Saturday, May 22, 2021

#NewRelease - TOUCH ME - by Iris Blobel


Touch Me
Alinta Bay #4

by Iris Blobel


She loves the feel of his skin beneath her hands …

Lexie Marshall packs up and moves 3,000 km east with her daughter Zoe, to forget and move on. Now, all that matters is her daughter and her new job. She tries hard to stay focussed, but the sexy and extremely kind park ranger, Jesse, is not making it easy. And when her husband shows up in the small coastal town creating chaos, all she can do is hang on and trust her new friends.

After his last girlfriend walked out on him, Jesse Parker is doing just fine on his own. Until his accidental meeting with single mother Lexie, when he rescues her and her daughter from getting lost in the forest. But when her past catches up with her, he is right in the middle of it all and it might ruin his career.

Will returning to her old life be the only chance to save his career?

Now available on Amazon for 99c or free on Kindle Unlimited


Lexie Marshall looked around, seeing nothing but trees. Worry crept into her mind. It’d been a while since they’d seen another soul. The old farmer on the tractor had warned them, but she’d been certain she had known the way back to the car.

“Mum, are you sure you know where you’re going?” Zoe asked.

Loosely circling her shoulders to rid herself of the kink in them, Lexie replied, “Sweetie, I’m sure we’re almost there. It can’t be far.”

“Such a stupid idea to go for a bushwalk.”

Lexie stopped and turned, looking at her daughter, undecided whether to be annoyed or feel guilty. “I thought it was a great idea. We’re stuck in that small house seven days a week with the walls closing in on us.”

Zoe met her gaze, tears shimmering in her eyes. “Not my fault we moved here.”

Massaging the temples, she took a deep breath. “I hope we’re not going through the separation discussion again. Your dad and I drifted apart. Nothing I can do about it.”

The girl lifted her shoulder in a shrug. “That didn’t mean you have to drift all the way to this godforsaken place.”

“This godforsaken place is giving me a chance to work in my profession as a lawyer during school hours only so you’re not on your own at home.”

Zoe shrugged again. “I miss my friends.”

“Well, so do I, but I am trying to do the best in a bad situation. How about we try to get out of this jungle of trees and next weekend we’ll check the real estate agent for a bigger house?”

“We had a big house in Perth—”

Lexie looked into the distance and then back at her daughter. “Look, I get it that you’re not happy with the current situation. But I’m trying my best here.” She inhaled a long breath to calm herself. “I don’t really think this is the right place to have this discussion, but maybe the right time for you to ponder about the alternatives. Perth, big house, your mother working massive hours to afford it, which would mean you’re in after care, or Alinta Bay, small house, hopefully we’ll find something bigger soon, and I can drop you off and pick you up from school, plus we will have enough money for two holidays a year.”

Without waiting for an answer, Lexie turned again, but didn’t move. Cursing under her breath, she conceded that they were lost. And it scared her. A lot.


Lexie whirled around again. “What?” But as soon as she saw her daughter’s timid look in her eyes, she apologised straight away. “I’m sorry, sweetie. But—”

Zoe shook her head. “Mum, listen,” she said just above a whisper.

Lexie focussed and followed the girl’s gaze.

“Look! A car.”

“Hallelujah,” Lexie murmured.

“Can you run?”

Hands on hips, Lexie said, “I’m old, but I’m no geriatric.”

“Well, duh, Mum. Run.”

“Wait,” she almost shouted. “We can’t just—”

“Mum, just run. You’re not wearing your glasses, are you? It’s the Park Ranger vehicle.”

Shaking her head at her own embarrassment, but also at her clever daughter, she rushed after Zoe through the forest, literally over sticks and stones. Worried about her daughter stopping a stranger’s car, Park Ranger or not, she screamed, “Wait, Zoe. Wait for me!”

Without looking back, her daughter replied, “No way I’m letting this guy drive off.”

When Lexie stopped a couple of minutes later in front of the Ranger’s truck, she placed her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath.

“Mum got us lost.”

The Ranger came around the car and placed his hand on Lexie’s arm, “Ma’am, are you okay?”

She straightened. “I’m okay. Embarrassed, my ego dinted, and having aged by about ten years, but I’m okay.”

His deep chuckle invaded her senses with its warmth and did something to her. And it’d been a while since a man had stirred something inside her, not since … she pushed the thought of her husband away, as well as the flutter in her stomach, trying to deal with the problem at hand.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Book Blitz: A SHIVER OF SHADOWS by Hunter J. Skye

 Today I'm helping Hunter J. Skye get out the word about A SHIVER OF SHADOWS, her upcoming new release from The Wild Rose Press. Don't forget to enter Hunter's giveaway at the the bottom of the post. Enjoy!

