Saturday, December 24, 2022

ONE WEEK TO WIN HER BOSS by Barbara White Daille: #OnSale #99cents

Barbara White Daille is here to tell us about her sweet romance ONE WEEK TO WIN HER BOSS. OWTWHB is on sale for .99 cents until January 4 so pick up your copy now!

Jana, thanks so much for hosting me here at your blog, and best wishes to you and your readers for a great year ahead!

One Week to Win Her Boss, sweet romance by Barbara White Daille

Book blurb:

Single mom Amber Barnett loves family, kids, Christmas…and unfortunately, her boss, confirmed bachelor Michael DeFranco. It's a crush she really needs to get over. Except, when she’s temporarily forced from her apartment, her only option is to stay at Michael’s private ski lodge, where she's the housekeeper. No problem. Her handsome boss rarely visits Snowflake Valley unexpectedly, plus he’s spending the holidays with his family. Or so she thinks…

A stormy Christmas Eve reunion leaves Michael seeking the solitude of his lodge, where he finds Amber in residence—and in trouble. Attempting to save her from her matchmaking family, he announces they’re a couple. His good deed backfires when they’re instantly included in each and every holiday event in town. So much for solitude. 

Only the more time he spends with the beautiful, cheery brunette, the more he yearns to make things real between them. But he and Amber want different things, and Michael could never be the family man she's looking for. 


Let him be the front man here. Michael settled back in his chair and sipped his coffee. This deal sounded worse than the Barnetts’ family project. No way would he get involved in either one.

“I’m not eligible since I’m attached,” Lyssa explained. “Everybody in town knows that when someone competes for Snow Ball King or Queen, they’re declaring themselves single and looking.”

Amber’s face turned as pale as her white ceramic mug, as if whatever illness bypassed her last night had just hit full-force. “I refuse to run.”

“You know the rules as well as I do. If someone is nominated, their name goes on the ballot.”

“I won’t participate.”

He caught it again—that same hint of despair he’d heard in her voice last night. Maybe this snowball thing tied into the secret she was keeping from her family.

“Hmm…” Lyssa shrugged. “Well, it’s true you don’t have to pursue winning the crown. But how will it look for Mom and Dad if a Barnett is nominated but doesn’t make even an attempt to win?”

“I can’t…”

“Why not?” Lyssa demanded.

“Because…because…” Amber’s gaze met his. He didn’t read anything close to a plea for help in those blue eyes, couldn’t find the hint of a silent SOS. Of course not. Amber’s independent streak would never let her lean on him. Yet he still felt the need to give her an out—maybe since he could relate to having family push her against the wall.

What the heck… He reached for her hand. “Amber can’t compete,” he said firmly, “because we’re together.”

Her fingers clamped around his, nearly cutting off his circulation.

Lyssa’s jaw dropped.

Nick slapped him on the shoulder.

Amber stared at him, her eyes now like twin blue pools, as the saying went. Eyes he could drown in—if she didn’t kill him first.

Find the book:  (99 cents for a few more days)

About Barbara:

Barbara White Daille lives with her husband in the sunny Southwest. Though they love the warm winters and the lizards in their front yard, they haven’t gotten used to the scorpions in the bathroom. Barbara also loves writing, reading, and chocolate. You can find her books, blog, and newsletter signup here:

Friday, December 16, 2022

Vicki Batman's Top Ten Holiday Movies

Vicki Batman is here to talk about her favorite Holiday movies. My favorite is the 1953 black and white version of  "The Christmas Carol". Love that one! Are some of your favorite holiday movies the same as Vicki's?

Top Ten Holiday Movies

I believe my holiday season is complete when I can watch my favorite holiday movies. Recently, I watched "The Shop Around the Corner," which became a mega-hit with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan in "You've Got Mail." I found it interesting to hear some of the same dialogue and scenes. I like to watch "While You Were Sleeping" to see my friend in the role of a doctor, toasting the new year. 

Some of these favorites you will certainly know, but maybe you'll discover others:

"It's a Wonderful Life" - The brother's tribute: "To George. The richest man in town," makes me sob. We could all aspire to be thought of this highly.

"Star in the Night" - I highly recommend this Academy award-winning nativity story set in an auto court, which sometimes airs on TCM. I finally DVR'd last year. Go to: A Star In the Night - 1945 original short movie - YouTube

"Millions" - Danny Boyle directed this one before his Academy award-winner, "Slumdog Millionaire." Two brothers find a duffel full of money and try to spend it or give it away while the bad guy is looking for it.

"Charlie Brown Christmas" - who else cries during "Hark the Herald Angels Sing?" And Linus' speech about the true meaning of Christmas is beautiful. I bet I've watched it every year since it first aired. 

"Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer" - I am partial to the "Misfit" song.

"How the Grinch Stole Christmas" - The Grinch gets a nasty song - "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch," cause he's a nasty wasty skunk. 

"Miracle on 34th Street" - I miss it not airing after Macy's Parade on Thanksgiving Day. The scene at the end focusing on the cane by the fireplace is priceless.

"Christmas in Connecticut" - Lots of lies twist up the heroine and unroll into romance. Barbara Stanwyck has a wonderful part, pontificating on "I'm tired." LOL.

"Love Actually" - Billy the rock star is hilarious. I love the sign scene, too.

