Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The Alinta Bay series by Iris Blobel

 I'm happy to support Australian author Iris Blobel's Blog Tour for her Alinta Bay series. I love the covers for this series because of the feeling they evoke - the beach, the ocean and endless summer. Make sure to check out Iris's giveaway at the end of this post. Welcome Iris!


Defying Rules

Alinta Bay Book 1

by Iris Blobel

Genre: Contemporary Australian Romance 

Sometimes one has to break rules in order to find happiness…

Widower Logan Hendrix is puzzled by the recent series of small crimes against his son’s new teacher. It’s a mystery to him, and he offers her his help. There’s an instant attraction, and Logan wants to take their parent/teacher relationship to a more personal level.

It doesn’t take Addison Ryker long to fall in love with Alinta Bay, the small town she’s moved to for her new teaching position at the local primary school. Her newfound haven is threatened, however, when her house is broken into and she is relying on the unbelievably stubborn but very sexy Logan for help. Although captivated by him, Addison worries her career could be compromised, because there are rules about dating a parent.

**Only .99 cents!!**

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Tell It To My Heart

Alinta Bay Book 2

Confronted with the choice to care for his friend’s family on the other side of the world or to return to Alinta Bay to be with his own newfound family, how will Noah choose?

Following the death of his grandmother, Noah Fielding returns to Alinta Bay and the first thing — or person — he finds is the next-door neighbour in his nan’s bathroom — naked no less. Still jetlagged, he doesn’t hit it off with Molly at first. Yet, over the next few weeks, as his past uncovers itself bit by bit, she becomes is anchor, his friend, and his lover.

Molly Reid had the world at her feet, happily married with a young son … until a tragic car accident took everything away from her. With her heart broken, she moves to Alinta Bay to escape the memories of the past. Her peaceful existence, however, is interrupted after a heavy storm floods her house and she temporarily moves into her recently deceased neighbour’s house next door.

When Noah’s friend and partner goes missing during a routine flight, Noah returns to Alaska to help, but will he come back for Molly?

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Between Goodbye and Hello

Alinta Bay Book 3

Can two seemingly incompatible people who judge each other on past events be able to find some common ground?

Harrison Hendrix believes in second chances, but when it comes to Melody, he has every reason to doubt it’s possible. He’s conflicted when he sees her back in town and tries his best to see the change in her that other friends mention. Even more so when spending a night with her after being set up for a dinner date.

Life hasn’t been kind to Melody Foster, and she returns to Alinta Bay for a new beginning. Hit by tragedy again, she’s determined to live life to the fullest and with no regrets. She creates a bucket list … on which #8 the very difficult, yet extremely sexy Harrison has been included. Why does it seem he’s always around when she’s in trouble?

Maybe it's time to take a risk and leave the past where it belongs, but will trusting their instinct be the right choice for them?

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Touch Me

Alinta Bay Book 4

She loves the feel of his skin beneath her hands …

Lexie Marshall packs up and moves 3,000 km east with her daughter Zoe, to forget and move on. Now, all that matters is her daughter and her new job. She tries hard to stay focused, but the sexy and extremely kind park ranger, Jesse, is not making it easy. And when her husband shows up in the small coastal town creating chaos, all she can do is hang on and trust her new friends.

After his last girlfriend walked out on him, Jesse Parker is doing just fine on his own. Until his accidental meeting with single mother Lexie, when he rescues her and her daughter from getting lost in the forest. But when her past catches up with her, he is right in the middle of it all and it might ruin his career.

Will returning to her old life be the only chance to save his career?

Goodreads * Amazon

Iris Blobel was born and raised in Germany and only immigrated to Australia in the late 1990s. Having had the travel bug most of her life, Iris spent quite some time living in Scotland, London, as well as Canada where she met her husband. Her love for putting her stories onto paper only emerged late in life, but now her laptop is a constant companion.
Iris resides west of Melbourne with her husband and her beautiful two daughters as well as their dog.

Website * Facebook * Twitter * Instagram * Bookbub * Amazon * Goodreads

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Sunday, August 22, 2021

An Interview with Sandra's Book Club

Today Sandra Lopez joins me to talk about Sandra's Book Club. For authors like me, reviews are very important, and since Sandra is an author herself, she understands that. She's come up with an affordable way for authors to get reviews. Welcome Sandra!

 Q: First, tell us how you came to be a published author and how you came up with the idea to provide services to authors.