A Shiver of Shadows
Hunter J. Skye
(The Hell Gate Series, #2)
Published by: The Wild Rose Press
Publication date: May 24th 2021
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance, Urban Fantasy

You’d think stopping Armageddon would buy a girl a bit of R&R with her freshly resurrected boyfriend. But things go south again when celebrity soul wrangler, Melisande Blythe, is abducted and dragged to Europe.

There’s more to the darkness hiding in the reclusive, mountaintop country of Andorra than just garden variety evil. There’s something dangerously wrong with her beautiful immortal hosts too.

Gifted with flesh again by the Grace of God, three-hundred-year-old former ghost, Colonel William Grayford, will move heaven and earth to find his beloved. But Europe’s most wicked monsters stand in his way. Something more painful than death awaits Mel, if Grayford can’t find her in time.

The world’s been living on fifteen thousand years of borrowed time and it’s just run out.

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“We won’t make it in time, so I need you to do exactly as I say.” She clutched me by the tops of my arms then shoved me into a small convenience store that blazed white with artificial lighting. She dragged me down a narrow aisle, past products with unfamiliar labels, toward a dead-faced man in a turban. His mottled eyes followed us as the woman pushed past his small counter.

Santuario,” she whispered to the man, and he nodded stoically. Then she turned to me.

“Don’t stop. Don’t look around. Just keep moving.”

“What?” I asked as her hand closed over mine once more, but we were already moving again. We hurtled down a dark, slender hall to an ancient rat-chewed wooden door with symbols painted on it in a dark, drooling liquid. Something about that viscous fluid made my skin crawl. The dingy walls pressed close, and suddenly the hallway felt as though it was swallowing me whole.

“Wait.” My voice wavered. “Just wait a second.” Something big was on the other side of that door. Something I wasn’t ready for. It peeled away my thoughts. It knew I was coming.

“This is a mistake.” Not a bad tattoo kind of mistake. This was the kind of mistake that would burn through my being. It would hollow me out. I’d already rebuilt myself once. I couldn’t go through that kind of stripping again. “Whatever’s in there…it isn’t for me to see.”

“Then close your eyes.” She yanked the door open and pulled me through.

Author Bio:

Hunter J. Skye was born with a rare nightmare disorder, and was raised in a haunted late Victorian home. Those two factors predestined her to write ghost stories. With a Bachelor of the Fine Arts, Hunter first went into museology, but her love of the written word drew her back to the keyboard. She now writes full time and paints part-time.

Hunter's debut novel, A Glimmer of Ghosts, won four RWA awards pre-publication. It is the first book in an urban fantasy/paranormal romance series set in coastal Virginia. Book two, A Shiver of Shadows, will release May 24 2021 from The Wild Rose Press.

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Sunday, May 16, 2021

HOME FIRES #OnSale for #99cents!

 My World War Two era war bride story is on sale for .99 cents until May 21. Pick up your e-copy now!

Anne Wakefield travels halfway around the world for love. But when she arrives in Canada from England at the end of World War Two, she discovers the handsome Canadian pilot she’d fallen in love with has married someone else. Heartbroken, she prepares to return to London, though she has nothing left there to return to. Her former fiancé’s mother makes a suggestion: marriage to her other son.

Badly wounded and scarred during the war, Erik Gustafson thinks he’s a poor substitute for his brother. Although he loves Anne almost from the first time he sees her, he cannot believe she would ever be able to love him as he is – especially as he might be after another operation on his bad leg.  Anne sees the beauty of his heart. The cold prairie winter may test her courage, but can she prove to Erik that her love for him is real?


        Anne rose and began gathering dishes and putting away food.

“You don’t have to do that,” Erik said.

She put the bread back in the cupboard, refusing to meet his gaze. “I can do my share.”

“Why don’t you go upstairs and get some rest, make an early night of it?”

She whirled around to glare at him, her eyes blazing. “No! I’m not a child! I don’t have to be mollycoddled and babysat. I spent six years in a war zone, hiding in bomb shelters, never having enough to eat. I worked in a hospital treating blitz victims with wounds so horrendous grown men would gag to look at them. I faced those horrors every day. Sometimes things were so bad I thought I couldn’t go on. But I did. Because I had to. And I’ll face things here, too. So don’t tell me to give up, because I won’t!”

