Thursday, June 30, 2016

A #NewRelease from Barbara White Daille

My guest today is contemporary western romance writer Barbara White Daille. Barbara's new novel, COWBOY IN CHARGE, has just been released and she's here to tell us a little about it. Welcome Barbara!

Jana, thanks so much for hosting me today!

Readers, I’m happy to be sharing news about my new book with you.  And I love to chat, so feel free to leave comments and/or questions.

The new release, Cowboy in Charge, is a short contemporary romance, one of several stand-alone books in my series called The Hitching Post Hotel. Here’s a peek at what’s on the back cover of the book:


Single mom Layne Slater thought she'd seen the last of Jason McAndry when he chose the rodeo over her and their unborn son. Now Jason's back in Cowboy Creek and just as handsome as ever. But Layne can't give in to those feelings again. She has to protect her children…and her heart.

Jason wants to try to make up for the pain he caused when he left. The least he can do is help Layne while he's home. Before long, Jason realizes he's finally ready to be the husband, father and man his family deserves. But can Jason prove to Layne that this time, their love is forever?

And here’s a quick excerpt:

“Where’s home for you nowadays?” Layne asked.

“I don’t have a home.” She caught the bitterness in Jason’s tone. Then he laughed, and she realized she must have been mistaken. “Unless you call a bunkhouse full of cowboys a home.”

“I suppose it is, if that’s where you sleep every night.”

He glanced at her as if he suspected a double meaning from the comment. When she said nothing else, he shrugged. “To tell the truth, over the past few years, I’ve probably slept in my truck more than I have in the bunkhouse.”

Scott gasped. “Go to sleep in a truck?”

“I sure do,” he confirmed.

“Mommy, I can have a truck, too?”

“I don’t think so, honey. It wouldn’t fit in your bedroom. And where would we put Jill’s crib?”

“In my truck.”

She and Jason both laughed.

She blinked and looked away.

Scott’s questions had reminded her of the caution she’d given Jason about watching what he said in front of kids. She had been unforgivably offensive to him—again.

Somehow, she couldn’t seem to stop crossing the line between asserting her rights and fighting a long-dead battle.

For more info or to pre-order the book:

About the Author:
Barbara White Daille lives with her husband in the sunny Southwest. Though they love the warm winters and the lizards in their front yard, they haven’t gotten used to the scorpions in the bathroom.
A larger print reissue of A Rancher’s Pride, book one in Barbara’s popular Flagman’s Folly series, is now available exclusively from Harlequin, while the e-book version is available everywhere. Cowboy in Charge, the next book in The Hitching Post Hotel series (July), is now available for pre-order, with other books in the series to follow. At the end of 2016, she begins a new sweet romance series for Entangled Bliss.
You can find more info about Barbara and her books at the following locations:

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sara Walter Ellwood has a #NewRelease!

Sara Walter Ellwood's newest release is number 3 in her Singing to the Heart series. Here's a blurb and a short excerpt to whet your appetite!


Singing to the Heart Book 3
Sara Walter Ellwood

Releasing June 21, 2016 in both ebook and print

Sex, drugs, and country music. That was the lifestyle for Emily Kendall, a Texas girl who hit it big on the country music charts—until she found herself pregnant and battling addiction. Now out of rehab and seeking a new life for herself and her unborn child, Emily returns to her hometown of McAllister. The last thing she’s looking for is trouble, no matter how good it looks in uniform…

A widower, single father, and former Army Ranger struggling with PTSD, Sheriff EJ Cowley has his own demons to battle while keeping folks safe. The last thing he needs is a troubled celebrity speeding through town in her bright red Maserati. But when someone from Emily’s past threatens her safety and the peace of McAllister, EJ has no choice but to protect her. And soon both will learn there’s more to the other than meets the eye. And that wounded hearts can love again…

Emily refolded the two pairs and headed out to the display of jeans. As she put the pants back into their slots, she glanced around to see if anyone was close enough to see her. Her heart pounded in time with the fast beat of the song playing over the sound system as she reached the cubbyholes marked maternity. With another discreet look around, she picked out three pairs in her size and headed back to the tiny dressing room.

The jeans fit perfectly, but how the hell was she going to buy them? She refolded the pants, tucked them under her arm, and went to the shoe section. While she looked for a pair of boots, she devised a plan. If she was lucky, maybe no one would notice she’d bought maternity jeans.

“I personally like Justin boots, but I work in mine.”

She sucked in a breath at the low timbre of EJ’s voice behind her. Was he everywhere in this town? Turning with a box of boots, she smiled. “It would seem that we have something in common then. I’ve always like them, too.”

He raised a brow and a side of his mouth quirked up when he noticed the boots she’d chosen. A basic pair used mostly for riding and work. “You taking up cowboying now?”

She set the clothes she’d chosen on the bench beside her and sat to try on the boots. As she slipped off her flip-flops, she dug a pair of socks out of her purse. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I need a pair of boots to ride in.” She looked up at him with a smug smile. “Now that you know why I’m here.” She looked over his uniform. Tan polyester blend shouldn’t fit a man that sinfully well. “You’re obviously working. I want to know why you’re following me.”

He rubbed a hand over his chin and averted his gaze. “I…eh… Saw you come into the store and wanted to ask if you’d join me for coffee.”