A: I wrote my first novel, Esperanza: A Latina Story, WHILE I was still in college. The book follows the story of a 14-year old Mexican-American girl trying to get out of the barrio and make something of her life. Full of humor and refreshing dialogue, this book was voted as an inspirational favorite by teen readers. Shortly after that, I wrote the sequel entitled Beyond the Gardens, published in October 2009.

In the second book, the lead heroine gains new confidence and strength as she learns the hard way that “you can take the girl out of the barrio, but you can’t take the barrio out of the girl.”

I write stories with strong and independent female characters that I, myself, would like to read about.

When I’m not writing, I get my fill on reading for the enjoyment as well as to improve my craft.

Like every published author, I was emailing book bloggers, asking them to please review my book.

But, like querying to a publisher, most of them were unresponsive and some weren’t interested. And, of course, I used paid services that would list my book in their newsletters, reaching potential readers that may or may not review my book. That worked out okay. But let’s face it: getting reviews is tough. It’s hard when your book isn’t well publicized and no one is willing to give it chance. That’s what started my book blog. Initially, it started as just a blog for my own personal reviews on books that I read. At that point, I started taking requests from authors and publishers. My own personal review would be free, but, of course, like every other blogger, I only chose the ones that I wanted and rejected those that I didn't. Yes, my readings tastes are pretty open in a wide variety of genres, but there are some that just don’t really interest me (i.e. westerns, politics sports, etc.) So how do I help those rejected authors get reviews? After all, I couldn't possibly review them all. That’s when I came up with the idea of starting a book club of readers and a review program to supply authors wit  more reviews besides the one that I give them. Readers can sign up to get free books from authors, and authors can get reviews for their books. It’s a simple, easy, and convenient program. And it’s working!

Q: How can this review program benefit writers?

A: The review program allows authors to list their books and reach a wide range of readers. It's been a hit so far! About 91% of participating authors get at least 1 – 2 reviews on Amazon, and we receive over 100 reviews a month from readers. And the best part about it is that we offer free ways for authors to list their book in our program. As an author, I totally understand that budgets can be tight, which makes it harder (maybe even impossible) to promote your books. Most authors shy away to any promo service when there's a price. What better price is there than FREE?

Q: What do you think is the most important aspect of a book to make it sell?

A: The story itself along with a fabulous cover is definitely important. But probably the most important would have to be reviews. Let’s face it: reviews are the life blood of any book. More reviews equal a greater online exposure and a higher sales ranking, which, could result in sales. My book, Single Chicas, has over 80 reviews, and that has given me more royalties on Kindle sales. The reviews made the difference because before I got no royalties, and now I’m surprised to actually see one come through knowing that I didn’t do any promotion. Book reviews are definitely the key thing here.

Q: How is your author review program unique?

A: My review program is unique because I offer a free option for authors, and I do that because I want authors of all kinds to get a fair chance at getting reviews for their books. Every book deserves a review. These are HONEST and LEGIT reviews. There is no buying reviews here. Readers are free to choose any book and reserve the right in whether or not a review gets posted. It’s all strictly voluntary and 100% honest.

Q: I see on your website that you also do graphics. Would you mind telling us a little more about that end of your service?

A: As a graphic designer, I help authors with book covers, bookmarks, flyers, social media graphics, headers, and so on. I often try to offer clients bundle packages that include graphic design, book promotion, AND an opportunity to get listed in my review program to reach potential reviewers daily. I definitely know what authors want and I try to give that to them in a bulk deal.

Q: How can authors and readers sign up?

For authors interested in submitting their book to get reviews, please go to:


For readers interested in signing up to read free books, please go to:


Friday, August 20, 2021

DEATH BY SAMPLE SIZE by Susie Black #NewRelease

Please welcome author Susie Black. Susie's new release DEATH BY SAMPLE SIZE is a mystery set in the fashion industry. Susie knows all about the fashion industry, and swimsuits in particular. In fact, she's offering a swimsuit buying guide to help anyone looking to buy a new suit this summer. If you'd like a copy of her guide, just email her at mysteries_@authorsusieblack.com I need all the help I can get when buying a swimsuit! Thanks for being here, Susie!

Set in the heart of the competitive Los Angeles apparel industry, Death By Sample Size is the story of one woman’s relentless quest for power regardless of the cost. Since she didn’t think any rules applied to her, buying office big shot Bunny Frank had no problem breaking them all. Ruthless, driven and power hungry; from bribery to bullying to extortion, Bunny Frank did whatever it took to make her buying office the biggest and best no matter who she had to step on to succeed. Nobody said no to Bunny Frank; at least nobody with a brain. Rejected and publicly humiliated by the only man she ever loved, Bunny plotted her revenge and didn’t care how many careers she destroyed to make him pay. With no shortage of suspects, the mystery wasn’t who wanted Bunny dead. Who didn’t? 