Erik pushed himself out of his chair to face her, awed by her spirit and courage. She lifted her chin as if defying him to contradict her, her hands clenched at her sides. Her dark hair curled in wild abandon as it dried, framing her pale oval face like a halo. Her beauty and ferocity were magnificent.

“I think you’re the strongest woman I know.”

Her eyes widened in surprise, her hands unclenching. He caught the quiver of her chin as she fought to hold back tears. 

“I made such a mess of things,” she whispered. “I’m sorry for all the fuss I caused everyone.”

Erik took a step toward her. “It’s not your fault. I shouldn’t have let you go alone in the dark.”

“You didn’t know I would stupidly walk out onto thin ice.” She shook her head. “I wanted to help. I wanted to be useful. I can’t stand feeling so bloody useless.”

“You’re not useless. You’re an amazing woman. Anders is a fool for letting you go.”

She stared at him, her eyes filling with tears. “Thank you.”

He opened his arms and she stepped into them, wrapping her arms around his waist, clinging to him. He held her tightly, inhaling the sweet, clean scent of her, never wanting to let her go.    

“Don’t cry. Everything’s all right now.” 

“I know I’m being stupid. Tears don’t solve anything,” she said against his chest. “But I was so cold, and so scared. I thought I was going to die.”

He tightened his hold and kissed her hair. “Don’t think about it anymore. You’re safe now.”

He heard her sigh, felt her relax against him. “Yes. I’m safe.”

She lifted her head to look into his face, her dark eyes shiny with tears, her lips slightly parted, and Erik stared at her mouth, wanting desperately to kiss her, to capture her sweetness. He slowly lowered his mouth to hers. To his surprise, she didn’t run off or turn away in revulsion. He was so close her breath mingled with his, her breathing shallow and erratic. His heart slammed against his chest, his body thrumming with need. For the first time in over three years, he felt alive.

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Friday, May 14, 2021

Arresting Onyx Series by Amber Daulton #ONSALE

For the first time ever, both Arresting Mason and Arresting Jeremiah are on sale for $2.99 each.

This romantic suspense series features smokin’ hot sex scenes, bad boy heroes, and badass heroines who fight their own battles and keep their men on their toes.

Now is the perfect time to catch up with these books since they’re half off! Find them on sale at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Apple/iBooks.

Limited Time Only – May 14 to May 28, 2021

Arresting Mason (Arresting Onyx book 1)

– Their chance encounter resulted in a steamy affair, but will his former gang and a parole officer tear them apart?


Once you’re in a prison gang, you’re in it for life. That’s what Mason Harding thought until the boss accepted his resignation. After the State releases him on parole, a sexy divorcée behind the wheel of a car almost ends his life quicker than a shank. His chance encounter with Mia Eddison results in a night of passion, but her brother—his parole officer—catches them together and doesn’t approve. 

Mia falls hard for the cocky ex-con, but not because of his chiseled body. She vows to break through his walls and discover his secrets, but never expects those secrets to threaten her life. 

When members of an organized crime ring kidnap Mia to force Mason’s return to the gang, he goes up against an old friend to save the woman he loves. Will his sacrifice be enough or will everything fall apart in a blaze of gunfire?

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Arresting Jeremiah (Arresting Onyx book 2)

– When threats escalate, will Jim and Calista succumb, or fight for a love they can’t deny?


Injured Parole Officer Jeremiah “Jim” Borden never expected Calista Barlow, the sassy blonde waitress he’s craved for months, to ring his doorbell. She slips into his heart—and his bed—but he’s obsessed with a gangland investigation that threatens his career and maybe even his life.

Calista doesn’t trust easily, not with a daughter to protect and the stalker who keeps calling her. After her violent ex-boyfriend returns, she finds solace in Jim’s arms.

Jim may have to forego his need for answers to protect the ready-made family he adores, but how will he and Calista escape an unseen enemy that is always one step ahead of them?

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About the Author

Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through The Wild Rose Press, Books to Go Now, and Daulton Publishing, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats. 

She lives in North Carolina with her husband and demanding cats. 

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Tuesday, May 11, 2021

New Short Story from Cynthia Terelst: IN THE DOGHOUSE

 Cynthia Terelst joins me today for a look at her new short story, IN THE DOGHOUSE, which is an introduction to her Love Down Under series. Welcome Cynthia!

Could you survive 10 days in a car with the person who destroyed your faith in love?

Chloe has nothing good to say about Alex. Not since the day he deserted her, leaving their future in tatters.