Was he asking her out on a date? Trying hard and failing to stop her heart from speeding up at the possibility, she pulled on her socks. “I don’t drink coffee.”

“Well, then I guess you’ll have to join me for lunch.”

As she tugged on one of the boots, she looked up at him. His pewter eyes held a challenge in them. She pulled on the other one and stood. Damn, they were too tight. Ignoring the pinching of the boots, she put her hands on her hips. “Tell you what. You can drink coffee and I’ll drink tea, how does that sound? I had breakfast not too long ago.”

He glanced at her feet, then knelt down in front of her.

“What are you doing?” She took a step back, but he caught her foot.

“You look like you’re trying to stuff your feet into a shoe three sizes too small.” He squeezed around her booted foot, then glanced up at her. “Boots are supposed to fit like a glove not a vise.”

Holy hell, he looked hot down there. She couldn’t get enough air in her lungs.

EJ stood and pulled the next size off the self. “Try these.”

He was close enough that every breath she took filled her senses with his clean outdoorsy scent. How could a man smell this good?

“Are you a boot salesman as well as the sheriff?” Did that husky voice belong to her?

“I know something about boots.” He grinned, showing off straight white teeth and full kissable lips.

Stepping back, she bumped into her pile of clothes on the bench, knocking them to the floor in front of him. Before she could bend to pick them up, he knelt and gathered up a pair of the jeans. When he shifted his surprised gaze to hers, she trembled as icy fear replaced the heat of attraction in her gut.

She knelt next to him and took a deep breath. In a low tone, she said, “Yes, I’m pregnant, but I’m not ready to let it be common knowledge.”

He refolded the jeans and set them on the bench. “Then your secret is safe with me. How were you planning to buy these? The clerk would see what they are.”

She set a folded pair on top of the one he’d placed on the bench and shifted to sit beside them. “I know. I was hoping I could distract her enough that she wouldn’t notice what she was ringing through.”

He leaned against the shelf of boots behind him. “Not a half-bad plan.”

Needing to do something besides stare at him, she lifted one of the boots out of the box he’d given her and pulled it on. A much better fit. She slipped into the other boot.

“You could let me buy them.”

If you’d like to see more excerpts check them out here:

Buy Links:



Barnes and Noble:





Although Sara Walter Ellwood has long ago left the farm for the glamour of the big town, she draws on her experiences growing up on a small hobby farm in West Central Pennsylvania to write her contemporary westerns. She’s been married to her college sweetheart for over 20 years, and they have two teenagers and one very spoiled rescue cat named Penny. She longs to visit the places she writes about and jokes she’s a cowgirl at heart stuck in Pennsylvania suburbia. Sara Walter Ellwood is a multi-published and international Amazon bestselling author of the anthology set Cowboy Up. She also dabbles in the paranormal genre with her The Hunter’s Dagger Series, which was previously published under the pen name Cera duBois.

Author Links:


The other books in Singing to the Heart…

Heartstrings, Book 1 and Heartsong, Book 2 are also available in ebook and print

Heartstrings: Amazon:

Heartsong: Amazon:

For other vendor links and book information check out my website page:

Friday, June 24, 2016

An Interview with G.D. Ogan, author of the Immortal Relations series

My guest today is paranormal romance author G.D. (Guy) Ogan. Guy says he's a relatively new paranormal romance author, and if you'd told him a few years ago what he'd be writing today, he wouldn't have believed it! Guy is in his third career; he's retired from the U.S. military, and also retired as an Associate Clinical Psychologist from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Please welcome author G.D. Ogan!

Jana: Where did you get the idea for your novels?

Guy: I have an extremely active imagination and since this is the second novel in my currently three book series it followed right along from the first book. Added to that, the characters in the first book kept after me (with great vigor) to continue telling the story!

Jana: Why did you choose this genre (romantic paranormal with vampires)?

Guy: Since the first book started from a true life event that happened to my parents, it was logical that visiting the scene of that event would lead into the world of the paranormal.

Jana: What do you mean by that? What was the true life event that happened to your parents?

Guy: In the first book I wrote that after the death of Gary Logan's mother he had the task of disposing of all his late father's files with everything from sales receipts to personal correspondence from as far back as the late 1930s. In the last filing cabinet he found an envelope. Tearing it open, a photograph fell out and when he picked it up he saw his father as a younger man in his early 30s standing in front of a very unusual looking building that had an extremely large clock face showing behind his father. Turning the photograph over he saw the words "Prague, Czechoslovakia" written on the back, clearly in his late father's bold script. However, below that in a feminine hand, was written "I will always be waiting here." Gary then decides to visit Prague to see one of the many places where his late father had worked while assigned overseas.

Well, in reality it was I who experienced finding that photograph. What I didn't say in the book is that when I saw that handwriting on the back, it brought back childhood memories of things MY MOTHER said when I was far too young to understand their significance: "He is over there with THAT woman" and "He has had a child with that woman!" THAT, in fact, is what caused me to write the first book in the series...perhaps as a cathartic exercise. But once I started writing I couldn't stop the developing stories. Gary Logan's actions throughout the stories are really just reflections of my own experiences and knowledge (on numerous topics). But it was finding that photograph and recalling what my late mother had said, all those decades earlier, that caused me to write the series.

Jana: What do you want readers to come away with after they read your book (the one you want to promote in this interview)?

Guy: That the best laid plans of mice, men and even good vampires are not guaranteed in a world in which change and challenges are a common occurrence.