The one thing that is drilled into an author’s head is to only write what you know. If you don’t know it, either do the research and learn it or don’t you dare write it. If you don’t have the creds for what you write, you are toast because readers can spot a phony by the second paragraph and never finish reading your book. This concept is one I never lose sight of and is the reason I write about the subjects I do. 

 Like the protagonist in my Holly Swimsuit Mystery Series, I am a ladies’ swimwear sales exec in the greater Los Angeles area. From the beginning of my career, I have kept a daily journal chronicling the interesting, quirky, and sometimes quite challenging people I have encountered as well as the crazy situations I’ve gotten myself into and out of. My daily journal entries are the foundation of everything I write. The plots and premises of my stories all take place in the fast-paced, take no prisoners ladies' apparel industry.

 All of my characters are based on real people, and the central characters are all strong, successful women who have beaten the odds and broken the glass ceiling. Holly Schlivnik, the main character, is based on me with some poetic license taken, of course.

As a female who has succeeded in a historically male-dominated industry, it was important to me to write about the apparel business from a woman’s point of view. Like other books before it such as I Can Get it for You Wholesale and Save the Tiger, Death By Sample Size shakes out the dirty laundry of the cutthroat fashion business. But this time it’s a woman peeling back the underbelly of the apparel industry and revealing how the latest trends really get from the designer’s imagination to the store rack.


Everyone wanted her dead…but who actually killed her?

The last thing swimwear sales exec Holly Schlivnik expected was to discover ruthless buying office big wig Bunny Frank’s corpse trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey with a bikini stuffed down her throat. When Holly’s colleague is arrested for Bunny’s murder, the wise-cracking, irreverent amateur sleuth jumps into action to find the real killer.  Nothing turns out the way Holly thinks it will as she matches wits with a wily killer hellbent on revenge.


When the elevator doors opened, I had to stop myself short not to step on her. There was Bunny Frank-the buying office big shot-lying diagonally across the car. Her legs were splayed out and her back was propped against the corner. Her sightless eyes were wide open and her arms reached out in a come-to-me baby pose. She was trussed up with shipping tape like a dressed Thanksgiving turkey ready for the oven with a bikini stuffed in her mouth. A Gotham Swimwear hangtag drooped off her lower lip like a toe tag gone lost. Naturally, I burst out laughing. 

Before you label me incredibly weird or stone-cold, let me say genetics aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. If you’re lucky you inherit your Aunt Bertha’s sexy long legs or your father’s ability to add a bazillion dollar order in his head and get the total correct to the last penny. Without even breaking into a sweat, it’s easy to spout at least a million fabulous traits inheritable by the luck of the draw. Did I get those sexy long legs or the ability to add more than two plus two without a calculator? Noooooooooo. Lucky me. I inherited my Nana’s fear of death we overcompensated for with the nervous habit of laughing. A hysterical reaction? Think Bozo the clown eulogizing your favorite aunt.

I craned my neck like a tortoise and checked around. Then I clamped a fist over my mouth. Cripes, how could I possibly explain my guffaws with Bunny lying there? The disappointment was simultaneously mixed with relief when there was no one else in the parking lot. Where was security when you needed them?

I toed the elevator door open and bent over Bunny. I’d seen enough CSI episodes to know not to touch her. She was stiff as a board and I attributed the bluish tinge of her skin to the bikini crammed down her throat. I was no doctor, but I didn’t need an MD after my name to make this diagnosis. Bunny Frank was dead as the proverbial doorknob. 

It was no surprise Bunny Frank had finally pushed someone beyond their limits. The only surprise was it had taken so long. The question wasn’t who wanted Bunny Frank dead. The question was who didn’t?

Buy Links:

Amazon  itunes  barnesandnoble  goodreads  Target  KOBO 

Author Bio:

Born in the Big Apple, Susie Black now calls sunny Southern California home. Like the protagonist in her Holly Swimsuit Mystery Series, Susie is a successful apparel sales executive. Susie began telling stories as soon as she learned to talk. Now she’s telling all the stories from her garment industry experiences in humorous mysteries. 