"White Christmas" - "Sisters" is a favorite song of my sisters and me. The ending scene at when snow is falling, and the cast is singing "White Christmas" - sob. 

Hopefully, some of you will find time to indulge in holiday movies. To hold a special beverage and snack, snuggle on the couch (possibly with friends or family), and immerse in the joy. 

What's your favorite holiday movie?

And in between all these favorites, curl up with these holiday stories:

Love blossoms in the small town of Sommerville in these heartwarming holiday tales, filled with fun and forever possibilities.

The Great Fruitcake Bake-off: When a five-time baking champion teams up with her new neighbor for The Great Fruitcake Bake-off, they discover baking a prize-winning entry is complicated, bad guys are plotting to take the crown, and first prize isn't just about a ribbon.

Christmas Romeo: When two feuding co-workers win Christmas river cruises at the company holiday party, they discover each other isn't so bad after all.

Twinkle Lights: When the owner of a Christmas tree stand has a heart attack, a do-gooder and a reformed high school delinquent-turned-lawyer meet the challenges of running the establishment; yet, when revenue goes missing, fingers are pointed.

Find the fun at: 



Author Bio:

Funny, sweet, and quirky, Vicki Batman's stories are full of her hallmark humor and romance and will delight all readers. She has sold many romantic comedy works to magazines, several publishers, and most recently, three humorous romantic mysteries. Along the way, she has picked up awards and bestsellers. Avid Jazzerciser. Handbag lover. Mahjong player. Yoga practitioner. Movie fan. Book devourer. Chocaholic. Best Mom ever. And adores Handsome Hubby.

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Tuesday, November 29, 2022

#NewRelease from Tena Stetler: MERINGUE SNOWFLAKE MAGIC

Tena Stetler loves to include companion animals in her books. That's probably because she loves to include companion animals in her life! She going to tell us about the animals who live in her home, as well as her brand new release, MERINGUE SNOWFLAKE MAGIC. Welcome Tena!

Hey there Jana, thank you for inviting me to your blog to chat about my new holiday release MERINGUE SNOWFLAKE MAGIC and companion animals in our books.

Tena's Dog Mystic

Do you have companion animals at home? I do and I don’t know what I’d do without them. When I’m feeling low, or want to talk something through, Mystic my dog and Taco my parrot are always willing to listen. Even Sammy Turtle, will listen, but is more intent into traveling across the floor to parts unknown. They tell me when it’s time for lunch (Yes we all eat together) and when it’s time to quit for the day and relax in the sunroom with them. These are just a few of their responsibilities. LOL 


Naturally, most of my books have companion animals to bring the story and characters more depth. Strangely enough, my new release MERINGUE SNOWFLAKE MAGIC doesn’t have one, but its sequel does. 


So do you like companion animals or familiars in the stories you read? I truly enjoy stories with animals in them. Tell me your thoughts in the comments. 

Now let’s see what my new holiday release, MERINGUE SNOWFLAKE MAGIC is all about. 

 After being in the wrong place at the wrong time Wynter Dahl finds herself with a new name and new home.  Whisked into the Witness Protection program she finds herself in the Podunk town of Raven’s Hollow, Colorado.  She has more than one secret to keep and is not sure who she can trust, though the deputy sheriff is hard to resist. 

Braydon “Blaze” Nightwing, owns Dragon Fire Pizza and takes his job as deputy sheriff seriously. He means to protect his town and its residents, including the mysterious newcomer. He rescues her after a tumble and finds himself in over his head.  He senses she’s more than she seems but so is he.

When her cover is blown and her life is in danger it will take the whole town to save her and their annual holiday festival and cookie contest. What is Christmas without a little magic? 

How about a sneak peek between the pages of MERINGUE SNOWFLAKE MAGIC?

The wind had changed direction, and the pretty ice crystals were like tiny needles buffeting her face. She looked up and down Main Street and saw only one stoplight. Finally, she turned around and walked backward for a few yards. Glancing over her shoulder, she could see her street. She started to turn around, her foot slipped on the curb and arms flailing, down she went with a thud. Clutching her precious box of goodies in front of her, they were safe. However, the mug of hot chocolate popped the lid and sent hot chocolate in all directions, including all over her brand new bright-colored parka and the sidewalk. When she tried to get up, each foot went in a different direction, then down she went again. Getting to her knees, she crawled to the sidewalk, carefully got to her feet, and tried to brush the wet snow off. The damp material stuck to her. She began to shiver as the wind whipped around her.

“Hey lady, you all right?” A man stopped his SUV in the middle of the road and jumped out. “That was quite a spill you took.” He smiled wide, picking up her mug and lid. “But I see your goodies from Candi’s place are still intact. Let me give you a ride. You’re going to freeze as wet as your clothes are.” He held out his hand. “Braydon Nightwing, but everyone calls me Blaze. I own the pizza place a few blocks down the way.” 

When she reached for his hand, her arm shook. Her teeth chattered as she tried to say her name. “Wynterrr.”

“It’s warm in my SUV. Please tell me where you’re going. I’ll get you there.” He pried her fingers from the box, helped her over to the vehicle, and opened the passenger door. Warm air rushed out of the SUV, caressing her face.

