dusting the pictures of the Magnificent Seven, their grandchildren.

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-1 winner each! 

Friday, April 22, 2022

An Interview with Debut Author Carrie Pierce

Debut author Carrie Pierce stops by for an interview today. Her first book is called LETHAL WOMAN and has just been contracted by The Wild Rose Press. Carrie hopes this book will be the first in a series she plans to call The Lethal Series. There's no release date on LETHAL WOMAN as yet, but I'll keep you posted. Let's get to know Carrie Pierce!

Where did you get the idea for your new novel? 

The idea came to me in a dream. I’d been on a binge of super powerful female characters in film, and Lethal Woman just came at me. It all started with a man standing in front of a crowd and as my dream grew, so did the novel.

Why did you choose this genre?

I don’t think I chose the genre, it chose me. Really, I had no idea what I was playing with when I began writing the book, it shocked me when I understood where the novel was going.

Was there anything unusual, any anecdote about this book you’d like to share?

Lethal Woman is a false legend that I created. In a way she is the type of person I wish I could be. She’s my alter-ego, and she beats the cliché of the bodyguard romance stories.

What was the most difficult thing about writing this book?

The most difficult thing about writing Lethal Woman was creating multiple characters that people want to see succeed (or fail). Each character has their own mood, style, and flare, so keeping everyone in their line was probably the second hardest part about writing the book.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?

a. My unusual writing habits tend to involve getting everything I need in order, then when I begin writing I tend to push it all to the side. No matter what, I do a little pre-write, but then don’t use what I wrote out. I also have food and water on hand, because I get bored, or distracted. I have to set my music and leave it or I’ll just keep scrolling through my phone.

What do you want readers to come away with after they read your book?

I want readers to have a pit of their stomach about what the next step might be. But overall, understanding and love is what I want readers to feel as they shut Lethal Woman after the final chapter. These are multi-layered characters that lacked necessities as children, and they are just getting those as adults. I hope to create a story that helps people feel less alone and more understood. 

What genre have you never written that you’d like to write?

Umm… paranormal or a sliver of horror. The pulse pounding need to spook is within me, and I would love to give paranormal (romance or just scariness) a chance. 

Did you always want to be a writer?

Oddly, no. I have enjoyed writing for a long time. I wrote as a child but gave it up when I was in middle school. But when the idea for Lethal Woman hit me, I picked up the pen and haven’t stopped since.

Do you work on more than one book at a time?

Yes, one at a time is how I work. But I always write down my ideas. If I have a scene that doesn’t work in one book, I find a way to fit that scene or dialogue point into the second or third book. Meaning, I do hardcore writing of a book one at a time, but I always plan ahead, just in case.

Do you have any words of advice to beginning writers?

My words of advice for beginners have been said a million times over, but it’s honestly the truth. My advice is, don’t stop writing, ever. Roadblocks (physically or mentally) come up, you may get rejected, people may not believe in you, or you believe what you’ve been working on is trash. But no, it’s not trash, it just needs work. On my own, I edited Lethal Woman about four times before submitting to The Wild Rose Press. Each time I ran through the manuscript, I learned something new and necessary. Believe in yourself, in your work, and that you will have a masterpiece at the very end. 

When were you first published and how did that happen? Was it a long or short journey?

On February  16th, 2022 I was signed on to work with The Wild Rose. Lethal Woman is my first novel to ever be published (and I hope it’s not my last). Lethal Woman needed so much work I almost felt crazy. I wrote it in high school, and then I stopped working on it for over a year. But in total, Lethal Woman has been in the works for about four to five years, so this has been a long process for me.

How did you get started writing romance?

Romance just came with the story. Love is about overcoming, growing, and trusting, so it fits perfectly within Lethal Woman

What is the hardest part of being a writer for you?

The hardest part about being a writer for me is time. Between working long hours, I would love to write but at times there is no energy within me by the end of the day.

What comes first for you – plot or character? And why?

Ah, I always see characters first. How they look. How they act. What they struggle with. That is all I see, and then the plot is built around them somehow. I love building my characters and their world. The plot is the structure, the drive, and the thing that gives my characters another layer. 

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

Both. I have days where I just stare at my screen, refusing to plot. But then I also have days where I kick up the dust of my mind and just type away. I wish to believe that I’m a plotter, but there are days where I really refuse to.

What do you hope readers gain from your stories?

I want the readers to gain strength. No one is perfect. No one has golden childhoods or intentions. We all stumble, so writing characters like that gives the readers something to connect to. And writing characters that struggle, but overcome those battles— it can give someone hope.

What part of the book has been the easiest to write? The hardest? The most fun?

The easiest part of my book to write was Lindsey. She is at times the opposite of me, but also so much like me. She’s me but with more courage. The hardest thing to write was the layers to the plot, making the pace pick up piece by piece without making things overly clear. And honestly the funniest piece to write was the scenes where Lindsey’s dog, Shadow, pranced around with his stuffed toy fish.