She reads, writes, and speaks Spanish, albeit with an accent that sounds like Mildred from Michigan went on a Mexican vacation and is trying to fit in with the locals. Since life without pizza and ice cream as her core food groups wouldn’t be worth living, she’s a dedicated walker to keep her girlish figure. A voracious reader, she’s also an avid stamp collector. Susie lives with a highly intelligent man and has one incredibly brainy but smart-aleck adult son who inexplicably blames his sarcasm on an inherited genetic defect. 

Social Media Links:

Twitter  Book Bub  Linkedin  Pinterest  Facebook  Instagram  


Tuesday, August 17, 2021

#NewRelease - A BREATH OF SUNLIGHT by Sydney Winward

 I'm happy to help Sydney Winward celebrate the release of her newest book, A BREATH OF SUNLIGHT. Make sure you enter Sydney's giveaway at the end of post. Best of luck, Sydney!

A Breath of Sunlight
Sydney Winward
Publication date: August 17th 2021
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance

Don’t show compassion for men. Never save a man’s life. And no matter what, never fall in love with someone you must ultimately kill. But some rules are meant to be broken, even if it means risking your life by betraying your valkyrie sisters.

The plan was simple—attack the Pits, kill the male slaves, save the women. But when Skaja runs into a fae man she can’t kill, she instead breaks all the rules to save him.

Prince Calle was sold into slavery by his jealous brother, and he would do anything to taste freedom again, even put his trust in a dangerous valkyrie. To protect his people and gain the throne, he and Skaja must trust each other. But neither of them expected trust to turn into something more, and the cost of love has a much steeper price than either of them anticipated.

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Calle gasped and shot up into a sitting position. He clawed at his throat to remove the boot, but instead of finding a rough leather boot, he touched soft, warm skin.

“Shh,” Skaja soothed as she touched his hands, his face, his hair. “It was only a bad dream.”

Her face finally came into focus in the darkness. Pinched, concerned brows. Pursed lips. Hair falling across her forehead.

He shook his head, suddenly aware of the perspiration that clung to his skin. His back ached where he’d been whipped. His throat still burned for air. The slave brand on his forearm rippled with heat. “N-n-no. It w-w-wasn’t a d-d-dream.”

“It was,” she said in a soothing tone, and for the first time since they’d met, her eyes were kind and gentle. Her fingers stroked either side of his hair. She was touching him… And not just an uncertain, awkward touch. A compassionate caring lingered in her caress, and he couldn’t help but lean into her hand.

She stilled.

“Please don’t stop,” he whispered.

A pause. But then her fingers continued their exploration. Her light touch skimmed his hair, his eyebrows, his nose, his cheekbones. They hesitantly touched his earlobe before she more daringly traced the shape of his long, pointed ear.

His heart slowed into something calmer. Something safer. The fear in his soul settled to the bottom of a clear, placid lake. The pain in his back and throat ebbed. The burn on his forearm died slowly like a waning fever.

He breathed in Skaja’s scent of jasmine and cool midnight skies and breathed out a river of calm. She was right. It was only a dream.

Yet, it had felt so real.

A flash of darkness passed across his mind, and as if he once again found himself in the deep ravine of the Pits, his hands began trembling. Skaja’s gentle touch trailed from his ear, to his shoulder, down his arm, before she clasped his hand. Her touch felt so good. Like a breath of sunlight after being caged in the darkness for so long.

Author Bio:

Sydney Winward is a fantasy and paranormal romance author who dabbles in the occasional historical fiction. She loves building complex worlds filled with magic, strong characters, and emotional stories that can make you laugh and cry.

Sydney is the author of The Bloodborn Series, and when she’s not writing, she’s reading, thinking about stories, or going on adventures with her children. She lives in Utah with her husband, two amazing kids, and one stubborn fish.

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram


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Friday, August 13, 2021

Wendy Rich Stetson's Journey to Publication

 Wendy Rich Stetson joins me today to celebrate the release of her new release, HOMETOWN. She tells us her fascinating journey to publication and I had to laugh at her thought about writing romance ("I could do that!") because I had the same thought! Both of us learned it takes a lot of persistence. Welcome Wendy and congratulations on your new release!