Please don’t let him be a serial killer. Slowly, she reached behind her and patted her waistband. Shit. Why didn’t I bring my weapon? Getting in a car with a stranger wasn’t smart. But the warmth emanating from the vehicle was inviting.  Death by serial killer or freeze. She crawled into the SUV and huddled in front of the heater vents.

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About the Author:

Tena Stetler is a best-selling author of award winning paranormal tales. Some call her crazy, others creative. She deals with the voices in her head by writing them down and creating a fantasy world and characters you won’t soon forget.  Her books tell tales of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them. Travel, adventure, magic, and a bit of mystery flourish in her books along with a few companion animals to round out the tales.

Colorado is home; shared with her husband of many moons, a brilliant Chow Chow, a spoiled parrot and a fifty-year-old box turtle. When she’s not writing, her time is spent kayaking, camping, hiking, biking or just relaxing in the great Colorado outdoors.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

A New Time-Travel Romance from Diana Rubino

Diana Rubino visits today to talk about her recent release, NOW AND ALWAYS, a time-travel romance. It's always great to have a little paranormal right before Halloween! Thanks for being here, Diana!

The present: Historic preservation architect Leah Halliday falls asleep in the bed once owned by King Richard III. It sits on one of many mysterious Ley Lines that crisscross England. She wakes up in the same bed, but in King Richard’s time, 1485.

1485: Hugh Radcliffe, trusted knight of King Richard, believes Leah is his bride Matilda. The king arranged the marriage, and Hugh never set eyes on her before now. According to Leah’s history books, Hugh was executed for treason and drowning his first wife. When she meets Andrew Gilbert, another time traveler from the 21st century, she learns that Hugh’s treason and drowning of his wife was a setup by a Welsh clan, the Griffins, who’s hated Hugh’s family for centuries. As she falls in love with Hugh, she finds out he’s innocent. She puts her life on the line to clear his name and get back home--with him. They do live 'happily ever after' -- but in what century?

Some tidbits about how I came up with this idea and created Leah:

I wanted to write a time travel set in Richard III’s time, so I placed Leah there with Richard III’s bed as a portal, which sits on a Ley Line. (very strange things happen on Ley Lines; no one knows the reason for this phenomenon—it could be the earth’s magnetic field.) I’m really big on justice and fairness, and wanted to use that as one of the story’s themes. So I have Leah use her knowledge of what she knows about Hugh Radcliffe from history books to clear his name, save him from being falsely accused of treason and a horrible death on the battlefield.

I like Leah because she’s adventurous and even though she tries hard to survive in this difficult and dangerous time, she puts her life on the line to save Hugh, who she’s grown to love.

I identify with her because I’m rather adventurous; I went to live in London by myself after college graduation (even though it wasn’t the 15th century!) at times it was scary, but I knew my courage would pay off. 

What I like about Hugh is that he’s honorable; he doesn’t want to leave his call to battle to join Leah in the 21st century until he’s fought in the battle. He’s also a gentleman, and was very devoted to his wife and son before they died. He’s perfect for her because he’s the ‘pre-incarnation’ of her late husband Matt, the love of her life. This is the secondary theme, how true love and our souls can transcend the time continuum.

I’d already written two books set in this time with Richard III as a minor character; for these books, I read some great books about Richard including The King’s Bed by Margaret Barnes and Crown of Roses by Valerie Anand. I took several trips to England and went to Richard’s favorite haunts, his residence at Middleham, where he died on Bosworth Field, and the Richard III Society helped me a great deal, especially the former President, Peter Hammond and his wife Carolyn, the former Librarian.

An excerpt:

"Come with me, Hugh. We may never get another chance," she pleaded, and he sat on the bed next to her.

"I must go to battle, Leah," he declared, “but I cannot leave your side until I convince you. And since you are even more stubborn than I, this shan’t be easy. You know I cannot live without you. Surely you can wait a few more days."

"Hugh, you'll die, I know you will.” Tears choked her voice. “Don't go to battle just to die, please, I lost one husband, don't let me lose another!"

"But I am not truly your husband...yet."

"You never will be if you go to battle!” She grasped his arm. “Please, Hugh, Richard will have understood. Come with me."

"Nay.” He gave a resolute shake of his head. “I cannot and will not.”

As they spoke she pulled him down with her into the center of the bed. She reached his lips with hers and their mouths locked in desperation, neither wanting to let go. His arms enveloped her. She wrapped herself around him, bringing him farther into the feathery deepness. Together they floated and drifted. She felt that strange pull, that spinning sensation she'd felt that long-ago night. As her eyes closed, her body floated in spacetime, a portal not of her world or any other world; a void they both entered. She found her voice and said, "Hugh, are you with me?"

"Aye." He hadn't actually spoken it, but she knew he was there. "I am with you. But please let me go back. I must join the king, I must."

She grasped him, her fingers clamped around his arms. He was still with her. "No, Hugh, come with me, you no longer belong here."

Then, ever so slowly, he began slipping away.

"Hugh! Stay with me!" she shouted.

"I cannot, I am falling."

"No! Oh, God, no!" She clutched at his arms, his hair, his doublet, yet he kept slipping away; that same force bringing her forward was pulling him back. He grabbed her arms, but his fingers lost their grip. She felt him tugging at the watch. It slid off her wrist, scraping her knuckles as he grasped at it. Her last connection with him was now broken as the force tore them apart. "Hugh!" she screamed one last time, flung her arms out to him, but clutched only emptiness. He was gone.