Jana: If you could change something about one of your books that’s already released, what would it be?

Guy: I would reduce the "heat level" of the first book as it has some rather shocking (to my relatives) erotic content!

Jana: Do you have any words of advice to beginning writers?

Guy: Yes...write what you know about...if you are well versed in the world of automobiles, write about them or else write about a topic you have done a lot of research about. Start small, sending articles about local car shows or "killer recipes" to local papers or magazines willing to publish articles from readers. Don't get discouraged...keep improving your writing and submitting.

Jana: How many books do you have under the proverbial bed? Will they ever see the light of day?

Guy: I have at least three more books in the current series "banging around in my head" and I have already got the covers for each of them. I'm just waiting for the first three books to gain more readers before putting them down on paper.

Jana: Tell us a bit about you.

Guy: I'm a retired Air Force Major and also retired from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice as an Associate Clinical Psychologist. My wife and our wonderful Pomeranians live in West Texas and our son, his wife and our four grandchildren living a couple hours away. My daughter is currently enrolled in an RN Program in the Houston area. She is extremely smart and a very strong woman. It will take a man confident in his own self to keep from feeling inferior around her! Sadly, most men don't seem to be able to handle that level of brains and ability in a woman.

Jana: How do you think your life experiences have prepared you for writing?

Guy: I wrote a great deal while in the military and also in psychology while working for the prison system. Much of my life experience and training come out in my novels.

Jana: Do you have any pets? Are you cat person or a dog person? What do you like best about your pets?

Guy: We have had cats that we have greatly loved and grieved mightily when they have passed. We have had up to six Pomeranians five from the same litter, counting the mother and father...but we are down to the last of that litter plus another Pomeranian from a different litter. What I love most about our pets is each has had his or her own personality but we have always enjoyed great affection with them. In my novels I state my belief that "Dogs are God's gift to mankind to teach us about love and loyalty and they deserve our love and loyalty in return." While it may seem odd to have dog rescue as a theme in paranormal novels, my novels are anything but traditional!

Jana: What are your hobbies away from the computer?

Guy: I enjoy driving my old cars. I have a very unique 64 Studebaker Station Wagon that I'm getting ready to take on the "Power Tour" across four states this Summer. It has been upgraded with four-wheel power disc brakes, power rack & pinion steering and 5.7 Liter Hemi engine with automatic transmission. The only car like it in the U.S. with these features and that is why I want to take it on the tour (it is a "bucket list" experience for me). In addition to the Studebaker I have both a 66 Mustang Convertible and 05 Roush Mustang cars to drive but much more common than the Studebaker.

Jana: What do you like best about your hero?

Guy: He loves all of his good vampire family and does all he can to protect them along with the innocent humans and animals from evil, be it the evil from those vampires who still attack the living, human criminals and most dangerous of all, evil politicians.

Jana: What do you like best about your heroines?

Guy: They have loved and trusted Gary enough to allow him to join their vampire family and helped him find new meaning for his "life" in protecting others.

Jana: How do you choose the names and physical characteristics of your characters? Do you base them on real people?

Guy: As I've said, I have a very vivid imagination. Stories and character come to me in waking or sleeping "dreams" along with their names. Surprisingly, I've later found a few of my character's names have been historically very close to past or present living people with similar country of origin and or backgrounds!

Jana: How can readers reach you or find you online?

Guy: Info on the books in the series is at Each book in the series is currently $.99 on Kindle. More information about me is at:

Jana: If I was a first time reader of your books, which one would you recommend I start with and why?

Guy: For those not squeamish about novels with erotic content, or as I prefer to call it "explicit togetherness" then I would suggest starting with the first book of the series titled, "Immortal Relations" as this will give you tremendous insight into the good vampires. If a reader prefers less explicit books, titled, "Immortal Relations, Love and War" (the book discussed above) will provide a good grounding in the most important points of the first book through a conversation between two of the main characters and is chock-full of action (so much action that I believe someone who would never read a "mushy romance novel" would change his or her mind if they liked action novels)! The third in the series is more of a political thriller but still with plenty of action. It is and titled, "Immortal Relations Coming Out." Spoiler Alert: Title of my fourth book in the series will likely be "Vengeance – Immortal Relations" as the paramours of the destroyed evil vampires and minions of the evil politicians disgraced by the spotlight shown on their actions by the good vampires seek revenge against the covens of our good vampires.

Blurb: Immortal Relations - Book one

When Gary Logan discovers an old black-and-white photograph of his father in Prague with a woman's hadwriting on the back, he flies there to investigate where his father worked while in Europe, only to meet and fall in love with a beautiful lady who he believes to be a vampire. In love with her, Gary is initiated into her coven of guardian vampires.

But a coven of evil vampires bent on destroying the guardian vampires and feeding on the humans at will have other plans. Gary's full vampire son helps humans to almost wipe out the evil coven, beginning the ever-increasing relationship between vampires and humans. When their nemeses make one last-ditch effort in Russia to bring all of the peaceful societies down, Gary, Adam, and the military join forces to save the human species before their enemy's plans can come to fruition.