In the stifling heat of a Manhattan summer, a fresh-faced woman huddled in a garret, awaiting the opportunity that would change her life. The air was rank, rife with the scents of summer in the city.  Brushing a mop of red curls from her eyes, she stared through the grime-streaked window, longing for more than a sliver of sky. She’d fled the tiny town where she grew up, leaving lush fields and rolling green ridges for dirty sidewalks and towering skyscrapers. As the days dragged on, she grew restless, nagged by a feeling that instead of chasing her dreams, she was treading water, barely keeping afloat as a murky eddy of shattered hopes threatened to drag her under…

If my journey to writing a romance novel was, indeed, a romance novel, it might begin something like that. The time was the early 2000’s, and the place was a sixth-floor studio apartment on Manhattan’s Upper West Side.  I’d just finished my Master of Fine Arts in Acting, and I was ready to make my Broadway debut. Little did I know…that momentous event wouldn’t take place for another ten years. Every student actor is told repeatedly that the odds of making a living in the theater are slim at best. Nonetheless, thousands follow their dreams, believing surely, they will be the exception. And with lots of hard work and tenacity, many actors do carve out a career in The Biz. But progress is slow and hard won, and for lots of young artists, the urge to keep creating—to keep telling stories even during dry spells—tugs at our insides until we branch out into other disciplines.

 I remember lounging on the blue and green plaid sofa that sat a mere six inches from my bed and a foot or so from the dining table, watching Oprah Winfrey interview successful romance writers who found purpose and joy weaving heartwarming tales of love. “I could do that,” I thought, every bit as naïve as I was to think a starring role on Broadway would arrive on my doorstep all wrapped up in shiny paper and tied with a satin bow. Still, I cracked open a notebook and gave writing a whirl.

 I never set out to write “Amish Romance.” Indeed, in the early oughts, the genre was nowhere near as large and popular as it is today. Encouraged by those Oprah guests with the often-heard truism to “write what I know,” I came up with a simple premise: what if a girl went back to her hometown in central Pennsylvania and fell in love with an Amish guy? I dove into my story with the pent-up fervor of a frustrated actress, holing up in coffee shops and teaching myself the art of writing as I went. Over the course of many months, I researched, brainstormed, and revised, until my heroine finally achieved her happily ever after.

 Hometown sat on my hard drive for decades as my acting career took off. I performed at theaters around the country and in New York City. I dipped a toe in commercial acting, film, and television. I narrated over twenty audiobooks and taught Shakespeare workshops to high school students. I had a child. I started running. I twiddled my thumbs.

Then one day I thought…hey, what about that book I wrote? Could now be its time to shine?  As nervous and hopeful as that young performer who first acted on the crazy whim to write, I approached small, romance publishers, hoping the story of a red-haired girl trying to find her place in the world, would, in fact, find its place in the world.

Much to my delight, it did. “Hometown” was published August 11, 2021, by The Wild Rose Press. 

Oh, and, Oprah? Thanks.


When all roads lead home, choosing one is far from simple…

When Tessa's big-city plans take the A Train to disaster, she lands in her sleepy hometown, smack in the middle of the most unlikely love triangle ever to hit Pennsylvania's Amish Country.

Hot-shot Dr. Richard Bruce is bound to Green Ridge by loyalty that runs deep. Deeper still is Jonas Rishel's tie to the land and his family's Amish community. Behind the wheel of a 1979 camper van, Tessa idles at a fork in the road. Will she cruise the superhighway to the future? Or take a slow trot to the past and a mysterious society she never dreamed she'd glimpse from the inside?


The girl entwined her fingers in her skirt and tugged the fabric tight. “Your hair is the same color as my cat, and she’s the best cat in the world.” In a heartbeat, she fled and buried her face in the man’s lap.

“My goodness.  What a compliment.  Thank you.” She fumbled with the clasp of her wallet, discovering only then she smooshed her thumb deep into the whoopie pie.

The elfin child giggled and bounced on bare toes.

Standing, the man swept her into his arms and smiled down at Tessa. “Rebecca has not seen many women with ginger hair.”

Ginger hair. For years, she was tormented by boneheaded boys shouting, “Carrot Top” and “Flame.” No one ever called her mane ginger. Beneath his candid gaze, her curls heated like embers, warming her from top to toe. Who was this man?

The girl wriggled, knocking askew his straw hat.

He tossed her under one arm like a sack of flour and righted it, loosening a tawny curl that escaped the wide brim and fell over one brow. His gaze passed over Tessa’s face.   

Her unruly hair and short shorts tweaked at her consciousness. What did the Amish call outsiders? English? She was definitely dressed like an English woman. And not one from a Jane Austen novel.

He deposited the giggling girl right-side up on the floor and approached the table. “I’ve rarely seen hair that color myself. Like a copper penny.”

She stared at the mangled whoopie pie and blushed even deeper. For a brief moment, she felt his gaze trail down her body like a caress. Or did she?