Purchase NOW AND ALWAYS at your favorite digital store:

Author Bio:

Diana writes about folks through history who shook things up. Her passion for history and travel has taken her to every locale of her books: Medieval and Renaissance England, Egypt, the Mediterranean, colonial Virginia, New England, and New York. Her urban fantasy romance FAKIN’ IT won a Top Pick award from Romantic Times. She is a member of the Richard III Society and the Aaron Burr Association. With her husband Chris, she owns CostPro, Inc., a construction cost consulting business. In her spare time, Diana bicycles, golfs, does yoga, plays her piano, devours books, and lives the dream on Cape Cod.

Connect with Diana:






Sunday, October 9, 2022

Trick or Treat!

Trick or Treat! ‘Tis the month to celebrate all things paranormal, supernatural, suspenseful and mystical. If you’re like me, you’ll want to accept this very special invitation to join the festivities at N. N. Light’s Book Heaven’s 4th annual Trick or Treat Book Bonanza. 39 authors share what they’d dress up as for Halloween as well as 49 books featured plus a chance to win one of the following:

One lucky reader will win a $75 Amazon (US) gift card.

I’m thrilled to be a part of this event. My book, SEEING THINGS, will be featured on October 19. You won’t want to miss it!

Bookmark this event and tell your friends:

Friday, October 7, 2022

Coming Soon from Amber Daulton: ARRESTING BENJAMIN

Amber Daulton visits with a look at her upcoming new release in the Arresting Onyx series. ARRESTING BENJAMIN releases October 11, 2022 and you can preorder your copy now! Make sure to enter Amber's giveaway. Check out the details located just after the excerpt. Welcome Amber!

Series: Arresting Onyx (book 3)

Publisher: Daulton Publishing

Release Date: October 11th, 2022


Genre: Romantic Suspense

Length: 85k

Heat Rating: 5 Flames


A one-night stand, a surprise baby, and a mysterious stalker.

Mechanic Benjamin Starwell can’t stop thinking about Belle Hamlin, the ballsy musician he slept with and skipped out on months earlier. He never meant to get her pregnant, but he’ll do whatever it takes to win back her trust and be a part of his child’s life. His desire for Belle drives him to be a better man, but he’s worn thin with a garage to run and his estranged sister dumping her troubles on him.

Belle’s juggling impending motherhood, her indie rock career, and a stalker who’s determined to see her fail. Even though she’s desperate to get her priorities straight, she pushes aside her past hurt and welcomes Benji back into her bed. She never expects him to slip into her heart.

When the danger escalates, they face the greatest challenge of all—protecting their unborn child.


As he drew to a stop beside Lando’s station wagon in the driveway, Belle parked along the curb. The motion detector light flashed on from the old shed, nearly blinding him. He climbed from the truck. Moonlight cast a stark, silvery glow over the yard as Belle hurried toward him.

“Cool. A duplex.” She tightened her scarf around her neck. “When was it built?”

“The 1940s. I live in the right-side unit, and my landlord lives in the other one.” He rubbed his hands together as a breeze rustled through the trees. “Lando’s children moved out east, so he converted the family home into a duplex about two decades ago. The old-timer is spry but pushing eighty. I take care of the house and grounds. In return, he deducts my rent.”

“Lando the landlord?”

“Hilarious, right?” Benji chuckled. “I’ve lived here for about fifteen years. God, I can’t believe it’s been so long.” Crickets chirped from the bushes lining the covered wooden porch as he guided her up the platform. The middle step creaked under his weight. Decorative fixtures lit each doorway, and he hesitated at the entrance of his home. 

“Everything all right?”

“I should’ve told you this before now, but my sister has been staying with me. She’s barely crossed my mind, though. All I’ve cared about is making things right with you.”

Belle drew back. “I didn’t think you had any contact with her.”

“She called me from out of the blue. It’s a long story. I’ll tell you about it at dinner.”

“Is Meghan why you have those marks?”

“Unfortunately.” He rubbed his cheek, the bruise barely stinging.

After he ushered Belle inside, he flipped on a light and locked the door behind him. A staircase lined the dividing wall that separated Benji’s home from Lando’s. The hall stretched to the right of the stairs, leading deeper into the house.

“Feel free to look around. The door beneath the stairs opens into the basement and laundry room. The steps are steep, so be careful.”

“You expect me to snoop? What will I find in the basement—chains and whips?”

He groaned from the devilish gleam in her eyes. “If I’m gonna chain you, it’ll be to my bed.” He shifted sideways, trying to hide the sudden bulge in his jeans. “You’re welcome here anytime.”

“Thank you. That means a lot.”

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About the Author:

Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through Daulton Publishing, The Wild Rose Press, and Books to Go Now, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats. 

She lives in North Carolina with her husband and demanding cats. 

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Tuesday, October 4, 2022

#NewRelease: LOVE'S ENCORE by Kathleen Gallagher

Kathleen Ann Gallagher makes a return visit to talk about LOVE'S ENCORE, which released from The Wild Rose Press September 12, 2022. Kathleen is playing Fast Five today. It's a fun way to get to know her quirks! Welcome Kathleen!