Alex’s heart has remained true to Chloe during their five years apart. All he needs to do is convince her to give him a second chance.

Much to Chloe’s dismay, a simple promise finds her driving Alex across the outback to his sister’s wedding. Will they make it to the end together or will their fractured past destroy their chance at love?

In The Doghouse is an introduction to the Love Down Under series. This short story was previously published as Back To You in the Steamy anthology. It is a stand alone romance with medium heat.



“I’m nearly there,” I said to Sam as I turned onto her street. The leafy trees arched across the road. Dappled light filtered through the thick canopy.

She laughed. “Late as usual.”

“I’ll be pulling into the driveway any second now.” I imagined her rolling her eyes.

“I’ve packed everything you and Rex will need: water and food bowl, food and his bed.”

I turned into the windy driveway and made my way to the house.

“Thanks for bringing Rex. I can’t imagine getting married without my second-best friend.”

“Lucky you said second. Because only your best friend would drive your scared-of-flying dog over 3000km for your wedding.”

She laughed. “Trust me, it was easier to get him up here than get all of Rob’s family down there.”

“Corey knows we’re not driving straight there? That I want to stop and do things along the way?”

Silence. Unusual from my best friend.

One last bend and the brick house came into sight. What the fuck? The man standing next to Rex on the porch was not Corey. He began to raise his hand in greeting. I slammed on the brakes. His hand stopped.

“Sam?” My voice shook.


I needed to get out of there.

Without thinking, I put the car in reverse. What was I doing? I couldn’t just leave. I needed to pick up Rex.

I stared at the man and golden retriever. They stared right back.

“Chloe?” Sam’s cautious voice asked.

“Why is Alex here?” My heart beat fast.

“So you can give him a lift. Remember, I said the flights were booked out?”

I clenched my teeth and took a deep breath. I remembered the conversation word for word. She asked if I could take her brother with me. She never said which brother.

“You led me to believe I’d be taking Corey.” I tried to keep my voice calm but it had a distinct edge.

“No, I didn’t. You believed that.”

“You never corrected me.”


“Don’t fucking semantics me.”

Alex was talking to Rex, scratching his favourite spot behind his ears. I tried to drag my eyes away from Alex. I tried not to notice how good he looked. How his jeans hugged his thighs and his t-shirt stretched across his chest. I imagined the sight if he turned around. The way his jeans would—

I directed my attention to Rex, who was waiting patiently, his bum parked firmly, looking between Alex and the car. Alex produced his phone and his fingers moved across the screen.

I couldn’t believe my best friend would do this to me. She knew how I felt about her older brother.

“Alex wants to know if you’re actually going to drive the rest of the way to the house.”

I gave him the finger. I regretted that she couldn’t see it as well.

Sam tapped on her phone screen, her nails making rapping sounds like machine gun fire. Was she texting him?

“Five years, and that’s how you greet me?” Alex’s voice came through my speaker.

She freaking added him to our call.

“Yeah, well, it was better than running you over.”

“Come on, Chlo.”

His deep voice still had the same effect after all these years. My stomach leapt like a surfer’s did when catching a big wave. First, my best friend lied to me. Then, my body betrayed me.

Stuff it. We were all adults here. I put the car in drive and drove the last ten metres.

“I’ll see you in ten days. I can’t guarantee Alex will survive the trip.” I disconnected the call.

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Friday, May 7, 2021

The Last of the Gifted Series by Marie Powell

Today my friend Marie Powell is my guest. Marie and I both belong to the Saskatchewan Romance Writers. I no longer live in Saskatchewan but I've maintained my friendships there. I am currently reading, SPIRIT SIGHT, book 1 in Marie's Last of the Gifted Series, and I have to tell you it's a fabulous read. It's a combination of historical novel, fantasy, paranormal and romance. A definite winning combination. Marie's going to tell us about how one of her favorite secondary characters in the Lasted of the Gifted series became the star of her own series. Thanks for being here, Marie!


The Fate of Five Daughters: 

Margred, the last free princess of Wales

Often it’s the footnotes in history that offer the most interesting tidbits for a writer. That proved true in my research for Last of the Gifted, my new award-winning fantasy series set in 13th Century Wales.

The fall of the House of Aberffraw was neither gentle nor expected. On December 11, 1282, Llywelyn ap Gruffydd was lured to a field near Cilmeri and killed. For more than six months after that, his brother Dafydd managed to stay one step ahead of some 10,000 troops of the ruthless Longshanks (Edward I of England) as these forces pursued him from castle to castle through a mountainous area about the size of Cypress Hills.[An area in southwestern Saskatchewan of about 1000 square miles]. 