Available from Amazon

Blurb: Immortal Relations, Love and War - Book Two

 An old friend, suffering from a terminal disease is made an offer the good vampires hope he won't refuse. Saved from the deadly disease, that person suddenly is thrust into the leadership of his entire country which is under attack from terrorists and an invasion from Communist China. The good vampires must stop what could easily become a nuclear holocaust and it seems that not all those who should support an end to the conflict have their heads and hearts in the right place. Those who should be servants of the people appear to have fore-sworn their oaths in a bid to find a way to gain ultimate control over the people. But even in perilous times love will find a way.

Available from Amazon 

Blurb: Immortal Relations, Coming Out - Book Three

After saving mankind from a war between two major powers before it went nuclear and solving two ecological disasters, our guardian vampires discuss coming out to humans. Seeing a potential for an open relationship protecting humans from evil vampires, criminals & power-mad politicians, a newer member of the good coven proposes they support patriots fighting for humanitarian liberty. This idea for an open relationship seems doomed by negative stereotypes vampires have acquired from books, movies, and recent television series. Now a threat of being "outed" by a reporter looms and the only recourse seems to be the help of a young shape-shifter werewolf. Threats against the good vampires from a Marxist regime forms a bond between the local Canadians and their vampire guests; however, there are new threats on the horizon which astronomers must somehow gain the attention of a disinterested government to get them to mount a response to the threat if life-on-Earth is to continue.

Available from Amazon

Thursday, June 23, 2016

#NewRelease from Tena Stetler!

Fellow Wild Rose Press author Tena Stetler is my guest today. She's here to give us a peek at her new book, A WITCHES' JOURNEY, part of the Lobster Cove series. All the books in the Lobster Cove series are set in the fictional town of Lobster Cove, Maine, and they can be historical, paranormal like Tena's, or contemporary, like my contribution to the series, One More Second Chance. Please welcome Tena Stetler!

Pepper McKay comes from a long line of powerful witches. Unfortunately, magic brings her nothing but trouble. She learned the love of wildlife rescue and rehab from her Aunt Ashling. After graduating from college, Pepper works for Salem Wildlife Sanctuary and lives from paycheck to paycheck until she inherits the McKay property in Lobster Cove. With the family land and resources, she dares to dream of starting her own wildlife rescue and rehabilitation center.

Lathen Quartz, a former Navy SEAL turned handyman maintains the enchanted McKay property for the McKay estate. But someone is trying to steal the McKay magic. Lathen offers to help Pepper achieve her life-long dream of building a wildlife center. During the long hours spent together on the project, their mutual attraction can’t be denied. But each harbors a deep, dark secret. Will they overcome their demons and give love a chance?

Pepper hopped out of the truck and took a deep breath. The ocean breeze brought a mixed scent of brine, sand, sun and kelp. Seabirds whistled and screeched through the air diving into the white crested waves, proudly emerging with dinner. Turning her attention to the land, she noticed beyond the barn, the pond was still there, even a bit bigger than she remembered. Caught up in the smells, sights, and sounds, she didn't hear someone approach.

"Ms. McKay?"

"Sssshit," she yelped and whirled around to see a muscular man, well over six feet, with surfer blond hair nearly to his shoulders, tousled by the ocean breeze. Rounding the corner of the cabin, he waved at her as he approached walking with a slight limp. Deeply tanned, he appeared to spend a lot of time outdoors.

"I'm Lathen Quartz. Glad you made it before dark. The road up here can be treacherous after dark if you don't know where you're going.  I finished up the enclosed aviary and was getting ready to leave. But now that you're here, I'd be happy to show you around. Help you get settled."

"Pepper McKay, call me Pepper." Extending her hand towards him, she met his gaze. His large aquamarine eyes were mesmerizing, set above the high cheekbones, full lips and a butterscotch five o'clock shadow. She gave her head a shake. "Wait. You built an aviary?"

He shook her hand and smiled, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans and rocking back on his heels.

Buy Links: 


The Wild Rose Press:


Barnes and Noble:

All Romance Books:

About the Author:

Tena Stetler is a paranormal romance and cozy mystery author with an over-active imagination.  She wrote her first vampire romance as a tween, to the chagrin of her mother and the delight of her friends. With the Rocky Mountains outside her window, Tena sits at her computer surrounded by a wide array of paranormal creatures telling her their tales. Colorado is her home; shared with her husband of many moons, a brilliant Chow Chow, a spoiled parrot and a forty-year-old box turtle.  Any winter evening, you can find her curled up in front of a crackling fire with a good book, a mug of hot chocolate and a big bowl of popcorn.  During the summer, hiking, camping and a campfire with good book keep her occupied. And of course ooey gooey S’mores.

Contact Information:

Facebook Page:
Twitter Page:
The Wild Rose Press:

Friday, June 17, 2016

Interview with author Jill Jaynes

Jill Jaynes makes a repeat visit to Journeys with Jana today (her first visit is here) to talk about her life, her writing and hiking. Welcome Jill!

Where did you get the idea for your new novel?

A while ago, I decided I wanted to write a series of related stories about a young woman who has inherited a family magic which she knows nothing about, and unknowingly knits love magic into the things she makes for her friends.

Whenever she gives one of these gifts to her friends, they meet the love of their life.
Her story will be a novel-length book, but the friend’s stories are all novellas. It’s a lot of fun because the only common thread necessary in the friends' stories is that they know her. Other than that, the stories can be about anything, anywhere. These are a series called “Knit Witchery Tales.”