How many books do you have under the proverbial bed? Will they ever see the light of day?

I have about two completed manuscripts that go along with the Lethal Woman series, and I have recently gotten the spark to add something new into the timeline. But, if those see the light of day is up to the publisher and to the readers.

Do you write in the same place every day or do you like to change it up?

I live with my family, so when I write, I need space. I tend to write in my room, with my headphones on to help cut out distractions, but if I have a few hours during the day, I love to write outside and listen to the sounds of nature.

What’s one thing that your readers would be surprised to learn about you? 

I’m only nineteen. I'm an adult but very rusty at it. 

(Jana's Note: Holy smokes! Way to go, Carrie! It's quite an accomplishment to write a book at nineteen.)

What’s your favorite time management tip?

Set alarms. Do what you can with the time that you have. Don’t push yourself too hard, too fast. Do what you can, and always take time for yourself. 

What’s your favorite thing about being a writer?

My favorite thing about being a writer is being able to create my own world and my own people. If I make it, I can control the outcome.

What’s your least favorite thing about being a writer?

My least favorite thing about being a writer is literally sitting down and having to do the work. I can see what I want in my head, I can understand and hear the tone, but getting it down right, that is a challenge.

Where do you do your best thinking?

When I’m in my own head and alone. Walking my dogs, working and having a few minutes of silence, and as I try to sleep.

What question would you like to be asked that I haven’t asked here? 

Ask me how I’m doing… because from day to day, my answer changes. We all have good and bad days. We all get tired and burnt out. And, depending on my day and how everything turns out, you will get a different answer each time.

Tell us a bit about you. Where do you live, and how long have you been writing?

I live in El Dorado, California. It’s a small town with history and heart. I’ve been writing for about six years in total, throughout my whole life.

If writing is your first passion, what is your second?

I love helping and bringing joy to people. If I make someone’s day, then I automatically feel better.

Do you have another occupation, other than writing? If so, what is it? Does it help you with your writing?

I’m a caregiver in an Assisted Living unit. Honestly, no it doesn’t help with my writing. I love the people, the work that makes me feel exhausted but proud at the end of the day, but writing and caregiving are two opposites for me. Writing is an outlet for my stress.

How do you think your life experiences have prepared you for writing?

I’ve experienced a variety of hardships, poverty, mental health decline, and just… a need to escape the brutality of the real world. What I feel, experience, and seem is important, I put it into my writing. Sharing hope, strength, and understanding can help someone, even if you don’t know it.

If there is such a thing as reincarnation, what would you like to return to earth as and why?

A bird. Being able to fly, having to learn how to survive in an internally different way, it would be exciting. That and, my grandmother loved birds, and in honor of her, they seem to always make me think about her.

Name one person, book, or song who/that inspires flights of fantasy.

One person who inspires flights of fantasy is my late grandmother. She inspired me in ways of silence, but support. And music, whatever comes up on my playlist, it helps me relax and let my words flow as I write.

A genie grants you one wish. What is it?

Hard one, I want to be selfish, but honestly I don’t know what I would wish for. I want others to be happy and know they aren’t alone so maybe… The ability to bring joy to all those I encounter. Might be a heavy one, but I want joy to be in the world because I know what it’s like to feel conflicted.

(Jana's Note: What a wonderful wish, Carrie!)

If you could get rid of something in your life that would give you more writing time, what would it be?

Less work hours. I love writing, but everyone has ends to meet.

Do you have any pets? Are you a cat person or a dog person? Or are you into totally different pets, like goldfish? What do you like best about your pet?

I have two dogs, Moose, a pitbull, and Yoda, a little terrier. I love both of them for different reasons. Yoda, he’s older so he loves it when people read to him or let him sit with you as you watch a movie or TV. Moose, he has energy bursts that make me laugh and brings a smile to my face. I don’t have a preference on animals, dogs or cats, I’ll pet them both and love them equally.

What genre is your favorite to read?

I don’t have one. I own romance, thriller, mysteries, a few paranormal, and detective novels,

What are your hobbies away from the computer?

I love reading. I love walking my dogs. I love binging movies or shows. Anything that brings me a sliver of peace, I want it to become a hobby. 

If money were not an object, where would you most like to live? Why?

England or Ireland. I want to live somewhere within either of those, in a small village with quiet and nice people. I love the sound of nature, music, and silence.

What did you want to be (occupation-wise) when you were a child?

An animal trainer. I love animals and I really wanted to work with them as a child. But now, I work with people, and that too, is rewarding in a way that I never foresaw. 

Name two authors we might find you reading when taking a break from your own writing.

Ummm…I love Jodi Meadows, her fantasy novels are so unique. And, maybe, Harlan Coben? This is a difficult question, I own so many different novels by entirely different people.

What are two (or more) of your all-time favorite books in any genre?