Buy links:

Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B097NVNFDF/

Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/hometown-wendy-rich-stetson/1139719240

Apple: https://books.apple.com/us/book/hometown/id1573329404

Target.com: https://www.target.com/p/hometown-hearts-of-the-ridge-by-wendy-rich-stetson-paperback/-/A-83893393

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/hometown-11

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Wendy_Rich_Stetson_Hometown?id=JSo7EAAAQBAJ&hl=en_US&gl=US

Author Bio:

Wendy Rich Stetson is a New York City girl who still considers the Central Pennsylvania countryside to be her home.  She grew up road tripping in a 1979 VW camper van, and she keeps a running list of favorite roadside attractions from coast to coast.  Now an author of sweet, small-town romance, Wendy is no stranger to storytelling.  She’s a Broadway and television actress, an audiobook narrator, and a mom who likes nothing more than collaborating on children’s books with her teenage artist daughter.  Wendy lives in Upper Manhattan with her family of three and rambunctious Maine Coon kitty.  Follow Wendy’s journey at www.wendyrichstetson.com

Social Media Links:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/StetsonRiches

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WendyRichStetsonRomance

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wendyrichstetson_author/?hl=en

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/wendy_stetson/_saved/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58504083-hometown?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=Svcjev2iMD&rank=1

Bookbub  https://www.bookbub.com/profile/wendy-rich-stetson

Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/Wendy-Rich-Stetson/e/B097QBJZCC/

Newsletter Sign Up http://wendyrichstetson.com/blog/index.php/contact/

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

#NewRelease - DEE'S CORNUCOPIA by Jeny Heckman

Jeny Heckman visits with a look at her new book, Dee's Cornucopia, the next installment in her Heaven and Earth series. Find out what the cornucopia represented in Greek mythology. Welcome Jeny!

Cornucopia in Greek Mythology and Dee’s Cornucopia

Reading Ancient Greek Mythology in my childhood developed a deep interest in reading which prompted me to read many other books over the years. I love the ancient soap opera-like cast of Greek gods and goddesses. I was fascinated by tales of gods and goddesses, especially heart-breaking tragedies. Books on Greek mythology or containing an element of Greek mythology are one of my favorite reads. They inspired me to create my own stories about Greek gods and goddesses.

Dee’s Cornucopia is book 2.5 of my Heaven and Earth series, which is a fantastic series about the descendants of the Greek gods in modern times. The heroine of Dee’s Cornucopia is Dee (Walker) Taylor, a feisty grandmother from the Heaven & Earth series. She is a fan favorite. She doesn’t tolerate nonsense. Dee is a spark plug that makes everyone jump around her.

Dee's Cornucopia tells the story of Dee's life, from meeting her beloved husband to experiencing a personal tragedy and communing with Demeter, the Greek goddess of abundance. … So, entitling her book, Dee's Cornucopia was a no brainer for me! Dee creates abundance! Dee is a breeder! She can grow anything! The Cornucopia is also the name of Dee’s nursery in Hawaii. 

In classical antiquity, the cornucopia (/ ˌkɔːrnjəˈkoʊpiə, ˌkɔːrnə-, ˌkɔːrnu-, ˌkɔːrnju- /), from the Latin cornu (horn) and copia (abundance), also called the cornucopia. The corn of abundance was a symbol of plenty and food, usually it’s large horn-shaped container filled with produce, flowers, or nuts. Baskets or panniers in this form have traditionally been used in Western Asia and Europe to store and carry newly harvested food items. The horn-shaped basket was carried on the back or wrapped around the torso, leaving the harvester's hands free to gather. Many ancient Greek statues depict one or the other God holding a cornucopia full of riches.

Its origins began with the story of the birth and the feeding of baby Zeus (the god of the Greeks and the god of thunder).

Zeus was the youngest son of the Titans, Cronus and Rhea. Cronus ate Zeus’s siblings: Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Demeter, and Hera. However, Rhea, his mother, had a plan.  She gave Cronus a rock swaddled like a baby to eat instead, and hid baby Zeus in a cave on the Island of Crete.

In the cave Zeus was raised in secret with the help of nymphs and a goat named Amalthea.  Her milk helped young Zeus grow strong.  One day, when Zeus was playing with Amalthea, he accidentally broke one of her horns with his superpower. But Zeus being Zeus, he also had an unusual ability. The broken horn was touched by his divine power, providing endless nourishment. 