Desire wins the lead role.

Sadie Layne, a creative and motivated high school drama teacher, is grateful for second chances. After surviving breast cancer, she embarks on a celebratory trip to LA with her two best friends. Sadie never expected to run into the handsome and charming Vince De Carlo in the hotel lobby. She hasn’t seen Vince much since they worked together in a theater company years ago. Their meeting interrupts her plans and reminds her of the life she left behind.

Vince, a struggling actor and cover model, is in LA to promote a television pilot. His old attraction to Sadie is stronger than ever. He never forgot her, even though a trusted friendship and a scripted kiss was all they’d shared.

The reunited pair give in to temptation, but reality soon collides with lust as strong doubts about their blossoming romance get in the way. Sadie dreads facing her defeat as an actress, and Vince doesn’t think a struggling actor like himself is capable of providing the accomplished teacher with what she deserves.

Will the couple find a way to keep their sizzling romance alive and build a future together? Or will their uncertainty win the lead role and smother the flames?


Sadie shook off the nerves, straightened her posture, and sucked her stomach in. Her new motto was taking chances and living life to the fullest. Here goes. She slowly approached her old theater partner. Hopefully he’d be happy to see her, and she wouldn’t make a fool out of herself in the middle of an upscale hotel. Her heart picked up speed and a hot flash hit her hard.

“Hi, Vince. I’m surprised to run into you here.” She offered a big smile. Relief washed over her when his expression brightened. Hopefully he didn’t notice her schoolgirl jitters.

“Sadie Layne. I can’t believe it.” He smiled back at her and held his hands out. “I haven’t seen you since the reunion last year.”

“I know. It was great to get together with the old gang. I can’t believe we graduated over ten years ago.”

Small talk was a good start for now. Vince leaned in and gave her a friendly embrace. She hadn’t expected that. He held onto her shoulders as he pulled back and stared intently. Goosebumps formed on her arms. She tried to hold it together and appear calm, but her insides jumped around like popcorn in a microwave.

“What brings you to LA?” Vince asked.

“I’m here on vacation with my friends.” Her stare locked onto his heart-shaped lips and she shivered.

His huge smile and the admiring way his sexy blue eyes took on a gleam gave her an inkling that he was pleased to see her too. Who knew? He’d never expressed an interest other than a friendship. They did enjoy each other’s company and they had a lot in common, but she had her doubts about being involved with a fellow actor, even though she’d had her longings. She’d heard horror stories about relationships in the business. Her work had been more important than a love affair.

Although, she did recall the passionate punch in his kiss. At the time, she thought it was his great acting skills. Could it have been real? She’d never forgotten when another classmate, Monica Sears, had cornered her and drilled her about the details of the love scene in the show. She’d always known why. Vince was one sexy dude.

“It’s awesome to see you, Sadie. You look beautiful.” He gave her a long, hard stare and flashed his pearly white smile. A dimple appeared on his cheek, and it took her over the edge.

The same adorable grin. Her head spun, and she took a few deep breaths. “You too.” She reached into her bag and took out the cover flap with his picture on it. “When did you start modeling?”

He crossed his arms and chuckled. “Oh, you found out my dirty little secret?” His cheeks took on a reddish glow. “I got involved with the industry a couple of years ago. It got me through in between gigs,” he admitted as he shrugged.

“I think you’re a natural. Your pose made me want to read the story.” His shirtless chest had a lot to do with her interest, but she’d keep it to herself. “What is this you have here?” Sadie pointed at the poster, trying to steady her trembling fingers. She’d like to believe her excitability was due to the anticipation of the trip, along with the long flight. But she knew that wasn’t what had caused it.

The earthy scent of his cologne floated her way, and she’d had enough of this distraction, but she’d be polite. She was in LA to celebrate, not fool around.

“It’s a pilot show we’re pitching, and I scored the male lead.” He curled up his fist and pumped it. “Yes! Can you believe it? We’re filming the pilot episode tonight, and we’re looking for audience members to fill the theater,” he said, his expression beaming with pride. He took on a stance of confidence with his feet planted firmly on the floor, legs slightly spread, shoulders back, and his head high. You’d think he was a serviceman about to salute an officer.

“That’s fabulous. It looks like you’re finally on your way,” she cheered, and offered him a congratulatory hug. He held onto her for a few minutes, and she didn’t expect to enjoy it so much. Was her teenage crush turning into something much more?

“Why don’t you try to come to the show tonight? I know it’s short notice and you probably have plans, but if you can make it, it’d be great.” He tilted his head, and she couldn’t resist those alluring gray-blue eyes. “Sorry, I don’t even know who you’re here with. When did you get in?” Vince took a step back.

Out of the blue, this handsome, muscular, and confident looking man had caught her off guard and filled her head with naughty visions. Sadie held back a grin. She’d kept her cravings hidden when they’d hung out. Besides, it probably would have destroyed their friendship and ability to work together. But Sadie had to admit she loved his pouty lips. Everything about Vince oozed sex appeal.

“I’m here with my friends, Jill and Millie, on vacation,” she said.

“Well, think about coming tonight. I’d appreciate your critique.” He handed her the show’s info packet. “That is if you don’t try to change the script. You used to improvise. I remember the time Miss Nolan stormed out of the room when you changed your lines.” With a gleam in his eye, he laughed.