First, In 27 Days by Alison Gervais, her novel is so eye opening. Secondly, Clockwork Angel (the whole trilogy really) by Cassandra Clare, it is inspiring yet so heartbreaking, and then finally, Kissed by an Angel (all three books) by Elizabeth Chandler, it explains loss, hope, and overcoming brilliantly.

What do you like best about your hero? 

The thing that I love best about Thomas Pavlov is that he never allows his father's actions to become him. He is a young man who wishes to see the best in people and he trusts Lindsey with everything he has. Thomas fights for the life he wants, and he holds onto the things he demands to keep.

What do you like best about your heroine?

I love Lindsey Vasiliev for a few reasons, she is her own identity. She refuses to let others belittle her. Lindsey is strong in a way I wish I could be. She never really judges others because of her own mistakes. But one thing I like about her best is, when she trusts you, she will give you everything she has.

How do you choose the names and physical characteristics of your characters? Do you base them on real people?

The name Thomas is a frequent name in England, and the simpler the name somehow the more sophisticated the person in my eyes of writing. Lindsey’s name was said in the dream that helped me create the book, so I just kept it. And, I don’t base my characters on real people. But there are some features and manners that I did pick off of real people. When writing, there are flashes of a face that comes to my mind, and they sometimes match with a celebrity.

How can readers reach you or find you online?

I have an Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and website.

Here are the links: 

i. Instagram:

ii. Facebook:

iii. Twitter:

iv. Website:

Tell us a little about your current work in progress.

I have another piece to the Lethal series in the works, but not much can be said or done until the statistics of Lethal Woman comes through.

What’s your tagline? Why did you choose it?

The tagline for Lethal Woman was hard to choose, but the one that I am weighing towards is, The line between being a killer and a savior is thin and the choice is aimed right at me.

Tell us about your current release.

Yes, here is the information for Lethal Woman: 

Labeled as England’s most dangerous bodyguard, Lindsey Vasiliev is a woman who was raised from a young age to take out those who wish others harm, with any means necessary.  

But now, with her title on the line, Lindsey must redeem herself. She is hired to protect London’s most prized heirs, Thomas Pavlov, a man who is in the crossfire from a choice he didn’t make.

Faced with a choice, Lindsey must pick her life and legacy, or save Thomas, the man who made her see that she is more than her calling card, and her life has more to offer than endless acts of violence.

Is there anything we haven’t covered here that you’d like to tell readers?

Please give Lethal Woman a chance, when it’s available for review and for buying, please leave a review. Help this series come to life. Spread the word, if you can. And remember that if you have a story that you believe is worth telling, then share it. Live your dream, even if you think it’s unreachable.

Excerpt, Lethal Woman:  

“‘You are a soldier for hire,” my mother would recite these words before she left my brother and I every night. “You do as you are told. You do what needs to be done. You don’t hold back. You rise even when you fall. And if need be, you never look back.” My mother, very much like my father, never let us see her weak. We were heirs to the throne, and we had to fight if we wanted to see the world around us. My father was the king of violence, and my mother, she was just as deadly. A feared king and queen fell, and as the next ones in line, my brother and I had to cut a few cords and lash a few rules. We were monsters before we kneeled to the regulations given to us. If we wanted to stay together, we had to bow. So we did, and with that, we thought the file died with us. But we have been lied to.”

Thanks so much for dropping in, Carrie! It was great to meet you. Best of luck with Lethal Woman.

Author Bio: 

Carrie Pierce is a young woman with a passion to inspire and adapt to the world of the unknown through her writing. While a cadet in high school with the local police department in Placerville, Carrie witnessed the acts of bravery and victory, as well as the loss and pain. Seeing the world through fresh eyes, and seeing the truth of the world's kindness and conflict, the need to write bloomed and took hold. 

As a native of El Dorado County, Carrie lives in a remote town with hard work and determination in their blood. At the end of the day, Carrie enjoys writing strong and independent characters that know how to take a hit. At the end of the day, Carrie enjoys watching films, reading novels, and lounging with her two dogs. 

Friday, April 15, 2022

LOVE WINS: Anthology for Ukraine

Like many of you, I've felt helpless watching the destruction of lives happening in Ukraine right now. So, when Mrs. N. asked if I could help to get the word out about the charity anthology she's participating in, which is raising money for World Vision in Ukraine, I jumped at the chance. I'm going to buy my copy right away and I hope you do too! Take it away, Mrs. N.!

I’m so thrilled to be a guest on this blog. Thank you so much for hosting me. My name is N. N. Light, otherwise known as Mrs. N. I write uplifting stories with my husband and better half, Mr. N. 