Soon came the day when Zeus was mature enough to claim the Kingdom of the World.  However, Amalthea had two parting gifts for Zeus – her skin and one of her horns.  She was then placed among the stars in Capra, the constellation surrounding Capella.

Her hide was used to create Zeus’s mighty thunder shield, Aegis. When the constellation Capra rises, it marks the start of the stormy season on the coasts of Greece.  In ancient Greek, the word “aigis” means both “stormy weather” and “goat skin”.

As I mentioned earlier Amalthea’s horn had a special ability.  It would give the owner whatever they wanted.  Did you want food? No problem!  Did you want more money? No problem again! As a special thanks to Melisseus, the king of Crete who helped hide young Zeus, the horn was given as a gift to his daughters.

Zeus went on to liberate his brothers and sisters by giving Cronus an herb that made him vomit them up.  They then battled Cronus and the other Titans in the underworld, Tartarus.  After overthrowing Cronus, Zeus was confronted with giants and the monster, Typhon, which he both defeated successfully.

The time had come for Zeus and his siblings to rule.  According to Greek Mythology, Zeus drew lots with his brothers Poseidon and Hades to let luck determine who would be king of the gods.  Zeus won the draw and became the ruler of the Earth and Sky. He was also considered the Lord of Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece. Read more about Prophecy that started my Heaven & Earth Series in the Sea Archer the first book of my Heaven & Earth Saga and get the Quest, my interactive FREE book, to learn more about Zeus and some of the other gods.

Another Greek myth tells the story of Heracles (also known as the Roman demigod Hercules). He bestowed strength against the horned river god Achilles and brought it out of the horns to create a cornucopia. 

The cornucopia is also associated with various Greek and Roman gods that represent harvest, prosperity, or spiritual abundance. Some of these deities are the incarnations of the earth, named Gaia or Terra. Other incarnations depict the children of Plutus, the sons of Demeter, the god of wealth, and the goddess of grain.

Even Hades, the god of the underworld, gives mortals agriculture, minerals, and spiritual wealth. In art, he is often depicted as holding a cornucopia.

Modern-day marketing is using many Greek mythology symbols. 21st Century has carried the symbolism of the horn of plenty. Large, flared bowls filled with fruits and vegetables are common in autumn decorations. The modern-day cornucopia is made of various materials, such as metal, wood, ceramics, stone, and the most common basket wicker. It can contain fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and bread, or leaves, flowers, or even cattails.


Dee Walker can kick your ass. At least she thinks so and isn't afraid to say it.

A no-nonsense spark plug, Dee keeps everyone around her hopping. When she meets fellow field hand, Arthur Taylor, her colorful world becomes even brighter when she makes him an offer he can't turn down.

However, this story of a bright explosion of color in a monochromatic world isn't what you might imagine, as Dee's life doesn't exactly turn out like she thinks it will.

This novella is the life story of Dee Taylor, the feisty and eccentric grandmother of Finn in the Heaven & Earth series. Her bright colorful muumuus and big floppy hat are her trademarks, and this story will tell you how it all began. She also has this little ability to see future developments. Oh, and commune with the greatest Greek family in history, but she just doesn't know it... yet.


“My God, it’s hotter than a billy goat’s ass in a pepper patch out there,” Dee announced as she entered the office furnished with the rich fragrance of leather, old wood, coffee, and tobacco smoke.

Her boss, Bert Norton, sat hunched at his desk, puffing on his ancient pipe. His gaze snapped to hers, and he gave the merest hint of a smile before frowning at her crass expression. The two fellows, also occupying the room, stood a little straighter at her appearance, but gave each other surreptitious glares. They wore identical uniforms of scarred leather boots, dusty work trousers and damp cotton shirts, right down to the sweat-stained field-hand hats squeezed together in their enormous fists.

“Ah, sorry?” Dee phrased it almost like a question and raised her eyebrows at all the testosterone in the small space.

“Deidre, please, take a seat.” Bert gestured to one of the broad wing-back chairs occupying the area in front of his desk.

The two imposing men shifted their weight from foot to foot in apparent agitation. If I sit in that chair, I’ll look weak. Possessing a vagina created enough of a disadvantage chasm already.

“Thanks, Mr. Norton, I’ll stand. No sense in giving anyone the upper hand, right?” she quipped and slapped her hands on her hips, shifting her own weight from side to side. The corner of her boss’s lips twitched, but he sighed, and they both looked over at the two workers.