The first Knit Witchery Tale I wrote is the story about one of her friends who meets a knight in shining armor in present day Seattle. That one is “Knightless in Seattle” which came out last November.

While I was writing Knightless, I had a boyfriend who loved to brainstorm story ideas with me, and he hit on this idea that I should write one of these stories about a pirate. And the pirate had to have a ponytail. There was something about that ponytail that stuck with this guy and he always insisted that this future pirate of mine must have a ponytail. Fine. I promised him a ponytail.

I don’t have the boyfriend anymore, but I kept the pirate. And the ponytail.

My new novella, the second  Knit Witchery Tale  is “Pirateless in the Caribbean,” and I did mention my ex-friend in the book’s dedication. Credit should go where credit is due, after all.

Why did you choose this genre?

I read widely in many genres, I’ve been an addict since I started reading at age 4. I like a lot of things- science fiction, fantasy, historical fiction, women’s fiction, suspense, even some horror.

But I have come to love romance. It celebrates the most positive force for good in the universe. I love reading it, because it refuels and recharges me with positivity, instead of draining me with more examples of the unhappier side of human nature and the cruel vagaries of the world.

Of course I want to write it. It is where I want to spend my time emotionally and psychologically.

I also love it because it definitely is focused on the emotional journey of the characters, and it’s very satisfying to write it- tapping into my own truths and sharing something positive that, hopefully, people can identify with.

Added bonus, Romance as a genre is a huge umbrella- with room for as many sub-genres as you can make up; science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, historical, contemporary, suspense, thriller, cozy mystery, steampunk- the sky’s the limit. I can write romance as many ways as I can imagine.

Did you always want to be a writer?

I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was nine years old. That year, in my 3rd grade class, our teacher did an amazing class project.  At the beginning of the school year, she told us that we were, each of us, going to write a book. These books would be printed up, illustrated by us, and bound in hard covers. We would be real authors. And like real authors, when our books were completed, we would share our publications with our loyal audience by holding an “Author’s Tea,” which would be a formal event our families would be invited to.

I look back now and am amazed at this teacher’s vision for us, and how well she actually executed it. She must have been a writer, because she understood how to value every contribution in an authentic way. Every single student in that class, about 25 of us, produced a book. The whole project took several months. At the end of that time, we held our Author’s Tea and we couldn’t have been prouder to share the results of our hard work and creativity.

This certainly lit a fire in me. I’d always been an avid reader, now I couldn’t stop writing. I loved making up stories as much as I loved reading them. It was an amazing discovery.

But I stopped after a couple of years and didn’t come back around to writing until I was in my late 30’s. I’d always told myself (as a lot of people do), “Someday I’m going to write a book.”

Well, my teenage daughter started writing. She wrote fan fiction and posted it online, gaining a following and receiving fan mail and invitations to post on various websites. And I realized that if I didn’t start that book I always said I’d write, that she was going to beat me to it.

So I started to get serious. I took a class in creative writing. I stayed in a critique group. I joined Romance Writers of America- which was the best decision I ever made. What a great community and resource we all are for each other.

Long answer to a short question, wasn’t it!

But an interesting one, Jill! How did you get started writing romance?

I’d been doing family history research and I was amazed by the story of how my father’s parents met and married. I decided I’d write a story based on theirs, and since it was a love story, I’d write a romance. How hard could it be?  Like I had any idea what I was talking about. Pretty funny, but hey, it was a start. The passion I had to tell that story kept me going through the monumental learning curve I took on as I joined RWA and learned about the romance genre. I learned about the craft and the business of writing and boy, did I have a lot to learn. I was so lucky to meet great people and join up with critique groups where we helped each other become better writers and make all our mistakes together in a safe place of encouragement and learning.

Where do you live and how long have you been writing?

I live in Southern California, in Orange County. I was born here and have grown up here, never lived away from it. But because my parents were from Michigan, and instilled good solid Midwest values into me, a lot of people who meet me are surprised to find out I’m not from the Midwest. I’m very down to earth.

Although I haven’t lived elsewhere, I’ve had good opportunities to travel. When I was a kid, we did a lot of camping, and my dad encouraged me to be a bit of a tomboy. I loved hiking, rock scrambling, fishing, swimming, climbing trees, you name it. The year I was ten, we drove back east to Michigan to visit family, taking over a week to get there. It made a huge impression on me, showing me that there was a whole world of people out there living everyday lives in all kinds of places I had never imagined. As an adult, I’ve visited England, France, Switzerland, Italy, Croatia, let’s see, where else? Been to Hawaii, the Bahamas and Cancun. I don’t tend to go back to places I’ve been- there are so many more places I’d like to go and not nearly enough time to get to them.

Do you have any pets?

When I was a kid, we had a family dog and I always wished we could have more pets. When I had kids, I let them have a lot of pets. At one point, we had two dogs, four birds, a turtle, and three leopard geckos- in our suburban house. I drew the line at snakes and cats. Now my kids are grown, and I have only my two dogs- both rescues. One is an American Eskimo- think small white fox- and the other is a Chiweenie- a Chihuahua-Daschund mix. He is possibly the neediest dog on the planet, but has a huge, loving heart. I love having dogs, they are among the best people I know. Oh, and the very nice cat my now-adult daughter brought with her when she moved back into the house. So much for lines!

What are your hobbies away from the computer?