In late February of this year, Russia invaded Ukraine. My heart plummeted as I saw the brute force of Russia’s army attach a sovereign nation. Can this really be happening? After all we have been through, can we just sit by and watch the elimination of a race of people? I knew I needed to find some way to help. I certainly didn’t have the resources to fly over there but what could I do? The answer came in an Instagram post about two weeks ago. My fellow author, Dania Voss, put out a message on Instagram asking for more romance stories for a charity anthology. I signed up right away and I’m so honored to be a part of the Love Wins anthology. 100% of the proceeds go to a charity with boots on the ground helping Ukrainians in need. 

We can’t stop the bombs from falling but we can do our part from this corner of our world. Please consider purchasing the anthology for $1.99. Not only will you be helping innocent people struggling to stay alive, but you’ll get fifteen romance novellas/short stories. These stories vary between sweet and contemporary. 

Series Title: 

Love Wins: A Ukraine Charity Anthology

Series Authors: 

Dania Voss, Maribelle McCrea, Marlene Cheng, K.M. Jenkins, Deborah King, Annie McEwen, Pamela Clayfield, Tiffany Carby, Aimee O’Brian, R.A. Clarke, N. N. Light, Judy Fisher, Robert Beech, E.J. Powell, Alex Grehy, Maris Parker


Contemporary Romance, Charity Anthology, Romance Short Stories

Book Blurb:

LOVE WINS—a Charity Anthology to support Ukrainian refugees

More than 15 contemporary romance authors have joined forces to create this unique collection of stories, covering an assortment of different sub-genres and tropes.

LOVE WINS is set to publish on April 21, 2022, with 100% of the proceeds going to World Vision’s Ukrainian Refugee Fund. This organization has people on the ground in the Ukraine and Romania, providing food, shelter, medical aid, and all necessary assistance for the needy, with the focus of making sure children are safe and provided for.

LOVE WINS is available for a limited time only. Make a difference for the people of Ukraine—buy your copy today!

Stories include:


















THANK YOU so much for supporting those in need.

Excerpt from Planting the Seeds of Love:

"You aren't as blind as the rest of the town thinks you are, right? Jack's put his life on hold to help you make this brewery thing work. Jack kept the farm afloat when your grandpa fell ill." Linda readjusted herself in her chair.

"What are you talking about?" Sally's stomach did triple cartwheels. "Why is the town gossiping about me, yet again?" She rolled her eyes.

"Oh honey, you know this town, nuthin' better to do. Plus, you disappeared and haven't been seen since the funeral." Linda leaned in and whispered, "You've gotta be out in the open so you can counter their gossip with truth."

"You're right, I forgot how small towns like this operate." Sally frowned.

Linda patted Sally's hand.

"Jack, thank you so much for the lift into town," a woman replied behind Sally. "Let's grab some lunch before we shop."

Sally froze. She stared at Linda who shook her head. What was Jack doing with a woman in town?

"Here, let me take your coat, Emma," Jack said.

Emma? mouthed Sally to Linda.

"She's the daughter of Lonnie and Mary Beth." Linda gave Emma the look-over and scoffed, "She can't be a day over sixteen."

"What do I do?" Sally panicked. Normally she didn't care what Jack did or who he went off with. Curiosity got the better of her and she turned around.

Emma stood five foot three with curly blonde hair and innocent green eyes. Her figure was slim with curves in all the right places. Sally narrowed her eyes as Emma stood on tiptoe to kiss Jack on the cheek.

Fuming, Sally turned around. Linda chuckled.


"You better tone down your jealousy, darlin'. You're shooting darts everywhere."

Sally gritted her teeth.

"I'm not jealous. If Jack wants school girls kissing him, what do I care?" She took a deep drink of her coffee, draining the cup. She slammed it down.

"Simmer down, here they come," whispered Linda. She waved to Jack while Sally swore under her breath.

"Well, fancy meeting you two here," Jack drawled.

Without looking up Sally retorted, "I told you I was coming into town today."

Linda kicked Sally's leg under the table. Sally plastered a smile across her face, greeting Jack and Emma.

"Yes, what a coincidence." Sally noticed Emma looping her arm in Jack's and snuggling closer.

"I was on my way into town to pick up those parts we ordered for the tractor when I ran into Emma walking by herself in the snow." Jack smiled. Emma squeezed his arm.

"He pulled over and offered me a lift into town. Isn't he a gentleman?" cooed Emma. Jack patted her hand.

Sally's chest constricted at the sight of the two of them acting all couple-y. She stared into his twinkling eyes. Oh God, is he laughing at me? Emma can't have him. He's mine. Wait what?

"So," Linda broke the strained silence. "I have to go powder my nose. Emma, would you care to join me?"

"What's that?" Emma looked confused.

Linda laughed. "It's the bathroom, dear sweet child." She stood up, untangled Emma from Jack and guided Emma away from the table.

Jack sat down.

"What's with you today?" he asked.

"Nothing." Sally cleared her throat.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Really!" A few diners turned to stare. Sally flushed with embarrassment. She didn't mean to talk so loud. She looked everywhere except in Jack's direction.