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Fast Five

Coffee or tea?

I love both coffee and tea.  I prefer coffee in the morning while I check my emails. I add a dash of cinnamon and sometimes a dollop of whipped cream. Yum!

Type of movie, romantic, comedy, thriller? 

It depends on the actors in the movie. I love a romantic comedy. My first choice would be all Al Pacino movies. I also cannot miss a Ryan Gosling movie, a Paul Rudd comedy, or a Ben Affleck thriller. I suppose I’m fickle. 

Favorite binge? 

I absolutely love the Paramount + series, The Offer. It is based on a book by Albert Ruddy, the producer of The Godfather part 1. The series tells the story of the making of the famous saga. I could not stop watching. I was glued to the screen. The story is fascinating. Kudos to the cast also. Top pick for sure. 

Pie or cake?

I’d have to choose Chantilly Cake.  It consists of a round white cake layered with whipped cream frosting and fresh fruit, usually berries. I prefer the kind that includes mascarpone cheese in the frosting. You can look it up online. Then tell me if it sounds like something you might serve at your house. 

Chocolate or caramel?

That’s an easy question. Anyone that knows me also knows that I am a candy kiss fanatic. I always keep a big bag of candy kisses in my refrigerator.

Author Bio:

Kathleen is originally from New Jersey, but currently resides in Southwest Florida with her husband and her Coton de Tulear, Luc. She has been writing stories since she was a young girl. When Kathleen is not dreaming up a plot for her next romance, she enjoys performing in community theater. You might also find her relaxing on one of Florida’s beautiful beaches.  Kathleen loves meeting her readers, and she is extremely grateful for their continued support. 

Social Media Links: Twitter Blog Facebook

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Friday, September 30, 2022

#NewRelease from Darlene Fredette: Derailed Hearts

Darlene Fredette visits with a look at the sixth book in her Redford Falls series, DERAILED HEARTS. She's playing Quick Five with answers to five questions about her favorite things. Congrats on the new release, Darlene!

Thank you, Jana, for allowing me to share my new release with your followers! 

Derailed Hearts is the sixth book in my Redford Falls series. Each book reads well on its own with many characters from previous books making an appearance. There is one character introduced in the very first book who makes an appearance in subsequent books. Though his presence may be short, he’s definitely a significant character. I’m talking about Thumper, the mysterious matchmaker in the form of a rabbit. Thumper is only a folklore legend…or is he? Those who believe in him, appreciate his power to unite destined hearts. Sometimes his attempt to play cupid is obvious and other times he is quite coy. But once someone has a ‘sighting’, love is in their future whether they are looking for it or not. Be sure to keep your eyes open for the mysterious matchmaker to make his appearance in Derailed Hearts

Quick 5 - Darlene's Favorites! 

Favorite sightseeing – Peggy’s Cove, it’s a historical landmark and has awesome views of the Atlantic Ocean.

Favorite show to binge watch – Survivor, I’ve watched every season.

Favorite pie or cake – Both, if they have strawberries!

Country life or city life – a little bit of both, weekdays in the city and weekends in the country.

What’s your favorite kind of sheet?  Flannel and fleecy, the softer the better, but then I’m so comfy I don’t want to get out of bed, lol.

Derailed Hearts

Release Date: September 28, 2022


Nana Marley has her heart set on more great-grand babies, and with the help of a folklore legendary rabbit, she might receive her wish.

Single father and ER doctor, Ethan Marley, is ready to put down roots. He and his daughter embark on a train adventure across Canada from west to east coast. Boarding the train, he meets a woman who steals his breath, and he learns that she too is headed to Redford Falls. He is intent on maintaining a friendship only, but Jenn makes his heart race faster than the train.  

Fashion designer, Jenn Martini, travels by train to Redford Falls to visit her father. Her plan for a solitude escape derails after meeting Ethan and his daughter. Sharing a confined-spaced cabin sparks an immediate attraction, and by the end of the trip, she longs to be a part of their family. Only as she opens her heart to love, do the scars from her past begin to heal.

With more in common than relatives in Redford Falls, is their love strong enough to overcome the truth behind the accident…and save their future? 


Avery pointed to herself, Ethan, and then Jenn. 

Ethan rested his forehead against his daughter’s. “You want Jenn to come, too?” 

Avery nodded.

The little voice in Jenn’s head told her to return to her cabin and to stay clear of Ethan and his daughter. They were as enticing as strawberry ice cream. “I would love to join you.” The words fell from her lips. 

Ethan stood and set Avery on her feet. 

The child held onto her father’s hand and reached outward with the other. 

Jenn accepted the tiny hand and in doing so, she sensed a comfortable connection to this family—a connection she suspected would be incredibly hard to break.

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About Darlene Fredette:

Darlene resides on the Atlantic Coast of Canada where the summers are too short, and the winters are too long. An avid reader since childhood, Darlene loved to develop the many stories coming to life in her head. She writes contemporary romances with a focus on plot-driven page-turners. When not working on her next book, or painting, or drawing, she can be found with her husband, her daughter, and her yellow Labrador. 