Purchase Links:

Amazon Kindle: https://amzn.to/2TCPJzH 

Paperback: https://amzn.to/3jIRyWs 

Barnes & Noble: https://bit.ly/3xt6vj9 

Kobo: https://bit.ly/3xlNwqA 

Target: https://bit.ly/JenyTarget 

Booksamillion: https://bit.ly/373lll0 

Waterstones: https://bit.ly/3y6xTUM 

Google Books: https://bit.ly/3i4aptZ 

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MightyApe: https://bit.ly/3i4eE8P

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Kobo Japan: https://bit.ly/3iRcad5 

Friday, August 6, 2021

Blog Tour for #NewRelease: Dragons Walk Among Us

 Dan Rice makes a return visit to Journeys with Jana with his blog tour for his new YA novel DRAGONS WALK AMONG US. Dan has a giveaway so be sure to enter!


Dragons Walk Among Us
The Allison Lee Chronicles Book 1
by Dan Rice
Genre: YA Fantasy

At times it's hard to believe what you see.

Shutterbug Allison Lee is trying to survive high school while suffering the popular girl's abuse. Her life is often abysmal, but at least her green hair is savage. Her talent for photography is recognized by the school paper and the judges of a photo contest.

While visiting her friend Joe, a homeless vet, Allison's life irrevocably changes after an attack leaves her blind. All her dreams as a photojournalist are dashed as she realizes she'll never see again. Despair sets in until she is offered an experimental procedure to restore her vision. But there are side effects, or are they hallucinations? She now sees dragons accompanying some of the people she meets. Can she trust her eyes, or has the procedure affected her more than she can see?

Debut author Rice offers an allegorical YA fantasy novel about the transformative power of self-love.

Savvy, coffee-loving teenager Allison Lee is strong beyond her years. The biracial girl faces open discrimination and also copes with her apparent abandonment by her mother, who disappeared several years ago. She’s developed a keen sense of social justice along with a skill for photography. When a mysterious stalker hits her over the head, leaving her blind, she turns to an experimental eye-surgery procedure that forever changes her view of the world. Once, Allison saw her camera as her window to the truth; now, with her naked eye, she’s able to see mythological creatures that aren’t visible to other humans and that fight to protect their way of life. Allison’s ability results in her embarking on a dangerous adventure as she discovers her own highly unusual dragon-hunting legacy. She faces mortal peril as she protects humans and other creatures from a violent, otherworldly onslaught. Along the way, she also gets in touch with her own physical and emotional resilience. Although dragons play a central role in Rice’s work, the heart of the narrative is found in simple humanity and in a celebration of differences. Throughout, characters demonstrate emotional growth as they confront their limiting beliefs about others and embrace a sense of family. The story addresses serious, socially relevant subject matter, such as discrimination, poverty, and bullying, but it’s never preachy; indeed, it has a lighthearted tone that will resonate with adolescent readers. It concludes on an affirming, heartfelt note that will leave readers thoroughly satisfied yet also curious about the future of Rice’s magical fictional world.

An inspirational and socially relevant fantasy.”

Kirkus Reviews

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Allison Lee is the protagonist of my debut YA urban fantasy, Dragons Walk Among Us, and she possesses a deep-seated need for belonging. In part, her yearning is no different than anyone else's. She wants to be part of something greater than herself and be surrounded by people who accept her. These desires burn exceptionally bright in her because she has never known her mother, who she believes abandoned her at birth. Allison's need for acceptance hits overdrive when she starts seeing or, perhaps, in reality, hallucinating dragons. When her best friends make it clear they believe she is delusional, their bonds of friendship begin to crack.

Allison is a passionate photographer with dreams of becoming a photojournalist. Her pictures of high school sporting events around Seattle are published weekly in her school's online newspaper. She combines her love of photography with civic-mindedness, often documenting climate marches and social justice issues. When an unprovoked attack leaves her blind, Allison feels like her life has been flushed down the toilet and fears she will never photograph again.

I'm a big believer in the adage to write what you know. It allows me to inject verisimilitude into the story. For example, Allison is an avid photographer, often out and about with her camera in hand. Details on composition and exposure for different situations are sprinkled throughout the narrative. These details are accurate because I'm a shutterbug. I think these details are just enough to characterize Allison Lee, be interesting to readers, and add a sense of realism to a story that is, after all, a fantasy.

Dan has wanted to write novels since first reading Frank Herbert's Dune at the age of eleven. A native of the Pacific Northwest, he often goes hiking with his family through mist-shrouded forests and along alpine trails with expansive views.

Dragons Walk Among Us is his debut novel. He plans to keep writing fantasy and science-fiction for many years.

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