Jack observed Sally as she fidgeted, first with her coffee cup then with the silverware. His gaze unnerved her and she practically jumped out of her chair when he placed a hand over hers. Electricity flew up her arm while warmth filled her core. Butterflies raced around her stomach, only she didn't feel sick; she pulsed with life, like never before.

"Sally...look at me."

Sally shook her head.

"You'll only laugh at me."

Jack's thumb caressed her hand gently, causing her breath to hitch.

"You know I'd never laugh at you. Laugh with you, definitely, but never at you."

Sally lifted her gaze to meet Jack's loving eyes. He slid his fingers between hers, never breaking eye contact. Sparks flew between them. He moistened his lips with a flick of his tongue. Her gaze dropped to his lips.

"Please tell me. I'm begging you," he whispered.

Unable to think clearly through the fog of desire, Sally tilted her head to one side. Her skin vibrated with heat while her nerve-endings jumped at the slightest caress.

"Tell you what?" she whispered. Her throat dry, her breathing shallow, she wet her lips with her tongue. She was under a spell and everything fell away except for Jack's passionate eyes.

"Tell me what my wasted heart needs to hear." His eyes flashed. "Tell me Emma made you jealous."

Sally started to nod but Emma interrupted.

"What are you guys talking about in hushed tones? Crops and stuff?"

Jack groaned. He dropped Sally's hand as if it burned him, causing the water glasses to jostle. 

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

Preorder your e-copy for only $1.99. The price goes up to $4.99 after release week! 100% of the proceeds going to World Vision’s Ukrainian Refugee Fund.

Amazon US

Amazon CA

Amazon UK



Author Biography:

N. N. Light is the award-winning husband-wife writing team, commonly known as Mr. N and Mrs. N. Books are their addiction and lifeblood.

Life is meant to be lived; cherish the exciting moments, and relish in those all too brief moments of relaxation. They are here to live their own lives, read as many books as humanly possible and live it passionately. N. N. Light's Book Heaven serves as a vessel to project their passions, and clue in their loyal readers as to what inspires them in this crazy world. So, sit back, relax, and read on. One link to rule them all: 

Social Media Links:

One link to rule them all: 






Tuesday, April 12, 2022

#NewRelease from Vicky Burkholder: LOST AMONG THE STARS - Futuristic Romance

Vicky Burkholder is my guest with a look at her new release LOST AMONG THE STARS, a futuristic, science fiction romance. First, let's get to know Vicky with five fast questions. Thanks for being here today!

Fast Five with Vicky Burkholder:

 - Coffee or tea? – Tea definitely. I’ve tried coffee a few times and… ugh. No thank you. I love a lot of different kinds of tea – mint, green, Earl Grey, English Breakfast, chai, etc.

- What's your favorite show to binge watch? – “White Collar” mostly because Matt Bomer is adorable. I also love “Firefly” and “Star Trek” (all of them) and… yeah. I watch way too much TV. LOL

- Pie or cake? What kind? – Pie when my sons bake it. They are amazing cooks. You want me to pick a kind? Um… lemon meringue? No, cherry. Or pumpkin. Or…whatever they make. If it’s cake, make it lemon, please. 

- Country life or city life? – I’m a country girl. I live in a very small town surrounded by farms (which means you have to keep your windows closed in the spring or the “fertilizer” smell will kill you!). If it takes more than fifteen minutes to get from one side of town to the other (about 3 miles?), that’s too much traffic! LOL

- I love pizza with (fill in the blank) – white pizza with mushrooms, broccoli or spinach, black olives… maybe some grilled chicken. And, unfortunately, gluten free. But now I’m hungry. Time for pizza! And pie! And TV. And a big mug of tea. 😊 

Blurb, Lost Among the Stars:

Amanda Ki's humanitarian trip to Xy-Three is fraught with assassins and saboteurs who are popping up faster than she can deal with them. Caught up in a web of intrigue, kidnapping, and terror, Mandy joins forces with the captain of the Phoenix, Declan Chalmers. Declan is tall, dark, handsome, and probably the most arrogant, dictatorial man she has ever met. He's also one of the few people she can trust. Declan doesn't know what to expect from the VIP who heads up a million-dollar enterprise, when she boards his ship. The tiny, exotic, and packed full of grit woman is not only drop dead gorgeous and smart, she's also deadly when it comes to martial arts. A skill he wants on his side when the space craft is sabotaged. Thrown together, the two form a tight bond, but if they aren't careful, they could end up dead.


Declan took in the woman sitting in front of him, from the long, coal-black hair held back with a tie, to the expensive, but practical jumpsuit. She was everything Declan disliked—a bureaucrat of the worst type—stubborn, fiery, and determined. Revising his earlier thoughts, she was neither old, nor wrinkled, but Dec wasn’t sure about the coddling yet. “There’s no need to thank me. You handled the situation exceedingly well. However,” his voice changed from silky smooth to one of warning, “in the future, please don’t give my crew any orders without checking with me first.” 