During that flight, his wife Elizabeth (de Ferrers) and close to a dozen children accompanied him. Two of these were his children with Elizabeth: Owain and Gwladys. He also had care of his brother’s daughter, Gwenllian, who had been born the previous June. And the records show that either five or six of Dafydd’s illegitimate daughters were also in his care when would-be Prince of Wales was finally captured by the English in June 1283.

These women and children are only footnotes in Dafydd’s story. The fate of Owain, Gwladys, and Gwenllian was recorded, as King Edward made arrangements for them to live out their lives in English abbeys and castles far from their homeland.

But what happened to the five illegitimate girls? How did Elizabeth feel about her husband’s six girls? And when and how did they all come together in the first place? On these issues, as too often is the case with medieval girls and women, the records are silent.

But in the mind of a novelist -- or at least, this novelist -- a gap in time of six months can expand into a two-book series. And a gap in the records that includes so many lives could also become fodder for a novel (or a series of novels). Who were they, how old were they, and what might have been their fate?

As one possible answer, my character Margred sprang to life on the pages of Last of the Gifted. A raven-haired beauty, she is fiercely loyal to her friends (even those that don’t deserve it) and fearless to the point of recklessness. You guessed it: she’s also the oldest of those illegitimate daughters.

Although she began as a secondary character and ally for Catrin through Spirit Sight (Book 1) and Water Sight (Book 2), she’s now gaining a life of her own. I already have a 23-page document that outlines her personality and her backstory - complete with Internet images of a young Catherine Zeta-Jones to inspire me. Margred has become the focal point for her own spin-off series, and I’m working on it now. Watch for more about it this fall!

Two siblings pledge their magic to protect their people from the invading English, with the help of the last true Prince of Wales -- after his murder. 

“…Filled with adventure and romance and a touch of fantasy … Highly Recommended.” 5 Stars – CM Reviews

Spirit Sight (Book 1):

Warrior-in-training Hyw can control the minds of animals. His sister Catrin can see the future in a drop of water. Hyw’s gift—seeing through the eyes of birds and animals—could win him a place in the Prince of Wales’ bodyguard. But ambush and murder force Hyw to stretch his gift in unexpected ways. The slain prince’s spirit melds with Hyw’s psyche to help guide him in fighting back against the English. Catrin sees visions of disaster and death. She must convince the young nobleman she’s pledged to marry to help prevent the genocide she foresees. When Hyw and Catrin reunite, they are all that stand between their people and the invading English army.

This award-winning medieval fantasy combines magic, mythology, and historical legends with the realities of 13th Century Wales.

Water Sight (Book 2): 

The Prince of Wales needs three magical relics to rally the straggling Welsh forces. Catrin’s gift of Second Sight may be the only hope for success—if she can outwit the English lord who wants to use her gift to capture the prince. Her brother Hyw is on the run with the prince and the dwindling Welsh army. To escape the betrayal dogging their heels, Hyw takes refuge in his evolving gift—until shifting shapes puts his humanity in jeopardy. With Hyw trapped in his magic and her betrothed in an English jail, Catrin faces an impossible choice: save her brother, or save the man she loves.

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Water Sight

Excerpt from the opening of Spirit Sight:

December 1282, Gwynedd, Cymru (North Wales)

He raised his arms, feeling bone and feather flatten against the wind, and knew himself tethered to air currents that smelled of salt and fish, somewhere off the horizon.

He ran below the bird, yet his mind and the hawk’s mind moved as one. He could feel the dry December grasses beneath his bare feet, but he saw as the hawk saw: a flash of grey fur in the stubble, the swaying pattern of a tree branch.

He tried to turn the hawk’s mind—his mind—to his will, and for a moment he succeeded. In the distance he could see the stone watchtower of his home at Garth Celyn, seat of the royal court of Wales. But the hawk’s need was powerful, turning him back to scan the ground they circled. If he squinted—just so—at the yellow and russet clumps, he could make out the leaves of each tree. A shadow flitted from branch to branch.


His talons ached for the soft flesh and his beak thrust forward—

No, not his. It was the hawk’s beak that longed to rip the flesh from bone and feather. Hyw grasped the bird’s thoughts again and turned its head toward Prince Llywelyn’s tower. There! A streak of movement across the grass. Was it some grotesque beast from the past? He urged the hawk to circle until he could see it more clearly. A single horse and rider galloped toward Garth Celyn.