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Other Books by Darlene Fredette:

Law of Attraction

Twist of Faith 

Hershey’s Choice

His Candy Christmas (Redford Falls Story 1)

Kissed By Winter (Redford Falls Story 2)

Under The Apple Blossoms (Redford Falls Story 3)

A Recipe For Forever (Redford Falls Story 4)

Cherry Red

Finding Home Again (Redford Falls Story 5)

Friday, September 23, 2022

#NewRelease from Tammy Lowe: The Sleeping Giant

 Author Tammy Lowe is on my blog today with her book blitz celebrating the release of The Sleeping Giant, book 2 in the Acadian Secret series. Make sure to enter the giveaway at the end of the post. Welcome Tammy!

The Sleeping Giant
Tammy Lowe
(The Acadian Secret, #2)
Published by: The Wild Rose Press
Publication date: September 21st 2022
Genres: Fantasy, Historical, Time-Travel, Young Adult

When a tormented man begs 17-year-old Elisabeth London to travel back in time to save his life, she reluctantly agrees. Assuming Scotland is the destination, she ends up in Ancient Rome instead.
The good news is she finds the man; now a bold 17-year-old named Aquarius. The bad news is he’s an indentured slave, sentenced to death in the arena, and doesn’t even know her yet. 

Elisabeth helps Aquarius escape and becomes an outlaw herself. Armed with her wits and his rock sling, the new friends are on the run from a relentless slave dealer, Rufus Leptis.

Elisabeth soon realizes she’s not here to save Aquarius from Rufus, but from the doomed city of Pompeii. Although trying to be brave, the thought of remaining in Aquarius’ swashbuckling world a minute longer than necessary is inconceivable.

At least, it used to be.

Before that darn, happy-go-lucky slave stole her heart.

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The thundering sounds all around them seemed to fade into the distance as Elisabeth stood pinned against the side of the cliff. Her gaze darted up to the grassy overhang. There were only two ways off this ledge; the tunnel or the rushing river that would sweep them over the falls within seconds. About to hyperventilate, Elisabeth buried her face in David’s back. Every millisecond moved at an unbearable speed. She held her breath as the inevitable moment drew nearer. Their only chance would be if Rufus didn’t step outside of the tunnel, but that would take a miracle. David looked prepared to fight, but from the side of a mountain ledge with a giant of a man? That could end up a bigger disaster.

She pushed a pile of rocks aside with her foot and shuffled as far along the ledge as possible so David could step back and they’d be flush against the wall. When they heard Rufus grumbling, she knew he had to be near the end of the tunnel. Her leg muscles tightened. Elisabeth wanted to run, but there was nowhere to go.

He was so close.

Too close.

She dared not look to see if he had walked onto the ledge. He would only need to step outside to see them.

What was that noise?


Elisabeth felt the color drain from her face, and then turned ever so slightly to look at the ground beside her.

She gasped, and the sound of her heartbeat thrashed in her ears. If anyone thought the situation couldn’t get any worse, they’d be wrong. Coiled at her feet, next to the dislodged rock, was a snake, looking as startled as Elisabeth. Her mouth fell open, repulsed, but unable to look away from the creature.

“No…no…no…” she whimpered.

Author Bio:

An adventurer at heart, Tammy has explored ruins in Rome, Pompeii, and Istanbul (Constantinople) with historians and archaeologists.

She’s slept in the tower of a 15th century castle in Scotland, climbed down the cramped tunnels of Egyptian pyramids, scaled the Sydney Harbour Bridge, sailed on a tiny raft down the Yulong River in rural China, dined at a Bedouin camp in the Arabian Desert, and escaped from head-hunters in the South Pacific.

I suppose one could say her own childhood wish of time traveling adventures came true…in a roundabout way.

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Friday, September 16, 2022

Felony Melanie and the Prank War, based on characters from the movie Sweet Home Alabama is a laugh-out-loud #YAlit #RomanticComedy #comedy #romcom #romance

Kris Bock has a new release called Felony Melanie and the Prank War, book 3 in the Felony Melanie series of young adult comedies. Kris wrote this series with her brother Douglas J. Eboch, and based it on the movie Sweet Home Alabama which Douglas wrote. Best of luck with the new book, Kris and Douglas!

Felony Melanie and the Prank War

by Douglas J. Eboch & Kris Bock

You met her in the movie Sweet Home Alabama. Now see what Melanie Smooter was like before she became hot fashion designer Melanie Carmichael.

In high school, Melanie Smooter is known as Felony Melanie, the teenage troublemaker of Pigeon Creek, Alabama. Aching to escape the boredom of small-town life, her restlessness sparks many reckless adventures. Her boyfriend, Jake, is always by her side – and the local sheriff is usually close behind.

This week, everyone in town is looking forward to the big football game against Greenville, Pigeon Creek’s hated rivals. Jake is more excited than most – as the new quarterback, he’s poised for stardom. But the lead up to the game becomes as exciting as the game itself when pranksters from Greenville steal Pigeon Creek’s pig mascot. Then Jake’s playbook goes missing, which could get him kicked off the team. Could the pranksters have stolen it as well? Melanie, Jake, and their friends embark on an undercover mission to recover the stolen mascot and find Jake’s playbook before the team is disgraced in front of the whole town.

Head back in time to the early 1990s for this laugh out loud rom com based on one of the best rom com movies of all time.