Miss Ki stared at him. He could see the muscles in her jaw working. Fine, so she was angry. Dec wasn’t exactly happy with the way this trip was starting out either. 

“I wasn’t aware I needed your permission to do my job. These people are my responsibility.” 

“And this ship and her crew are mine. While you’re on my ship, you will follow my orders. Is that clear, Ms. Ki?” 

Mandy stood, bracing her hands on the desk. “Like hell I will. You may be in charge of this ship, but I am in charge of this mission. Is that clear, Captain?” Without waiting for an answer, she stalked from the room.

Buy Links:

The Wild Rose Press:


Barnes & Noble:

Author Bio:

As her alter-ego, Vicky has multiple homes all over the universe. She looks human - for the most part - but when she starts writing about characters being able to move things or flicking fire from their fingertips, or changing the course of rivers, people tend to get a little freaked out. She found the one guy out there in the universe who loves her for who she is and they've been together forever and raised four wonderful (now) adults. Her career includes work as a technical writer/editor, a stringer for the local newspaper, and an editor and copy editor for various publishers. At various times in her life, she has been a teacher, a secretary, a short-order cook, a computer specialist, a DJ, and a librarian. When not editing or writing, she can be found in the kitchen creating gluten free goodies for her family.

Author Links: 


Amazon Author Page:

Goodreads Page:




Friday, April 8, 2022

New FREE Book!

 Sign up for my Newsletter and Receive a FREE ecopy of HOME TO SOLACE LAKE! 

I've just written a new novella called HOME TO SOLACE LAKE that I'm giving away as a thank you for signing up for my newsletter. HOME TO SOLACE LAKE is the prequel to the Love at Solace Lake series. Get more information here by clicking here!

You can't go home again...

After Jerry Fields buried his mother twenty-two years ago, he cut all ties to the small town in Minnesota where he grew up and swore he’d never return. But when his biological father, a man who never acknowledged him, leaves his entire estate to Jerry in his will, curiosity has him returning to Minnewasta. Why did Earl Rogers leave him everything he owned when during his lifetime he didn’t give Jerry a minute of his time?

Denise Rogers wants to save the business that her deceased husband loved so much. But when her father-in-law Earl leaves all his property to his illegitimate son, saving the business gets a whole lot more complicated. Denise is determined to buy the property from Jerry Fields to keep it from being demolished and turned into condos. She wants to continue to run the business as a marine repair shop like it has for the past seventy years. But events throw her plans into disarray and she has to give up on her dream. Until Jerry offers to work with her over the summer to help her buy the property.

Jerry can’t stomach the idea of putting his half-brother’s widow out of a job and a home, so he decides to stay in Minnewasta to help her. At the end of the summer, Denise will purchase the property from him and they’ll go their separate ways. But as they work together, their feelings for each other deepen into love, and they uncover long-held secrets that force Jerry to question everything he thought he knew about his parents. Can Jerry overcome past hurts and fears for a chance at love?

To get HOME TO SOLACE LAKE, click here: 

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Fashion in Liz Crowe's #NewRelease: WIN PLACE SHOW

Unlike Liz Crowe, I have never been to the Kentucky Derby, but I watch it every year on TV. I watch it because I love horse racing, but the fashion, especially the hats and fascinators, are a total hoot. Liz Crowe's new release, WIN PLACE SHOW, sounds like a hoot as well. She's here to tell us about what her characters are wearing to the Derby. Welcome Liz!

The Kentucky Derby is a lot of things:

Major stakes horse race…

Giant revenue stream for Louisville (the city where it is held)…

Expensive to attend (even in the infield these days)…

A lot of fun….

But it’s also a Major Fashion Parade.

I’m lucky to have attended it several times. Three times in the infield where it’s less fashion and more par-tay, once in the grandstand and once in a private box (well, this was actually for Oaks Day which is the Friday before the first Saturday of May but it’s the same general thing these days). And every time I go, I absolutely love checking out how attendees interpret the whole “Derby Dress” thing.

There are plenty of giant fancy hats for the ladies to go with their lovely spring-themed dresses and shoes. The men tend to go for bow ties, pastels, plaids and fun bowler or pork pie hats. 

Fashion plays a huge part in my new Derby-weekend-set rom com: Win Place Show. In fact, I’d call it its own character since part of the fun of attending this over-the-top event (and the events leading up to it) is getting all dolled up like Lucy and Nate do. However, for Lucy, it’s also part and parcel of her ambivalence about coming home every year for the event. It’s not that she doesn’t like her home town, or her family. She does. But she also craves the independence she discovered by leaving her home state to attend college, and staying away, working her job and enjoying her life out from under her well-meaning but overbearing mother’s thumb.