A messenger! Fast horses in wartime never bring good news. Had the English broken the peace again? Hyw gasped, and his connection to the bird faltered.

The hawk gave a piercing shriek. Hyw felt himself falling, as if he’d dropped from its talons rather than its mind. His feet—the same feet that had seemed to barely skim the ground a moment ago—thudded against the earth. He stumbled and the momentum of his running threw him, over and down until he braced his hands against the mountainside…

Author bio:

Marie Powell in North Wales

Marie Powell’s castle-hopping adventures across North Wales to explore her family roots resulted in her award-winning historical fantasy series Last of the Gifted. The series includes two books to date, Spirit Sight and Water Sight (participation made possible through Creative Saskatchewan’s Book Publishing Production Grant Program). Marie is the author of more than 40 children’s books with such publishers as Scholastic Education and Amicus, along with award-winning short stories and poetry appearing in such literary magazines as Room, subTerrain, and Sunlight Press. Among other degrees, she holds a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing from UBC. Marie lives on Treaty 4 land in Regina, Saskatchewan. Find her at

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Follow @mepowell

Facebook: Marie Powell

Instagram: MariePowellAuthor

YouTube: Last of the Gifted

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Review: Middle Ageish by Shirley Goldberg


My Review: 

It’s nice to read a romance novel that features characters who are older than twenty-five, or even forty-five. And—shocker—these fifty-somethings are vibrant and sexy (mostly).

When Sunny Chanel’s long-term marriage fails, she picks herself up, moves back to the States from France and starts a new life. Determined not to be alone, and eager to convince herself she’s still desirable, Sunny throws herself into the online dating pool. Her experience with dating alternates between funny, cringeworthy and melancholy. She has to date a lot of frogs before she meets her prince. And even when she does, we’re not quite sure if they’ll be together in the end.

I found Sunny a very relatable character, one I could empathize with and cheer for. There’s lots of humor in this book including laugh-out-loud moments. But there’s also poignant scenes when we feel Sunny’s vulnerability. There’s nothing easy about starting over from scratch and Sunny makes her share of missteps along the way. But her journey is always entertaining.

I very much enjoyed Middle Ageish and highly recommend it.

Author Bio:


Shirley Goldberg is a writer, novelist, and former ESL and French teacher who’s lived in Paris, Crete, and Casablanca. She writes about men and women of a certain age starting over. Her website offers a humorous look into dating in mid life, and her friends like to guess which stories are true.  Middle Ageish is her first book in the series Starting Over. Her character believes you should never leave home without your sense of humor and Shirley agrees. 

Visit my website for another excerpt from the book. Sign up and grab a copy of Happy Hour, a short story about an online meet and a tiny misunderstanding:

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Sunday, May 2, 2021

BLOODBORN by Sidney Winward #onsale for #99cents!

 Sidney Winward's vampire romance, BLOODBORN, is currently on sale for .99 cents. This one looks like a thrilling ride!

Title: Bloodborn

Series: #1 in the Bloodborn Series

Heat rating: 3/5 flames (sensual)


Adam Degore's need to find a cure for vampirism drives him to ensnare a vampire, but the creature he captures is Dracula's daughter. Worse yet, he's drawn to her—a monster he's vowed to kill.

Despite her father's wishes, Willow chooses to live among humans instead of the vampire conclave where she would be safe. She wants a life filled with more than shadows. Being captured by a human, not to mention falling in love with one, is not part of her plan.

With vampires and blood hunters closing in on their chosen prey, Adam and Willow need to trust one another. But will that trust come in time for them to survive and find a future together?


“How could you?” she gasped, taking another step backward, but to back up much further would result in falling over the edge of the cliff and into the holy waters below. However, he was blocking her escape, a menacing sword close to penetrating her skin. Any false move would result in an iron sword through her heart. “How could you take me here?”

“I couldn’t tell you,” he answered, his voice thick with emotion. “It’s the only way. It’s the last thing I could do. For Zachariah.”

She felt numb. After everything that had happened between them, he still meant to kill her? But he was her mate. Mates were supposed to look after one another.

“Don’t do this,” she whispered, taking yet another step backward but stopping in her tracks when the roaring of the falls crashed into her ears like the loud toll of a bell signaling a vampire getting burned at the stake.

She would meet the same fate, except the only audience she would have was Adam and it was holy water instead of fire. She didn’t know which was worse. “I care for you, Adam. I want you to give me a chance.”

“I don’t have a choice. I need my brother back. He’s the only family I have left.”


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