Sign up for our Rom-Com newsletter and get Felony Melanie Destroys the Moonshiner’s Cabin. These first two chapters from the novel Felony Melanie in Pageant Pandemonium stand alone as a short story. In the future, you’ll get fun content about upcoming Felony Melanie novels and other romantic comedy news and links. Or Visit the Amazon series page for Felony Melanie:  Sweet Home Alabama romantic comedy novels or find the books at other E-book retailers.


Chapter 1


Melanie jumped so bad she almost smeared her lipstick. It sounded like someone was setting off fireworks out in front of the school. Melanie quickly finished applying her makeup. She hadn’t seen Jake since lunch period, and she wanted to look good for him. She tapped the spot on the mirror where she had carved “MS+JP” back in ninth grade, then scrambled out of the girls’ bathroom to see what all of the fuss was about.

Sure enough, fireworks were going off in front of the sign that normally read “Pigeon Creek High,” but now had a piece of poster board taped over it that read “Go Greenville!” Roman candles shot streaks of flame skyward, while a fountain sprayed colorful sparks and tendrils of white smoke into the air.

Looked like the rivalry week pranks had begun. 

Greenville was Pigeon Creek’s biggest rival on account of two reasons: one, the town was just up the road, the closest school in their district. Two, they were a bunch of snooty rich kids. Pigeon Creek’s football team was playing them Friday night. A swell of pride filled Melanie’s chest at the thought of the game. Jake was the starting quarterback this season. He’d show those Greenville snobs that they’d better not look down on the country kids.

A dozen other students had been drawn out by the commotion. Jolene, captain of the cheerleaders, stomped up and down in her red and yellow cheerleader minidress loudly vowing revenge.

Lurlynn ran over from the practice field in her cheerleader outfit. “What’s going on?”

“Greenville prank,” Melanie said. “Kind of a lame one if you ask me.”

 Lurlynn frowned. “It’ll get worse. You know how this week goes.” “Hey,” Jolene pointed at Lurlynn. “Aren’t you supposed to be watching Oinkers?”

Oinkers the pig was Pigeon Creek High’s live mascot. Pigeon Creek’s team was called the Wild Boars, which was way more intimidating than a farm pig, but wild boars were also a lot harder to manage, so the 4-H kids supplied a stand-in each year. Lurlynn had raised Oinkers to his current chubby 150 pounds. The cheerleaders and pep squad took turns guarding him during rivalry week. Melanie had been a cheerleader for about three weeks, but it just didn’t suit, with all the practicing and silly rules and the mean ol’ coach practically trying to dictate her whole life. When the coach kicked Melanie off the team, it was a huge relief.

“I was watching Oinkers,” Lurlynn said, “but then I heard…” Her face went pale. She bolted back toward the field. Melanie followed.

Oinkers wallowed in a little chicken-wire pen until it was time to run out on the field with the team or do his patented touchdown dance, the one Lurlynn had trained him to do. But now the pen was empty. The fireworks weren’t the prank, they were a distraction.

Lurlynn crouched down, hands over her cheeks. “Oh no.”

Melanie kicked at the gate post of the empty pen. Those Greenville High kids would pay for this.

Jolene strode up. “You had one job!”

Lurlynn snuffled. “I’m sorry.”

“Sorry won’t help us beat Greenville.”

“I was only gone for a second.”

Jolene sighed. “There’s a tree stump in my backyard with a higher IQ. If you had an idea, it would die of loneliness.”

Melanie felt bad for her friend, but Lurlynn had screwed up. Course that didn’t mean Jolene had to be such a jerk about it. Melanie patted Lurlynn’s shoulder.

Jake emerged from the gym wearing his football uniform for practice. Melanie ran over and gave him a kiss.

“What’s going on?” He wiped the lipstick from his mouth. “Why’s Jolene pitching such a fit?”

“Greenville kids stole Oinkers.”


“Quiet!” Melanie heard something, off in the woods at the edge of the field.


“They’re still here. Come on!” She took off in the direction of the noise.

Author Bio: 

Douglas J. Eboch is a screenwriter and author who wrote the original screenplay to the movie Sweet Home Alabama starring Reese Witherspoon. In his novel Totally Rad Wormhole, two nerds from the eighties accidentally open a wormhole to today, go to their high school reunion, and meet their future selves. Horrified at what they’ve become, they set out to change their fate.

His sister is the author of over 100 books under the names Kris Bock, M.M. Eboch and Chris Eboch. As Kris Bock, she writes novels of mystery, suspense, and romance, many with outdoor adventures and Southwestern landscapes. In the Accidental Detective series, a witty journalist solves mysteries in Arizona and tackles the challenges of turning fifty. This humorous series starts with Something Shady at Sunshine Haven. The Furrever Friends Sweet Romance series features the workers and customers at a small-town cat café, and the adorable cats and kittens looking for their forever homes. 

Sign up for our Rom-Com newsletter and get Felony Melanie Destroys the Moonshiner’s Cabin. These first two chapters from the novel Felony Melanie in Pageant Pandemonium stand alone as a short story. In the future, you’ll get fun content about upcoming Felony Melanie novels and other romantic comedy news and links. Or Visit the Amazon series page for Felony Melanie:  Sweet Home Alabama romantic comedy novels or find the books at other E-book retailers.

Visit Doug’s website or his Amazon page. Find Doug on Goodreads, Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.