The hobby that is taking up a lot of my time these days is hiking. And it has been very good to me. I got divorced about five years ago, and after about a year and a half I decided I was ready to get back into the world again and start dating. I tried online dating, and met some nice people as well as some not as nice. But I was still spending way too many Friday nights at home in front of the tv with nothing else to do. Then my daughter suggested I try Meetup. Once I looked it up and found out that Meetup was a way to find other people who like to do what you like to do, I was in.

It turns out hiking is very big in Orange County. There are at least 4-5 really large hiking Meetup groups with up to 5000 members- although most people actually belong to several groups. Well, I like hiking, but it had always been something I did when I went camping. I never even thought about doing it at home. But south Orange County has some beautiful open areas- Cleveland National forest- Trabuco district in the Santa Ana Mountains, O’Neil Regional Park, and several wilderness parks along the coast around Laguna Beach. There is a lot of amazing hiking. And it turns out, a lot of amazing hikers. The group I got the most involved with is a very social group, and we have really become a community and a family for each other.

About the third hike I signed up for, I kind of hit it off with the hike leader- a software engineer turned hike organizer extraordinaire. He asked me out for coffee the next day. Coffee led to dinner, led to dating, led to moving in together, and a little over a year later (April 2015) we got married. On a hike in O’Neil Park. By one of our hikers, who is a minister.
I’m definitely planning a story inspired by these events.

The wedding (we are somewhere in the middle):

The wedding guests

Running the gauntlet

Jill's wedding boots

What do you like best about your heroine?

What I like best about my Stephanie, my heroine in Pirateless in the Caribbean, is that she isn’t like me at all. Or maybe she’s my alter-ego. She is the me I don’t let myself be to other people.
She is kind of snarky, irritable and maybe a little pushy. She isn’t the easiest person to get along with. But she is also very smart, and she has a close (if a little bit dysfunctional) family. She is extremely goal-focused. Too much so, most people would say.

What do you like best about your hero?

Rick, my hero in Pirateless in the Caribbean, is really laid back and doesn’t care a lot about what other people think about him. Plus he is really hot- think Orlando Bloom hot. With a ponytail.

The reason why he’s so low key may surprise you. But he could be just the man the heroine needs to help her see the trap her rat-race has become.

Where can readers find you?

Online at
I’m on twitter, @jill_jaynes
And on Facebook at

What's your tagline?

My tagline is The Magic of Romance. This is because all of my stories have an element of “magic” in them. It could be the magic of a wish, it could be a paranormal ability that a character has.

What's up next for you, writing-wise?

My next novella, Pirateless in the Caribbean, is currently available from Uncial Press for presale on Amazon,  and will be available for download on June 17th on Amazon, Untreed Reads, iBooks, All Romance Ebooks and probably a couple of other places.

In the meantime, I am wrapping up two different short stories for two separate collections that will be self-published with multiple authors.

The first story is called  “Once Upon a Love Letter,” and will go into a collection called “Secrets of Moonlight Cove” that will be available on Amazon in September of this year.  Each short romance in this set takes place in the small beach community of Moonlight Cove, on California’s Central Coast.

“Once Upon a Love Letter” is about a young woman who comes back to the town she left as a teenager to make a life for herself. She has to decide whether to hold onto the chance to re-kindle a flame with her all-grown-up teenage crush, or risk losing him by telling him she has a message from his dead father. He could write her off as crazy, but the message may be too important not to deliver.

The second collection will be a set of Christmas Romances that will come out at the end of November on Amazon. My story for that set is called, “Allie Gets Her Man,” and is about a once in a lifetime Christmas wish made on a very special family heirloom ornament.

After that, I will write “Love at First Hike,” the third Knit Witchery Tale novella.
Told you I was going to write about hiking!

Monday, June 13, 2016

#NewRelease by Rainy Kaye - The Deepest Black

I'm part of Rainy Kaye's blog tour celebrating the release of THE DEEPEST BLACK. Welcome Rainy!

new release rk

Today, we're celebrating the release of THE DEEPEST BLACK by USA Today Bestselling author Rainy Kaye. THE DEEPEST BLACK is 99 cents for a limited time! Check it out, then scroll all the way down to enter to win a $10 Amazon gift card!  


Ember has a little problem...fairies want her dead. 

Ember spends her Friday nights lurking in the bad parts of town, killing fairies. It’s either that, or become a victim to their flesh-eating hunger. Then she meets Remy, a fae who, despite getting on her nerves, isn’t evil. He tells her that a shadow has been consuming his world, changing its inhabitants and letting destructive beasts into his city. He is searching for his brother who went missing during the catastrophe. When a team of mercenaries come for Ember, she has little choice but to join Remy in his quest. Together, they decide to bait a trap. What they find reveals the destruction of the fae world means the end of the human world, too–and it’s Ember’s fault.

  amazon button  


 Rainy Kaye writes paranormal novels from her lair somewhere in Phoenix, Arizona. She is represented by Rossano Trentin of TZLA, and her Summoned series was acquired by Bastei Lübbe. In 2014, she reached the USA Today Bestseller list. Today, she's taking care of her small zoo of furry animals and trying to remember where she left her coffee.

Twitter | FacebookWebsite

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Chrys Fey and the Disaster Crimes Series #Giveaway

Chrys Fey is my guest today. Her Disaster Crimes series is set in Florida (Hurricane Crimes) and San Francisco (Seismic Crimes) and she's got some fun facts for us about those two locations. Book one in the series, Hurricane Crimes, is currently on sale for .99 cents. Chrys is offering a giveaway - check out the Rafflecopter near the end of this post.