This quote says a lot about both the importance of the outfits she’ll wear and the reasons she has resisted returning home the way everyone (including Nate) want her to do:

Lucy slapped on some rudimentary makeup, dried and styled her hair enough to pass her mother’s scrutiny, then stood in front of the dresses hanging in her closet. A line of matching shoes were on the floor beneath them. Several hatboxes stacked on the shelves to one side. The floral-patterned one made her headache worse, so she chose a light blue option, with a halter neckline, tight-fitting bodice and skirt. It was a beautiful choice, as they all were. One thing she could never accuse her mother of was shopping poorly.

But I won’t deny having a ton of fun concocting Lucy and Nate’s wardrobes for the weekend:

A single, remaining dress, with a pair of matching shoes below it, a hat box and purse on the shelf above it hung in the otherwise empty closet. It was a light blue- green color, off the shoulder with cap sleeves, fitted bodice and a pattern of flowers that resembled Japanese cherry blossoms. It was made of soft, shantung silk, butter-like and flowy. Gorgeous, as usual, and the one she’d saved for today on purpose. The shoes were a pale, almost creamy pink, wedge heels, with ribbons to tie around her ankles, and a peep toe. The hat was the same color as the shoes, a darling little fascinator with tons of feathers and netting. 

“Well, okay then, one more time around the track,” she said, tossing the dress onto her unmade bed. 

I hope you get a chance to read WIN PLACE SHOW! I had a lot of fun writing it.

Liz in her Derby hat.


Win Place Show: All bets are on!

Start with a perfect spring weekend full of pretty dresses, high heels, fancy hats, horse races, and bourbon. 

Combine with a friends-from-childhood couple whose ongoing misunderstandings have led Lucy Granger to swear she’ll never move back home. 

Mix in a splash of combined family pressure for Lucy and Nate Hawthorne to be The Golden Couple.

Pour over crushed ice and garnish with plenty of hot, secret hookups.

Win. Place. Show.

A funny sort of romance chock full of dressing up, mint juleps, an axe-throwing bar, and a huge winning bet at the big race.


Lucy dropped the phone to her side, wishing she could sleep another three hours to skip the whole still-a-tad-drunk part of the hangover. She had, indeed, made some poor choices the night before. Beginning with thinking she could slide back into easy, sexy time with Nate. She’d already more or less decided against it before he’d gotten there. But, of course, he’d shown up looking so flipping edible in a pair of dark jeans and a form-fitting purple polo with the Trifecta logo stitched where the little polo guy usually sat. Damn the man. He had no right to go around being 

He’d always been vain about his hair, something he’d discovered was a featured benefit about the same time he decided she no longer deserved his friendship. It was a wavy strawberry blond, cut just short enough so he didn’t have to use any products while it was full and tempting to female fingers. His eyes were so green, people accused him of wearing contacts to make them that way. Someone had obviously told him the trick about green eyes, that wearing purple made them even more striking. 

“Some woman, I’m sure,” she said, lying flat on her back a few more seconds before hauling herself up and limping toward the shower. 

Maintaining her anger at Nate was easy. She’d been ready to outright reject him. But when he’d shown up looking like some kind of a male model, turning every damn female head in the place, she’d stumbled. He was such a good dancer, not to mention a top notch kisser. So she’d gone with it, fueled by too much booze, ready to leap back into bed with him as if no time had passed since they last hooked up. 

Thankfully, he’d given her an out by going all talkative. That was the last thing she wanted from him. So she’d walked away. And subsequently had a lot more to drink, hence her current condition, ergo she planned to lay blame for her pounding head and queasy stomach at his feet, too. 

So there, Mr. Perfect. 

The shower transformed her from being a woman with a hangover into a clean woman with a hangover and many regrets. She glared at her bloodshot eyes in the foggy mirror, hating herself for being here, in her stupid bathroom where she’d spent so many hours as a little girl and later a teenager, second guessing herself and her relationship with Nate. 

She slapped on some rudimentary makeup, dried and styled her hair enough to pass her mother’s scrutiny, then stood in front of the dresses hanging in her closet. A line of matching shoes were on the floor beneath them. Several hatboxes stacked on the shelves to one side. The floral-patterned one made her headache worse, so she chose a light blue option, with a halter neckline, tight-fitting bodice and skirt. It was a beautiful choice, as they all were. One thing she could never accuse her mother of was shopping poorly. 

She slid her feet into a pair of cream-colored high heels, then pondered the hats with a sigh. When they were little, she and Mimi loved this weekend more than any other. The opportunity to put on a pretty new dress, hat, and shoes had been the highlight of their year. The hours spent at the track over the course of Derby weekends were some of her best memories.

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Heat rating: 3.75 out of 5

Author Bio:

Liz Crowe is a Kentucky native and graduate of the University of Louisville living in South Carolina. She's spent her time as a three-continent expat trailing spouse, mom of three, real estate agent, brewery owner and bar manager, and is currently a digital marketing and fundraising consultant, in addition to being an award-winning author. With stories set in breweries, on the soccer pitch, inside fictional television stations and successful real estate offices, and even in exotic locales like Istanbul, Turkey, her books are compelling and told with a fresh voice. The Liz Crowe backlist has something for any reader seeking complex storylines with humor and complete casts of characters that will delight and linger in the imagination long after the book is finished.