10 Facts about Florida:

1. Florida has the largest coastline in the US (1,350 miles).

2. Largest producer of citrus fruit in the US, second largest in the world.

3. Gatorade was named for the University of Florida Gators where the drink was created.

4. St Augustine is the oldest European settlement in North America.

5. Highest rate of lightning strikes per capita is Clearwater.

6. Jacksonville, Florida is the largest city in the US.

7. Almost 11 years since the last hurricane made landfall in Florida (Wilma October 24th 2005) after back to back hits in 2004 and 2005.

8. America’s first Christmas celebration on land occurred near Tallahassee in 1539.

9. In 1994, a 75-pound bag of cocaine fell out of a plane and landed in the middle of a Florida crime watch meeting.

10. The area code for Brevard County is 321 due to the county being the home of the Kennedy Space Center. 3…2…2…LIFT OFF!

10 Facts about San Francisco:

1. The Golden Gate bridge is 1.7 miles long and orange, not gold.

2. Highest number of homeless inhabitants per capita of any major city in the US.

3. San Francisco is twice the size of Manhattan (49 sq. mi) and is home to over 800,000 people.

4. Most of San Francisco is built on top of Gold Rush ships that were left in the harbor. (The pieces of the ships were used to build.)

5. Home of Alcatraz Island, site of the notorious Alcatraz Prison.

6. San Francisco was part of Mexico until the Mexican-American War in 1848.

7. The “Summer of Love” actually started in the winter and kicked off at the Golden Gate Park in January 1967.

8. The cities’ cable cars are the only National Historic Monument that can move.

9. Over 3,000 people have committed suicide from the Golden Gate Bridge. The 26 people who attempted and survived, all regretted jumped.

10. San Francisco was originally called Yerba Buena, which meant “Good Herb” in Spanish.

Title: Seismic Crimes
Author: Chrys Fey
Series: Disaster Crimes Series (Book Two)
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Format: Digital and Print
Page Count: 282




An Internal Affairs Investigator was murdered and his brother, Donovan Goldwyn, was framed. Now Donovan is desperate to prove his innocence. And the one person who can do that is the woman who saved him from a deadly hurricane—Beth Kennedy. From the moment their fates intertwined, passion consumed him. He wants her in his arms. More, he wants her by his side in his darkest moments.

Beth Kennedy may not know everything about Donovan, but she can’t deny what she feels for him. It’s her love for him that pushes her to do whatever she has to do to help him get justice, including putting herself in a criminal’s crosshairs.

When a tip reveals the killer's location, they travel to California, but then an earthquake of catastrophic proportions separates them. As aftershocks roll the land, Beth and Donovan have to endure dangerous conditions while trying to find their way back to one another. Will they reunite and find the killer, or will they lose everything?


Amazon CA / NOOK / KOBO 


Chrys Fey is the author of Hurricane Crimes, Book One in the Disaster Crimes series, as well as these releases from The Wild Rose Press: 30 Seconds, Ghost of Death, and Witch of Death. She is an administrator for the Insecure Writer's Support Group and has participated in the Blogging from April A to Z Challenge.

When Fey was six years old, she realized she wanted to be a writer by watching her mother pursue publication. At the age of twelve, she started writing her first novel, which flourished into a series she later rewrote at seventeen.

Fey lives in Florida and is always on the lookout for hurricanes. She has four adopted cats who keep her entertained with their antics, and three nephews who keep her entertained with their antics. You can connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, and through her blog, Write with Fey. She loves to get to know her readers!


Friday, June 3, 2016

Cover Reveal - Once and Again by M.S. Kaye

Once and Again

book 2


She was once his secret desire… Will she be again?
Father Aiden, an ex-marine and new priest, falls in love with Maylynn, but he struggles to stay away from her. He’s successful for many years, though he can’t keep her out of his dreams.
Then one day she shows up for a pre-marital counselling session with her fiancé, Davis. Aiden soon realizes Davis isn’t who he says he is, but what does that mean for Maylynn, and for himself?
Will be released August 4, 2016 from Inkspell Publishing.

Add to your to-read on Goodreads.

Pre-order on Amazon

Author Bio:MSK.v1

M.S. Kaye has several published books under her black belt. A transplant from Ohio, she resides with her husband Corey in Jacksonville, Florida, where she tries not to melt in the sun. Find suspense and the unusual at
To receive news on upcoming releases, sign up for email updates on her website.

Once, book one
Will be released July 2, 2016 from Inkspell Publishing.

Her first and also her once. Jonathan and Rebecca’s paths cross at exactly the right moment, when each most needs to hear what the other has to say. But Jonathan is three days from entering the priesthood, and Rebecca leaves him to his peace. But he is unable to find peace. Without each other’s comfort and strength, they must each struggle to forge a new path, with only memories of the one day that changed everything. But are they able to forget and let go?

Once & Forever, book three Will be released December 2016 from Inkspell Publishing.

Eden, a nun, is constantly struggling against her dark past of living on the streets, and her attraction to Trace, an ex-convict farm worker. After a twelve-year separation, Eden is finally reunited with her brother, Thomas, but why hadn’t she reached out to him in all those years? As Eden and Trace grow closer, confessing their pasts to each other, will they be able to resist getting too close?

Excerpt - Book Two, Once and Again:

 “You’re studying to be a priest?”

 He made himself meet her eyes. “I am a priest.”

She let go of his hand and stepped back. Her smiled was tight. “I’m glad you found your path.”

Quiet. He couldn’t quite read her expression. The distance between them felt like a gorge chiseled into the earth. “Are you all right, Maylynn?” he asked.

 “I’m really happy for you.” Then she added, “Father Aiden.”

For some reason, her words stabbed him in the gut. He usually liked when people used his title—it seemed to imply a certain amount of trust. “I’m sorry, Maylynn.” He wasn’t entirely sure why he was apologizing. He just didn’t like to see her uncomfortable.

“I’m happy for you,” she repeated. Then he realized what the problem was. He hadn’t anticipated this. He moved closer. “I’m so sorry.”

Her forced smile finally dropped. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

“It didn’t occur to me…”

“That I might be attracted to you?”


 “Why aren’t you wearing your collar?” Anger prickled the edge of her voice.

 “My mother’s last wish was that I find my father. I’ve been following her notes. She was convinced he was somewhere in this area.”

“Wait… Your mother’s name was Adalina?”

He nodded. With the number of times the shelter was mentioned in the notes, he figured his mother and Maylynn had met. A pause. Anger flashed in her eyes. “You still should’ve told me.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Why’d you play with me like that?”

“I swear that wasn’t my intent.”

“You knew damn well what was going on. Was it a game—see if you still had it? If you could still get the chicks?”

Under the anger in her eyes, he saw the hurt. He swore he could feel it exactly, as if it was his own. He shifted even closer, just in front of her. “I’m sorry,” he said again. His voice lowered, quieted. “I didn’t see what you were feeling because I was fighting so hard myself. I still am.” 

“Fighting what?”

“What I felt the first time I saw you, what I’m still feeling.”

She waited, glaring at him. “I’m attracted to you,” he said. “Intensely.”

Thursday, June 2, 2016

In the Spotlight: Nell Castle and A LEAP OF FAITH

My guest today is Nell Castle, and she's here with the blurb and an excerpt from her new release A LEAP OF FAITH. Please welcome Nell Castle!

A Leap of Faith blurb:

Special events coordinator Sophia Anton is an old-fashioned girl. She wants a family by the time she’s 30, and she’s set her sights on an old friend. She just needs to lose 50 pounds, fast. But Jackson Thomas, the handsome new minister in town, turns her head to unexpected possibilities. Trouble is, Jackson’s taken a vow of celibacy, while Sophia’s scheme to snag the “man of her dreams” is working like a charm. So why does Jackson’s face haunt her when she closes her eyes? And how can Jackson dream of a future with Sophia after he’s shut the door on love?


Sophia closed her eyes for Christopher’s kiss. He had perfect technical skills, synchronizing every movement of his hand through her hair to the unhurried rhythm of his lips. The trouble was, she felt like an onlooker to her own make-out session. She’d longed for this moment for two years. What was wrong with her?

Closing her eyes again, she slid back into the memory of Jackson's embrace—his rough jawline rubbing against the soft skin of her cheek, pulling her mouth towards his. She felt again the riptide of longing he unleashed with just one movement…

Her kiss became more urgent. She could feel Jackson's mouth on her throat now, his fingers caressing her skin, as she entered the fantasy more deeply. She sighed as Jackson’s hands slid down her bare arms. The thin skin over the palm of her hand tingled as his long fingers traced a delicate pattern. She shivered when he raised her palm to his lips, gazing into his tender, dark eyes.

She met his ardor with her own, folding herself into his strong arms until her heart pounded against his. On this night, their love united them into one spirit, one body—

“Sophia?” Christopher’s voice came from far away. When she opened her eyes, she plunged back into Christopher’s apartment. He’d fallen back on his elbows, his hands flat against the floor. She scrambled to sit up.

Christopher’s hand on her leg restrained her. “I didn't mean stop you. I just-I just needed a breather.” He gave a shaky laugh.

Closing her eyes, she obscured her face with a curtain of hair. The disappointment of finding herself with Christopher instead swept through her like a hurricane wind. She struggled to calm her breathing before speaking. “I shouldn’t have had so much wine.” What kind of person kissed one man while she was thinking of another?

He grasped her hand, staring toward the ceiling. “After all these years of being such good friends”—he squeezed her hand—“maybe it's time to move to the next level.” He leaned over and bumped his shoulder against hers. “What are you thinking?”

That I'm going to Hell. She pressed her fingers miserably against her temples, attempting to erase her desire for the minister and substitute it with Christopher's presence. After months of trying to win this man's heart, how could she hesitate now, when the finish line was finally in sight?

A  Leap of Faith buy links:

The Wild Rose Press:

Contact  links:

The Wild Rose Press:

Author Bio:

Nell Castle grew up in western Pennsylvania and graduated from Temple University in Philadelphia. Since then, she’s lived in Key West, Anchorage, Sarasota, and Virginia Beach. She moved back to northeastern Ohio to raise her kids closer to the family homestead but looks forward to moving to a gentler climate after her youngest graduates. Until then, she revisits white powder beaches and craggy mountain tops only in her writing. She’s submitted a new manuscript to her publisher, The Wild Rose Press, and is currently at work on a novella.