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Friday, April 1, 2022


 Join me in congratulating Tena Stetler on the release of AN ANGEL'S WYLDER ASSIGNMENT! Make sure to enter Tena's giveaway at the end of this post.


An Angel's Wylder Assignment

A Wylder West Novel

by Tena Stetler

Genre: Paranormal Romance 

It takes a Warrior Angel and Native American Shifter to save the past and create their future.

Angel Killian Dugan’s annual trip to the family castle in Scotland is shattered by the arrival of Legion Commander North. Killian’s skills are needed for an urgent time travel assignment. A rogue demon has escaped back in time. He must discover the why and where then stop the demon before it can damage the past and change the future.

Killian’s girlfriend Chinoah Grace, a Native American shapeshifter is included in the mission, which takes them to the wild west town of Wylder, Wyoming in 1878. She will have her hands full fitting in and making friends. Nothing is as it seems. They encounter visions, spirit quests, and a mysterious shaman. On top of it all, blending in as a blacksmith is more physically difficult than he imagined. But not as challenging as keeping his hands off his undercover wife. Will they complete their assignment or run out of time?

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Tena Stetler is a best-selling author of award winning paranormal romance with an over-active imagination.  She wrote her first vampire romance as a tween, to the chagrin of her mother and the delight of her friends. Colorado is home; shared with her husband, a brilliant Chow Chow, a spoiled parrot and a forty-five-year-old box turtle. When she’s not writing, her time is spent kayaking, camping, hiking, biking or just relaxing in the great Colorado outdoors.

Her books tell tales of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them. Travel, adventure, and a bit of mystery flourish in her books along with a few companion animals to round out the tales.

Website * Facebook * Twitter * Instagram * Bookbub * Amazon * Goodreads

They waved goodbye to their friends and slipped out the back door. It was a bit of a walk to the Mists, but porting in broad daylight wouldn’t be wise.

As they walked through the eerie Scottish Mists, the silence wrapped around them like a smothering blanket. A stand of druid stones emerged from the thick fog towering above them. Chinoah shivered against him. Magic rolled of the stones in warning.

With the image of the 1878 blacksmith shop in his head and whispering spirits in his mind, their adventure began. His hands tightly wrapped around Chinoah, their duffels secured on their backs. He closed his eyes and focused his vision on Wylder, Wyoming Territory of 1878 inside Dugan’s Blacksmith shop. This was his first mistake. He was unsure of the blacksmith shop's interior, as he’d never seen it. 

Instead, they are unceremoniously dumped, what he hoped was only several yards outside the shop, in the worst blizzard he’d ever seen. He tightened his grip on Chinoah. Guess I paid too much attention to the description of the building itself and let that disrupt my landing location.  The wind-driven snow swirled around them, making visibility difficult if not impossible. A large dark mass faded in and out of the sheets of snow not far from them.

Participating in a Multi-Author Series – Interesting and Fun.

Have you ever started a project only to discover it's not going to be anything like you envisioned? Such is the constant situation of a writer who writes by the seat of her pants. The characters involved in the story take over and run with the plot, character arc, and anything else within their grasp.

Because I can't plot my way out of a paper bag, and I've tried, I endure the escapades of my characters. Nine times out of ten, I end up with an imaginative and well-written book. Such is the case of my new release, An Angel's Wylder Assignment, part of The Wild Rose Press multi-author Wyld West series.

Creating a fictional community with other authors is fun if a little daunting. So many individuals' points of view and writing technics melded into one world. Sharing characters in the many storylines and making it all cohesive can be challenging for the writer but fun for the reader. They get to engage with characters they already know and love, then discover new characters added to the mix in a town or community familiar to them.  

If you have never read or written a multi-author series, I highly recommend The Wylder West Series. There are genres to satisfy all readers tastes.  

 My contribution is An Angel’s Wylder Assignment.

Warrior Angel Killian Dugan’s annual trip to the family castle in Scotland is shattered by the arrival of Legion Commander North. Killian’s skills are needed for an urgent time travel assignment. A rogue demon has escaped back in time. He must discover the why and where and stop the demon before it can damage the past and change the future.

Killian’s girlfriend Chinoah Grace, a Native American shapeshifter is included in the mission which takes them to the wild west town of Wylder, Wyoming in the year 1878. She will have her hands full fitting in and making friends.

Nothing is as it seems.  They encounter visions, spirit quests, and a mysterious shaman.  On top of it all, blending in as a blacksmith is more physically difficult than he imagined. But not as challenging as keeping his hands off his undercover wife. Will they complete their assignment or run out of time? 

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